Capacity/Satellite: Minotaur I: 1,280 lb. to Low Earth Orbit (LEO); Minotaur IV: 3,800 lb. to LEO; Falcon 1: 1,075 lb. to LEO; Raptor 1: 1,115 lb. to LEO; Raptor 2,559 lb. to LEO (expected performance, have not launched yet)


Two orbital launches aboard Minotaur I launch vehicles in FY05 (Space Test Program (STP)-R1 in 4QFY05; XSS-11 in 3QFY05); Supporting MDA's intercept tests by providing Pro ram Status targets; total of eight launches and four static firings in FY05 successfully supported Army, Navy, Air Force, and Missile Defense Agency missions; transferred Peacekeeper program responsibility from ICBM System Program Office (SPO) to RSLP on October 1, 2005

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Provide persistent, near-real-time intelligence from high-altitude to support operations across the spectrum of conflict.


The RQ-4A/B Global Hawk unmanned aerial weapon system consists of aircraft, sensors, ground stations, data links, and trained personnel. It combines high-altitude, long endurance, and beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) communications to provide responsive, persistent intelligence support where needed, throughout the world. The RQ-4 provides critical information to U.S. and allied decision makers in all weather, day or night, throughout all phases of conflict, including peacetime indications and warnings, low-intensity conflict, and large-scale hostilities. The RQ-4 is being developed and fielded in capability blocks. Block 10 is currently operational and carries imagery intelligence (IMINT) sensors. Block 20 will employ a larger aircraft with increased payload capacity and improved IMINT. Block 30 will retain the improved IMINT sensors and integrate signals intelligence (SIGINT) sensors to achieve simultaneous, multi-INT coverage. Block 40 will comprise a separate set of aircraft employing an advanced radar sensor to provide improved IMINT and surface/air moving target information in support of both battle management and intelligence needs. The RQ-4 is an unmanned, single-engine aircraft. Crews fly the aircraft and control missions from ground stations made up of a Launch/Recovery Element (LRE) and a Mission Control Element (MCE). Takeoff and landing is controlled from an LRE at the RQ-4 airfield, using line-of-sight (LOS) or BLOS communications. During missions, aircraft and sensor control are accomplished from an MCE using BLOS links. MCEs may be located in CONUS (normal reachback operations) or at any appropriate location that affords the requisite communications connectivity. As it is collected, RQ-4 sensor data is transmitted BLOS through the MCE to appropriate locations for analysis and dissemination, and may be simultaneously transmitted directly to locations within aircraft LOS. RQ-4 reachback capability enables reduced forward footprint and enhanced crew safety while retaining full mission effectiveness.



Prime: Northrop Grumman (CA); Raytheon (CA); Raytheon (VA); L-3 Communications (UT); Vought (TX); Rolls Royce (IN); Aurora (WV) Subcontractor(s): Ground Stations - Raytheon (VA); Propulsion - Rolls-Royce (IN); Tail Structure - Aurora Flight Systems (WV); Wing - Vought Aircraft (TX); Aircraft Sub-assembly - Northrop-Grumman (MS); Sensors - Raytheon (CA); Data links - L-3 Communications (UT)


Size: Block 10 - 26,750 lb. takeoff gross weight, Blocks 20, 30 & 40 - 32,250 lb takeoff gross weight

Range: Block 10 - 9,500 nm; Blocks 20, 30, & 40 - 8,700 nm

Dimensions: Block 10 - Length: 44 ft.; Wingspan: 116 ft.; Height: 14 ft.; Blocks 20, 30, and 40 - Length: 48 ft.; Wingspan: 131 ft.; Height: 15 ft.

Coverage: Wide area coverage due to high altitude and long endurance. Sensor capability varies by block. Block 10 - EO/IR and SAR, Coverage Block 20 - Enhanced EO/IR and SAR, Block 30 - Simultaneous enhanced EO/IR and SAR, and SIGINT, Block 40 - MP-RTIP radar only, for improved IMINT and Surface/Air MTI

Interoperability: RQ-4 uses commercial Ku BLOS or X-band LOS data links for combined C2 and sensor data, with INMARSAT and UHF data links as back-up. It is interoperable through the MCE with Distributed Common Ground Station (DCGS) nodes, including compatible Army, Navy and Marine Corps surface terminals.

Compatibility: Sensor data can be sent through satellite for BLOS link to MCE and relayed to DCGS nodes, and via LOS link directly to theater users. IMINT data can be injected by DCGS onto the wide area network (WAN) or other appropriate network sites.

Speed: Block 10 - 340 knots; Blocks 20, 30 and 40 - 310 knots

Payload: Block 10 - 2,000 lb.; IMINT; Block 20 - 3,000 lb.; enhanced IMINT; Block 30 - 3,000 lb.; enhanced IMINT plus SIGINT Block 40 - 3,000 lb.; MP-RTIP

Other Specifications: Altitude - 60,000 ft; Endurance - 28 hours


Program Status: Low Rate Initial Production

Unit Assignment: 12th Reconnaissance Squadron

Current Inventory: 7 Block 10 aircraft and 2 ground stations

Future Upgrades: Block 20 - Larger aircraft with enhanced IMINT (EO/IR) sensors and greater payload capacity; Block 30 - Simultaneous IMINT and SIGINT (ASIP) sensors; Block 40 - Single sensor (MP-RTIP) for improved imagery and surface/air moving target indications

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The Space Based Infrared System's (SBIRS) primary mission is to provide initial warning of a ballistic missile attack on the United States, its deployed forces, and allies.


The Space Based Infrared System High (SBIRS High) is an infrared detecting satellite system that is the follow-on to the current Defense Support Program (DSP) missile warning satellites. SBIRS consolidates the national and DoD's infrared detection systems into a single overarching architecture that fulfills the nation's security needs in the areas of missile warning, missile defense, technical intelligence, and battlespace characterization. SBIRS consists of three Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites, two Highly Elliptical Orbit (HEO) payloads, a Mission Control Station and Backup, Relay Ground Stations in Europe and the Pacific, and nine mobile multi-mission processors. SBIRS enables continuous global surveillance, tracking, and targeting of multiple objects in multiple areas of responsibility, and surveillance of infrared sources of operational, intelligence, and national significance.



Prime: Lockheed Martin Space Systems (CA) Subcontractor(s):

Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (CA) ; Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems and Solutions (CO)


Weight 10,229 lb. (GEO)

Coverage: Continuous global coverage

Interoperability: Interoperable with Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center and other strategic users via the Survivable Communications Integrated System, with theater missile warning networks via the Integrated Broadcast System in Link 16 format, with ballistic missile defense BMC3 (Battle Management Command, Control and Communications), and with the Space Battle Management Core System


SBIRS High is in System Development and Demonstration. Increment 1 ground segments at the Mission Control Station and Interim MCS Backup are operational and process and disseminate current DSP data. The Highly Elliptical Orbit (HEO) - 1 payload is on-orbit and currently conducting nominal operations. HEO-2 payload has been delivered to Program Status classified host for integration. GEO satellites 1 and 2 have over 90 percent of their components delivered and are in various stages of assembly, integration, and testing. Relay Ground Station-Europe was outfitted with all mission and communications equipment in 2005. The Mission Control Station Backup-HEO at Schreiver AFB, CO, is in equipment fit-up and check out.

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Provide worldwide, unobtrusive, deep-look, all-weather, day-and-night surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities required by both national intelligence analysts and by joint warfighters.


Space Radar will be a modern multifunction Active Electronically Steered Array (AESA) radar system that can survey areas of interest anywhere in the world without putting aircrews and assets in harm's way. It will operate with precision providing national and military decision makers the most current information about our adversaries' intent. Space Radar's unique intelligence capabilities and products will reduce enemy sanctuary through routine access and observation of vast, deep, denied and terrain-masked areas. It will help to discover and characterize objects, beginning a chain of custody, then cue aircraft and other spacecraft sensors to keep custody of fleeting targets during peacetime and war. This unprecedented surveillance capability will allow Combatant Commanders to dynamically task the system and fix forces across entire theaters of operation several times per hour. Homeland security and civil applications are also inherent to the capabilities of this continuously deployed system.



Prime: Lockheed Martin (CO, AZ, PA, MD, CA, MN, VA); Northrop Grumman Space Technology (NGST) (CA, CT, FL, MD)

Subcontractor(s): Honeywell (AZ); Spectrum Astro (AZ); Boeing (CA); Raytheon (CA); SAIC (CA); BAE Systems (CA); Cisco (CA); Tecolote (CA); Integrated Data Systems (CA); Ball Aerospace (CO); Partners in Air and Space (CO); SEAKR (CO); Moog (CO); Harris Corp. (FL); Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (MD); Swales (MD); Adcole (MA); General Dynamics (Ml & VA); Eagle Pitcher (MO); Sheldahl (MN); Minco (MN); MEI (TX); Stennis (MS); Design Develop (NM); Integrity Applications Incorporated (VA); SRS Technologies (VA); Booz Allen Hamilton (VA); Diligent (VA)


Weight, Range, Dimensions: Exact surveillance capabilities and numbers of spacecraft are subject to technical and trade space considerations that are being evaluated as part of the ongoing competitive concept development phase.

Payload: Active Electronically Steered Array Radar Sensor

Coverage: Global

Interoperability: Interoperable with Distributed Common Ground Stations and National Systems infrastructure

Compatibility: Fully network-centric capable

Products: Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery (SAR); Surface Moving Tar-Products get Indication (SMTI); Open Ocean Surveillance (OOS); High Resolution Terrain Information (HRTI) (3-D Maps) ; Advanced Geospatial Information (AGI)


Program Status: Acquisition Phase A (Study Phase), Concept and Architecture

Program Status: Development


The Secretary of Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence signed a 2005 agreement committing to Space Radar as the single space radar capability for the nation. The Space Radar Integrated Program Office is located in Chantilly, VA, and reports directly to the Under Secretary of the Air Force. The Integrated Program Office includes members from Army, Navy, Air Force, the National Geospatial Agency (NGA), the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) with significant support from Electronic Systems Center (MA), MITRE Corporation (MA), Air Force Research Laboratory (NY & NM), MIT Lincoln Labs (MA), Army Space and Missile Defence Command (AL), and Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute (PA).

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Develop, integrate, and disseminate knowledge of all ongoing activities related to space operations, including Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR), and environmental monitoring activities.


Space Situation Awareness (SSA) is provided via a worldwide network of electro-optical and radar sensor systems with associated Command and Control (C2), data processing, and analysis capabilities. SSA provides data on space events and activities, including space object locations/breakups/decaying orbits, satellite attack warnings, overhead threat warnings, space treaty monitoring, and object identification/mission payload assessment of foreign satellites. SSA systems can find, fix, track, and characterize space objects. Data is gathered, integrated, and disseminated to aid C2 for space and other missions. Ongoing efforts are sustaining today's sensors; upgrading selected sensors for greater capability and longevity (Eglin radar; Haystack radar); developing new sensors (Space Based Space Surveillance system, or SBSS; Space Fence); and improving data integration and dissemination for comprehensive, multi-source SSA (the SSA Initiatives).



Prime: Eglin Upgrade - ITT

Industries (CO); Haystack Upgrade - MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MA); SBSS - Northrop Grumman (CA); Space Fence - Contractor TBD; SSA Initiatives - Various contractors Subcontractor(s): SBSS - Boeing (CA); Ball Aerospace (CO)


Size: Characteristics vary per sensor

Dimensions: Characteristics vary per sensor

Coverage: Worldwide surveillance of near earth and deep space orbits; Individual sensor coverage areas vary


Program Status: Development underway for Eglin Radar Life Extension, Pro ram Status Haystack radar upgrade, Space-Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) optical satellites, Space Fence ground radar, and SSA Command and Control (C2)/integration initiatives

Unit Assignment: Various space control squadrons and detachments of the 21st Space Operations Group in Florida, New Mexico, Hawaii, and Virginia. Also located in Spain, and Diego Garcia

Current Inventory: Eight dedicated, eight collateral, and 13 contributing sensors. Dedicated assets provide full-time support to the SSA mission; collateral sensors provide data for SSA as a secondary mission, and contributing assets are operated by non-U.S. Strategic Command organizations, but provide data under contract

Future Upgrades: To be determined

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Facilitate the advancement of space systems technology—ultimately enabling space superiority by developing new space capabilities.


The Space Test Program (STP) is DoD's primary program for spaceflight testing. As executive agent, the Air Force provides priority-based, fly before-buy spaceflight testing opportunities for research and development (R&D) experiments and technology demonstrations from the entire DoD space research community (e.g., Air Force, Navy, Army, Missile Defense Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and others). The types of experiments supported range from basic research to advanced development. The STP acts as the primary interface between NASA's Human Spaceflight programs (including the Space Shuttle and International Space Station) and the DoD. It performs risk reduction through direct flight test of prototype components and is responsible for all auxiliary payload flight opportunities on Air Force launch vehicles. STP flight tests new space system technologies and improves operational spacecraft design by characterizing the space environment, event, or sensor physics proposed for a operational system/system upgrade.



Prime: Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) - Spectrum Astro (AZ); STP-1 - AeroAstro (VA); STP-1 - Boeing (FL) ; SIV Contractor -Ball Aerospace (CO) Subcontractor(s): Shuttle Integrator - Muniz Engineering (TX)


Size: Efforts support multiple experiments ranging from 3 to 4,393,710 cubic in.

Weight: Efforts support multiple experiments ranging from 0.33 to 9,193 lb.

Range: Efforts support multiple experiments ranging from 48.6 NM to 19,438 NM

Dimensions: Efforts support multiple experiments ranging from 3 to 4,393,710 cubic in.

Coverage: Dependent upon specific experiment

Capacity/Satellite: Dependent upon specific experiment

Interoperability: Dependent upon specific experiment

Compatibility: Dependent upon specific experiment with emphasis on improving operational spacecraft design by characterizing the space environment, event, or sensor physics proposed for an operational system/system upgrade and provides early operational capabilities to evaluate usefulness or quickly react to new developments


Program Status: Nine successful missions in the last year including CloudSat, a NASA weather experiment. STP is providing on-orbit operations for the mission. STP-1: STP mission utilizing the first Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) Secondary Payload Adapter (ESPA) on an EELV Medium (Atlas V), which will launch six satellites from 11 experimental programs Program Status including DARPA's Orbital Express which will demonstrate autonomous satellite servicing including on-orbit refueling. Scheduled to launch in early 2007. The Standard Interface Vehicle Contract was awarded in FY06. C/NOFS mission on Pegasus: Forecast ionospheric scintillations that degrade communication, navigation, and surveillance systems. Launch scheduled for 2QFY08.

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Provide advanced-phase Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training (SUPT) for students selected to fly airlift or tanker aircraft.


The T-1A Jayhawk is a medium-range, twin-engine jet trainer used in the advanced phase of SUPT. It is also used to support navigator training for the U.S. Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and international military services. It features cockpit seating for an instructor and two students and is powered by twin turbofan engines capable of an operating speed of Mach .78.



Prime: Raytheon (KS)


Weight: 16,100 lb.

Range: 2,222 nautical miles (NM)

Dimensions: Length: 48 ft. 5 in.; Height: 13 ft. 11 in.; Wingspan: 43 ft. 6 in.


Program Status: Sustainment

Unit Assignment: Laughlin AFB, TX; Randolph AFB, TX; Vance AFB, OK; Columbus AFB, MS

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Train entry-level pilots in the fundamentals of flight.


The T-6A Texan II is the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) aircraft. It replaces the USAF T-37B and the USN T-34C. The JPATS improves training, enhances safety, and offers increased aircrew accommodation. It also includes a Ground-Based Training System (GBTS) that includes Aircrew Training Devices (ATD), a Computer Based Training System (CBTS), courseware, and a Training Integration Management System (TIMS).



Prime: Raytheon (KS) Subcontractor(s): Engine - Pratt & Whitney Canada (WV); Escape System - Martin Baker Aircraft/ Middlesex (UK); Avionics - Honeywell Aerospace Electronic Systems/ Olathe (KS), Smiths Aerospace Electronic Systems/Cheltenham (UK); Ground-Based Training System (GBTS) - Flight Safety Services Corp. (CO)


Weight: 6,500 lb.

Range: 800+ nautical miles (NM)

Dimensions: Wingspan: 33.4 ft.; Length: 33.3 ft.; Height 10.6 ft.

Interoperability: Joint US Air Force/US Navy (USAF/USN) primary trainer aircraft

Compatibility: Joint USAF/USN primary trainer aircraft

Service Ceiling: Maximum Operating Altitude - 31,000 ft.

Speed: 320 mph


Program Status: Full Rate Production (Fielding and Sustainment); for FY07, acquire 48 USAF and 21 USN aircraft; continue Ground-Program Status Based Training System (GBTS) acquisition; production planned through FY08 (USAF) and FY13 (USN);

Projected Inventory: 779 total (451 USAF and 328 USN)

Unit Assignment: Laughlin AFB, TX; Randolph AFB, TX; Vance AFB, OK; Columbus AFB, MS; Sheppard AFB, TX; Moody AFB, GA

Future Upgrades: Numerous minor enhancements; Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) upgrade

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Provide the primary phase—Phase II—of Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training to fill Air Force requirements for new pilots.


The T-37B Tweet is a twin-engine jet used for training joint specialized undergraduate pilot students in the fundamentals of aircraft handling and instrument, formation, and night flying. The T-37B has been used since the 1950s to train Air Force pilots. Since the mid-1990s, the Air Force has gradually been procuring the T-6A Texan II as a follow-on aircraft to replace the aging T-37. All T-37s will be retired by the end of FY08.



Prime: Cessna (KS)


Weight: 6,625 lb.

Range: 460 nautical miles (NM)

Dimensions Length: 29 ft. 3 in.; Height: 9 ft. 2 in.; Wingspan: 33 ft. 8 in.


Program Status: All T-37s will be retired by the end of FY08

Unit Assignment: Randolph AFB, TX; Vance AFB, OK; Columbus AFB, MS; Sheppard AFB, TX

Current Inventory: Active Force, 419; Air National Guard (ANG), 0; Reserve, 0

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T-38A/AT-38B/T-38C TALON


Provide specialized pilot training, meeting pilot requirements of fighter/bomber crews.


The T-38A Talon is a twin-engine, high-altitude, supersonic jet trainer used in a variety of training roles, including Phase Ill of Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training (SUPT) and Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals (IFF). The T-38 is also used as a companion trainer for some Air Combat Command aircraft such as the U-2, B-2, and F-117. Several T-38s are used as part of the Air Force Test Pilot School program. The T-38A has swept wings, a streamlined fuselage, and tricycle landing gear with a steerable nose wheel. The T-38B has a gun sight and practice bomb dispenser. The T-38C incorporates a "glass cockpit" with integrated avionics displays, head-up display and an electronic "no drop bomb" scoring system.



Prime: Airframe - Northrop Grumman (CA); Avionics - Boeing (MO); Engines - GE (MA); Escape System - Martin Baker Aircraft/Middlesex (UK)


Weight: 12,093 lb.

Range: 1,093 nautical miles (NM)

Length: 46 ft., 4 in.; Height: 12 ft., 10 in.; Wingspan: 25 ft., 3 in.


Program Status: By the end of FY07, all Air Education and Training Command T-38s will be upgraded to T-38C status, which installs a "glass" cockpit and Global Positioning System. Current service life for the T-38C is projected to 2020. The T-38A and AT-38B are both going through the Avionics Upgrade Program (AUP) to be converted to the T-38C. Randolph AFB, TX; Vance AFB, TX; Sheppard AFB,TX; Laughlin AFB,TX; Moody AFB, GA; Columbus AFB, MS

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Provide navigator training for Air Force personnel.


The T-43A is the Air Force's primary navigation trainer and provides the pipeline for new navigators. Graduates are awarded the rating of basic navigator. The T-43A crew consists of the flight crew, 12 student navigators, and six instructors. The T-43A will be retired by FY10 and replaced with consolidated navigator training at Pensacola NAS, FL, in accordance with Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) requirements.



Prime: Boeing (WA)


Weight: 115,000 lb.

Range: 2,995 nautical miles (NM)

Dimensions: Length: 100 ft.; Height: 37 ft.; Wingspan: 93 ft.


Program Status: Sustainment

Unit Assignment: Randolph AFB, TX

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Advise ground commanders regarding the capabilities and limitations of air power and assist the ground commander in planning, requesting, and coordinating close air support (CAS.)


The TACP is a subordinate operational component of the theater air control system designed to provide air liaison to land forces and for the control of aircraft (JP 3-09.3). The TACP is usually co-located with the senior Army operational command post from corps through battalion level and below, if jointly validated. It can also support other organizations (e.g., special operations, coalition forces and police) and other missions requiring long-haul communications or procedural airspace control (e.g., humanitarian). The TACP provides advice and assistance in planning for the employment of air and space power assets including, but not limited to: CAS; air interdiction; and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR). TACPs prepare and submit immediate air support requests to the ASOC using the Joint Air Request Net. It conducts detailed target planning and transmits a mission briefing to aircraft upon check-in. The TACP provides terminal attack control during attack execution and forwards battle damage assessment to C2 organizations.

The ASOC is the principle command and control node for integrating air and space power into counterland operations. A direct subordinate element of the air operations center (AOC), the ASOC is responsible for the direction and control of air operations directly supporting the ground combat element. Normally co-located with the senior Army tactical echelon, ASOCs coordinate operations with their permanently aligned TACP, Army Fire Support Cell (FSC), and AOC. The ASOC may also support units from other organizations (e.g., coalition forces), or augment other missions requiring procedural airspace control (e.g., humanitarian efforts). The ASOC executes the air tasking order in accordance with the ground commander's priorities, provides procedural control of CAS aircraft operating inside the fire support coordination line (FSCL), obtains clearance of fires from the FSC, and integrates, coordinates and synchronizes other air and space operations occurring inside the FSCL.



Prime: To be determined


Size: Total Force: Officers - 428, Enlisted - 2,381; Active Duty only: Size Officers - 261, Enlisted - 1,637. Total Force increasing by 201 officer and 361 enlisted to support Army Transformation FY 08-11.


Program Status: To be determined

Unit Assignment: Worldwide

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Provide the Joint Forces Air Component Commander (JFACC) the means to plan, direct, and control all theater air operations during peacetime, exercise, and wartime environments.


Theater Battle Management Control Systems (TBMCS) is the Combat Air Force information and decision support system supporting combined and joint air operations for the Joint Forces Air Component Commander (JFACC).

TBMCS Force Level (FL) refers to the Headquarters elements of an operating command, Numbered Air Force, Unified Command or Joint Task Force, to create and execute a battle plan conducted at an Air and Space Operations Center-Weapon System (AOC WS). TBMCS is the Joint System of Record for exchanging/facilitating air battle planning and intelligence operations and executions with participating services and allies.

TBMCS Unit Level (UL) refers to the wings and squadrons that take direction from FL to carry out the battle plan. TBMCS UL Operations (OPS) and UL Intel are both wing level command and control (C2) systems. UL OPS is used to control and monitor unit level operations during wartime, contingencies, and exercises. UL Intel is used to analyze the taskings specified in the Air Tasking Order (ATO) and maintain base-level real-time intelligence support to the AOC, as well as the targeting and mission planning communities.

STRATEGIC CAPABILITY: Global Reach, Global Vigilance


Prime: Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems & Solutions (CO)


Interoperability: TBMCS is an integrated command and control (C2) system which provides standardized, secure, automated decision support for Air Force, Joint, and Allied commanders worldwide. The system is specifically designed to interface with C2 systems from the US Army, Navy, Marines, and selected Allied/Coalition Nations. TBMCS provides automated air operations planning, execution management and intelligence capabilities. It supports a full range of functions including: Air Tasking Order (ATO)/Airspace Control Order (ACO) production and re-planning; threat assessment; target selection; mission execution; battle damage assessment; resource management; time critical target identification and prosecution; and defensive planning. It also supports interaction with subordinate/command units for mission execution. It provides a capability to obtain resource information, and to plan and execute the next day's missions. TBMCS has in-garrison and deployable configurations.


Program Status: ACAT IAC; Fielding FL Sp 1.1.3, UL Ops Sp 8.5N, UL Intel Sp 10.0

Future Upgrades: Force Level - Spiral 1.1.4: Integration with collaboration tools; Consolidated database for planning/execution; Reduction of decision support process cycle times; Decision quality information; Automate capability to support integrated air and space effects-based dynamic strategy development and assessment; Net ready compliance; Unit Level Ops - Spiral 8.5N, 9: Unit to Force interoperability (unit contract information services); Ops to Intel interoperability (alert, Future Upgrades MISREP added to Intel web page); Map Edit capability; Web-based air crew sortie scheduling viewing; Automated Report Generator; Unclassified UL Ops; Web enabled base map with geospatial and Geobase capability; Client Windows XP O/S migration; Unit Level Intel - Spiral 10: Migration to GCCS-I3 Disconnected Operations; Leverage TBMCS FL 1.1.4 web services; Migration to Common Geopositioning Services (CGS) from Raindrop & Raindrop Extension as part of the TAW solution; Windows XP Professional Operating System

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Provide wideband tactical, protected tactical, mobile tactical, strategic, and relay type satellite-based communications to DoD, government, and allied forces/international partners.


The Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT) is a next-generation communication satellite system that provides strategic and tactical protected communications. TSAT incorporates laser communications and packet routing/switching protocols to provide a high bandwidth environment. It extends the DoD ground-based Global Information Grid network to deployed and mobile users and provides assured command and control to strategic forces. It delivers medium and high-data-rate wideband communications exfiltration from Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets. TSAT increases throughput to tactical users, allowing communications-on-the-move and persistent worldwide connectivity of ISR assets. TSAT interfaces across the satellite communications (SATCOM) systems of other agencies. It consists of a five-satellite space segment with associated command and control, ground gateways, and the TSAT Mission Operations System (TMOS).



Prime: Space Segment - Lockheed Martin Space Systems (CA), Boeing Space & Intelligence Systems (CA); TMOS/Network Segment -Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems and Solutions (CA); Systems Engineering and Integration - Booz Allen Hamilton (VA)

Subcontractor(s): Northrop Grumman (CA); Raytheon (CO, MA); Ball Aerospace (CO); Verizon (VA)


Weight: TBD

Coverage: Global Coverage 65° N-65° S

Capacity/Satellite: Protected EHF: 45 Mbps max data rate; 2,340 Mbps loaded throughput; Wideband Ka: 311 Mbps max data rate (uplink only); 1,866 Mbps loaded throughput (uplink only); Laser: 2,440 Mbps data rate; 4.880 Mbps (Block I) 9,760 Mbps (Block II) loaded throughput; 4,880 Mbps loaded throughput (terminal constrained); 10,000 Mbps laser crosslinks

Interoperability: Space-based component of DoD Global Information Grid

Compatibility: Backwards compatible to Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) Extended Data Rate (XDR) terminals


Program Status: System Requirements Review - 1QFY04; TMOS contract award - 2QFY06; System Design Review - 3QFY07; Space Segment contract award - 1QFY08; First launch planned for 1QFY16

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Provide single-system cargo loading, off-loading, and transport between warehouses and aircraft.


The Tunner 60K Loader has a total loading capacity of 60,000 pounds. It will replace older 40,000-pound capacity loaders in the Air Force inventory. The Loader can carry up to six cargo pallets at once, drive on and off C-5 and C-17 aircraft, and load and unload cargo from all military and commercial cargo aircraft. Other advantages of the Loader include an improved turning radius, higher top speed, and mechanized rollers that greatly enhance the loading and unloading process. The Loader is five times more reliable than its predecessors and 150 to 350 percent more capable.



Prime: DRS Technologies, Inc. (MO) (Formerly Systems & Electronics, Inc) Subcontractor(s): Hydraulics - Linde Hydraulics (OH); Castings - Carondolet Foundry (MO); Engine - Detroit Diesel (Ml); Hydraulic Cylinders - Commercial Intertech (MN); Hydraulic fittings, hoses - Parker Hanifin (OH); Wheel hubs - Fairfield Manufacturing (OH)


Weight: Approx 65,000 lb.

Dimension: Transport: Length - 591 inches, Width - 111 inches, Height - 94 inches; Operation: Length - 591 inches, Width - 171 inches; Height - 94 inches Deck Height 39 in. to 18.5 ft.

Speed: 23 mph (governed)

Payload: 60,000 lb. (6 pallets)


Program Status: Sustainment; delivery completed 31 Mar 05

Unit Assignment: 75 locations worldwide

Current Inventory: 318 Future Upgrades None

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Provide near-real-time intelligence from high-altitude/near space to support operations across the spectrum of conflict.


The U-2 weapon system consists of the aircraft, sensors, and data links, and combines high-altitude/near space, over-flight, and stand-off sensor capabilities. The U-2 provides all-weather surveillance and reconnaissance, day or night, in direct support of U.S. and allied forces. It delivers critical Imagery Intelligence (IMINT), Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), and Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) to decision makers throughout all phases of conflict, including peacetime indications and warnings, low-intensity conflict, and large-scale hostilities. The U-2S is a single-seat, single-engine aircraft. Long and narrow wings give the U-2 glider-like characteristics and allow it to quickly lift heavy sensor payloads to unmatched altitudes, keeping them there for extended periods of time.



Prime: Airframe - Lockheed Martin (CA)

Subcontractor(s): Sensors -Raytheon (CA); Major Subsystem - L-3 Communications (VA); Propulsion - General Electric (UT); Sensors - B.F. Goodrich (OH); Northrop Grumman (VT); BAE (GA)


Size: 40,000 lb. takeoff gross weight

Range: 7,000+ miles

Dimensions: Length: 63 ft.; Wingspan: 104 ft.; Height: 16 ft.

Coverage: Wide Area coverage due to high altitude. Sensor Data: Varies by aircraft/sensor configurations - Radar and SIGINT, or 3 EO/IR and SIGINT; includes an Optical Bar Camera capability configuration that provides Synoptic Broad Area coverage Sensor data currently provided via Ku or X-band Line of Sight (LOS) or government Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) data links, or both simultaneously, and is interoperable Interoperability with Distributed Common Ground Station (DCGS) systems (including compatible Army, Navy and Marine Corp) surface terminals. IMINT sensor data meets National Imagery Transmission Format.

Interoperability: Sensor data can be sent to MOBSTR (ground relay station), C t direct to satellite for BLOS link, and DCGS ground stations. IMINT data can be injected onto the WAN by DCGS for use by other intelligence network customers.

Altitude 70,000+ ft.

Endurance >10 hours

Payload 5,000 lb.; Multi-INT (simultaneous)

Speed 410+ knots (475+ mph)


Program Status: Sustainment

Current Inventory: 33 aircraft - 28 single seat and five two-seat trainers

Future Upgrades: Aircraft wiring, cockpit, and sensor upgrades; Glass Cockpit (Block-20); Defensive System RWR/JAM; ASARS-2A Radar; Sensor upgrades: SYERS-2A EO/IR; Dual Data Link/Link-16; SIGINT

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Provide Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) and range security, distinguished visitor evacuation and airlift, and test and survival school support.


The UH-1N Huey is a light-lift utility helicopter used at 10 operating locations at six major commands. The UH-1N and its variants, 1H/VM and UV-18B, provide ICBM and range security, distinguished visitor evacuation and airlift, and test and survival school support.



Prime: Bell Helicopter Company (TX)

Subcontractor(s): Aerospace Integration Corporation (FL)


Range 300 nautical miles (NM)

Dimensions: Length: 57 ft., 7 in.; Width: 9 ft., 5 in.; Height: 12 ft., 10 in.; Rotor: 48 ft.


Program Status: Fielded

Unit Assignment: Andrews AFB, MD; Malmstrom AFB, MT; Vandenberg AFB, CA; F.E. Warren AFB, WY; Minot AFB, ND; Kirtland AFB, NM; Eglin AFB, FL; Hurlburt AFB, FL; Yakota AFB, Japan

Future Upgrades: Undergoing life extension programs

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Provide worldwide air transport for the President of the United States.


The VC-25A is a military variant of the commercial Boeing 747-200 equipped with robust communications and data transfer systems that enable the president to implement the constitutional roles of commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, head of state, and chief executive while travelling. It is known as "Air Force One" when the president is aboard.



Prime: Airframe, Engines - Boeing Integrated Defense System (OK)


Weight 833,000 lb.

Range 6,800 nautical miles (NM)

Dimensions Length: 232 ft.; Height: 63 ft.; Wingspan: 196 ft.

Service Ceiling 45,000 ft.

Speed 570 mph (Mach 0.84)

Passenger Capacity 76 passengers and 26 crew


Program Status: Sustainment

Unit Assignment: Andrews AFB, MD

Current Inventory: 2

Future Upgrades: Presidential Data System (PDS), Communications, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM)

* * * * * * * * * * * *



Supports national level consumers by collecting particulate and gaseous effluents and debris from accessible regions of the atmosphere in support of the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963, which prohibits any nation from above ground nuclear weapons testing.


Constant Phoenix is currently the only aircraft in the inventory conducting air-sampling operations. The aircraft's on-board atmospheric collection suite allows the mission crew to detect radioactive clouds in real-time. The aircraft is equipped with external flow-through devices to collect particulates on filter paper and a compressor system for whole air samples collected in holding spheres.



Prime: Major Subsystems: L-3

Communications, Raytheon, Harris Information Systems (TX) Subcontractor(s): Propulsion-Pratt & Whitney (CT); Airframe-Boeing (WA)


Weight: 299,000 lb. maximum gross take-off weight; 130,000 lb. aircraft basic weight

Range: 5,000 + miles unrefueled; inflight refueling capable

Dimensions: Length: 140 ft.; Wingspan: 131 ft.; Height: 42 ft.

Speed: 500 mph

Duration: 8-10 hours unrefueled, limited only by aircrew duty requirements if aerial refueled


Program Status: Modification and Sustainment

Unit Assignment: 55th Wing, Offutt AFB, NE

Current Inventory: Two mission aircraft

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Provide beyond-line-of-sight and long-haul communication relay from geosynchronous orbit 22,000 miles above the earth's surface.


The Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) system provides unprotected wideband communications for deployed forces and warfighter communications using existing terminals. It is a follow-on to Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) satellites and takes on the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) mission. The system consists of five satellites using existing and new wideband terminals.



Prime: Boeing Satellite Systems (CA) Subcontractor(s): Harris Corporation (CO), ITT Industries (CO), Logicon (CA), SAIC (CA)


Size: Five-satellite constellation

Weight: 10,262 lb.

Coverage: Global Coverage: 65° N-65° S

Capacity/Satellite: Wideband Ka / X mix: 137 (SV 1-3), 274 (SV 4-5) Mbps max data rate; 2,100 Mbps loaded throughput

Compatibility: Compatible with existing wideband terminals


Program Status: Concept Design Review (CDR) - 4QFY02; WGS 4, 5, and option for 6 Contract Award - 1QFY07; First launch planned for 3QFY07

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Provide accurate dispenser weapon capability when delivered from medium to high altitudes.


The Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) is a tail kit for use on inventory cluster weapons such as the Combined Effects Munition (CEM) and the Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW). The CEM is an anti-armor/anti-personnel weapon. The SFW is an anti-armor weapon. Development of the WCMD-Extended Range (ER) began in 2003 to add a wing kit and to integrate GPS into the WCMD-ER wing kit.



Prime: Lockheed Martin (FL, GA) Subcontractor(s): Honeywell Military Avionics (MN); B.F. Goodrich (VT); General Technology Corporation (NM); Kurt Manufacturing (MN)


Weight: 100 lb.

Dimensions: Length: 1.42 ft.; Width: 1.75 ft.; Height: 1.75 ft.

Compatibility: CBU-87, CBU-89, and CBU-97


Program Status: WCMD no longer in production; WCMD-ER terminated.

Current Inventory: 24,000


The Department of the Air Force was created with the National Security Act of 1947. It became effective Sept. 18, 1947 and, in 1958, the departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force were eliminated from the chain of operational command. Commanders of unified and specified commands became responsible to the president and the Secretary of Defense through the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


The Headquarters of the Air Force incorporates all elements of the U.S. Air Force. It is administered by a civilian Secretary appointed by the President and is supervised by a military Chief of Staff. To ensure unit preparedness and overall effectiveness of the Air Force, the Secretary of the Air Force is responsible for and has the authority to conduct all affairs of the Department of the Air Force.

The Secretary's responsibilities include research and development, and any other activity assigned by the President or the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary of the Air Force exercises authority through civilian assistants and the Chief of Staff, but retains immediate supervision of activities that involve vital relationships with Congress, the Secretary of Defense, other governmental officials, and the public.


The Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force, is appointed by the President, with the consent of the Senate, from among Air Force general officers, customarily for a term of four-years. The Chief of Staff serves as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Armed Forces Policy Council. In this capacity, the Chief is one of the military advisors to the President, the National Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense. Also, the Chief is the principal advisor to the Secretary of the Air Force on Air Force activities.

The Chief of Staff presides over the Air Staff, transmits Air Staff plans and recommendations to the Secretary of the Air Force, and acts as the Secretary's agent in carrying them out. The Chief is responsible for the efficiency of the Air Force and the preparation of its forces for military operations. The Chief of Staff supervises the administration of Air Force personnel assigned to unified organizations and unified and specified commands. Also, the Chief supervises support of these forces assigned by the Air Force as directed by the Secretary of Defense. In addition, the Chief of Staff has responsibility for activities assigned to the Air Force by the Secretary of Defense.


The Air Force has eleven major commands, 32 field operating agencies, and five direct reporting units with subordinate elements to carry out its mission. In addition, there are two Reserve components: the Air Force Reserve, which is also a major command, and the Air National Guard.


Major commands are organized on a functional basis in the United States and on a geographic basis overseas. They accomplish designated phases of Air Force worldwide activities. Also, they organize, administer, equip, and train their subordinate elements for the accomplishment of assigned missions. Major commands generally are assigned specific responsibilities based on functions. In descending order of command, elements of major commands include numbered air forces, wings, groups, squadrons, and flights.


The basic unit for generating and employing combat capability is the wing. Composite wings operate more than one kind of aircraft, and may be configured as self-contained units designated for quick air intervention anywhere in the world. Other wings continue to operate a single aircraft type ready to join air campaigns anywhere they are needed. Air base and specialized mission wings such as training, intelligence, and test also support the Air Force mission.


A group is a large Air Force formation usually composed of four or more squadrons and the bases from which they operate.


A squadron is the basic unit of the Air Force, usually consisting of ten to eighteen aircraft.


The flight is an air force unit that is smaller than a squadron


Field operating agencies and direct reporting units are other Air Force subdivisions and report directly to Headquarters U.S. Air Force. They are assigned a specialized mission that is restricted in scope when compared to the mission of a major command. Field operating agencies carry out field activities under the operational control of a Headquarters U.S. Air Force functional manager. Direct reporting units are not under the operational control of a Headquarters U.S. Air Force functional manager because of a unique mission, legal requirements or other factors.


In an effort to accurately capture the breadth, depth, and scope of Combatant Commander requirements, the Air Force set out to define a common measure for all units of action. The simplest way to do this was to group by capabilities and count by assets.

Combat Wings depict aggregate combat power in terms of fighters, bombers, C4ISR, mobility, space, missiles, SOF, Battlefield Airmen, and Air Operations Centers. The Combat Wing is equal to the number of combat assets (aircraft, missiles, etc.) divided by the normal number of assets per squadron divided by the number of squadrons per wing.


Combat Wings represent the capability picture. After consulting the National Security Strategy and the National Military Strategy, the Air Force determined that 86 Combat Wings were the essential number needed to fully execute the mission. The Combat Wing delivers a more complete comparison between historical, current, and future demands of collective combat power for commanders by providing the necessary framework to ensure a leaner, more capable force framework, allowing combat forces the effects they need, when they need them. The added utility provided by the Combat Wing will continue to be employed in the Air and Space Expeditionary Forces (AEF) to ensure flexible, cost effective, and tailored expeditionary requirements of the Combatant Commanders.

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Maxwell AFB

Montgomery, AL

• Air University, AETC

• 42nd Air Base Wing, AETC

• 908th Airlift Wing, AFRC

• Air Force Doctrine Center

• Air Force Historical Research Agency

• Civil Air Patrol

Gunter Annex

Montgomery, AL

• Air Force Logistics Management Agency

Fort Rucker

Dale County, AL

• 23rd Flying Training Squadron, AETC

117 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

Birmingham Arpt., AL

187 Fighter Wing, ANG

Montgomery Regional Arpt.

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Eielson AFB

Fairbanks, AK

• 354th Fighter Wing, PACAF

Elmendorf AFB

Anchorage, AK

• 3rd Wing, PACAF

• 11th Air Force, PACAF

Clear AFS

Anderson, AK

176 Wing, ANG

Kulis ANGB, AK

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Davis-Monthan AFB

Tucson, AZ

• 12th Air Force, ACC

• 55th Electronic Combat Group, ACC

• 355th Wing, ACC

• 563rd Rescue Group, AFSOC

• 943rd Rescue Group, AFRC

• Aerospace Maintenance & Regeneration Center, AFMC

Luke AFB

Phoenix, AZ

• 56th Fighter Wing, AETC

• 944th Fighter Wing, AFRC

161 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

Sky Harbor Arpt., AZ

162 Fighter Wing, ANG

Tucson Arpt., AZ

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Little Rock AFB

Little Rock, AR

• 314th Airlift Wing, AETC

• 463rd Airlift Group, AMC

188 Fighter Wing, ANG

Fort Smith Arpt., AR

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Beale AFB

Marysville, CA

• 9th Reconnaissance Wing, ACC

• 940th Air Refueling Wing, AFRC

Edwards AFB

Rosamond, CA

• 95th Air Base Wing, AFMC

• 412th Test Wing, AFMC

• Air Force Flight Test Center, AFMC

Los Angeles AFB

El Segundo, CA

• Space and Missile Systems Center, AFSPC

March ARB

Riverside, CA

• 4th Air Force, AFRC

• 452nd Air Mobility Wing, AFRC

McClellan AFB

Sacramento, CA

Travis AFB

San Francisco, CA

• 15th Expeditionary Mobility Task Force, AMC

• 60th Air Mobility Wing, AMC

• 349th Air Mobility Wing, AFRC

• 615th Contingency Response Wing, AMC

Vandenberg AFB

Lompoc, CA

• 14th Air Force, AFSPC

• 30th Space Wing, AFSPC

• 381st Training Group, AETC

Onizuka AFS

Sunnyvale, CA

129 Refueling Wing, ANG

Moffett Field, CA

144 Fighter Wing, ANG

Fresno Yosemite Arpt., CA

146 Airlift Wing, ANG

Channel Islands ANGS, CA

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Buckley AFB

Denver, CA

• 460th Space Wing, AFSPC

Peterson AFB, Colorado Springs

• Air Force Space Command

• 21st Space Wing, AFSPC

• 302nd Airlift Wing, AFRC

Schriever AFB

Colorado Springs, CO

• 50th Space Wing, AFSPC

• 310th Space Group, AFRC

United States Air Force Academy

Colorado Springs, CO

• 306th Flying Traing Group, AETC

137th Space Warning Squadron, ANG

Greeley ANGB, CO

Cheyenne Mountain AFS

Cheyenne Mountain, CO

Air Reserve Personnel Center

* * * * * * * * * * * *


103th Fighter Wing, ANG

Bradley Arpt., CT

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Dover AFB

Dover, DE

• 436th Airlift Wing, AMC

• 512th Airlift Wing, AFRC

166 Airlift Wing, ANG

New Castle County Arpt., DE

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Bolling AFB

Washington, DC

• Air Force District of Washington

• Air Force Legal Services Agency

Headquarters Air Force

Washington, DC

• Air Force Studies and Analyses Age

• Air Force Audit Agency

• Air Force Pentagon Communication Agency

• Air Force Personnel Operations Age

• Air Force Medical Operations Agency

• Air Force Nuclear Weapons and Counter Proliferation Agency

• Air Force Operations Group

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Eglin AFB

Niceville/Valparaiso, FL

• 9th Special Operations Squadron, AFSOC

• 33rd Fighter Wing, ACC

• 53rd Wing, ACC

• 46th Test Wing, AFMC

• 96th Air Base Wing, AFMC

• Air Armament Center, AFMC

• Air-to-Air Missile Systems Wing, AFMC

• Air-to-Ground Munitions Systems Wing, AFMC

Hurlburt Field

Fort Walton Beach, FL

• Air Force Special Operations Command

• 16th Special Operation Wing, AFSOC

• 18th Flight Test Squadron, AFSOC

• 505th Command and Control Wing, ACC

• 720th Special Tactics Group, AFSOC

• USAF Special Operations School, AFSOC

MacDill AFB

Tampa, FL

• 6th Air Mobility Wing, AMC

Patrick AFB, Cocoa Beach

• 45th Space Wing, AFSPC

• 920th Rescue Wing, AFRC

• Air Force Technical Applications Center

Tyndall AFB

Panama City, FL

• 1st Air Force, ANG

• 53rd Weapons Evaluation Group, ACC

• 325th Fighter Wing, AETC

• Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency

Cape Canaveral AFS

• 45th Space Wing, AFSPC

919th Special Ops Wing, AFRC

Duke Field, FL

482nd Fighter Wing, AFRC

Homestead ARB, FL

125 Fighter Wing, ANG

Jacksonville Arpt., FL

Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation

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Dobbins ARB

Atlanta, GA

• 22nd Air Force, AFRC

• 94th Airlift Wing

Moody AFB

Valdosta, GA

• 347th Rescue Wing, AFSOC

• 479th Flying Training Group, AETC

Robins AFB

Warner Robins, GA

• Air Force Reserve Command

• 19th Air Refueling Group, AMC

• 116th Air Control Wing, ACC

• 78th Air Base Wing, AFMC

• 330th Aircraft Sustainment Wing, AFMC

• 402nd Maintenance Wing, AFMC

• 542nd Combat Sustainment Wing, AFMC

• AFRC Recruiting Service

• Warner Robins Air Logistics Center, AFMC

165 Airlift Wing, ANG

Savannah Hilton Head Arpt., GA

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Andersen AFB

Yigo, Guam

• 36th Wing, PACAF

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Hickam AFB

Honolulu, HI

• Pacific Air Forces

• 13th Air Force/Kenney Warfghting Hq., PACAF

• 15th Airlift Wing, PACAF

• 715th Air Mobility Operations Group, AMC

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Mountain Home AFB

Boise, ID

• 366th Fighter Wing, ACC

124 Wing, ANG

Boise Air Terminal, ID

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Scott AFB

Belleville, IL

• Air Mobility Command

• 18th Air Force, AMC

• 375th Airlift Wing, AMC

• 932nd Airlift Wing, AFRC

• Air Force Communications Agency

182 Airlift Wing, ANG

Greater Peoria Arpt., IL

183 Fighter Wing, ANG

Abraham Lincoln Capital Arpt., IL

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Grissom ARB

Kokomo, IN

• 434th Air Refueling Wing, AFRC

122 Fighter Wing, ANG

Fort Wayne Arpt., IN

181 Fighter Wing, ANG

Hulman Arpt., IN

* * * * * * * * * * * *


132 Fighter Wing, ANG

Des Moines Arpt., IA

185 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

Sioux Gateway Arpt./Col. Bud Day Field, IA

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McConnell AFB

Wichita, KS

• 22nd Air Refueling Wing, AMC

• 931st Air Refueling Group, AFRC

190 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

Forbes Field, KS

* * * * * * * * * * * *


123 Airlift Wing, ANG

Louisville Arpt./AGS, KY

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Barksdale AFB, ACC

Bossier City, LA

• 8th Air Force, ACC

• 2nd Bomb Wing, ACC

• 917th Wing, AFRC

926th Fighter Wing, AFRC


159 Fighter Wing, ANG


* * * * * * * * * * * *


101 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

Bangor Arpt., ME

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Andrews AFB

Andrews AFB, MD

• 89th Airlift Wing, AMC

• 459th Air Refueling Wing, AFRC

• Air Force Flight Standards Agency

• Air Force Office of Special Investigations

• Air Force Review Boards Agency

• Air National Guard Readiness Center

Fort Meade

Laurel, MD

• 70th Intelligence Wing, ACC

175 Wing, ANG

Martin State Arpt., MD

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Hanscom AFB

Boston, MA

• 66th Air Base Wing, AFMC

• Battle Management Systems Wing, AFMC

• C2ISR Systems Wing, AFMC

• Electronic Systems Center, AFMC

• Network Centric Ops/Integration Systems Wing, AFMC

• Operations Support Systems Wing, AFMC

Cape Cod AFS

439th Airlift Wing, AFRC

Westover ARB, AFRC

102 Fighter Wing, ANG


104 Fighter Wing, ANG

Barnes Arpt., MA

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927th Air Refueling Wing, AFRC

Selfridge ANGB, MI

110 Fighter Wing, ANG

W.K. Kellogg Arpt., MI

127 Wing, ANG

Selfridge ANGB, MI

* * * * * * * * * * * *


934th Airlift Wing, AFRC

Minneapolis-St. Paul Arpt./ARS, MN

133 Airlift Wing, ANG

Minneapolis-St. Paul Arpt./ARS , MN

148 Fighter Wing, ANG

Duluth Arpt., MN

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Columbus AFB

Columbus, MS

• 14th Flying Training Wing, AETC

Keesler AFB

Biloxi, MS

• 2nd Air Force, AETC

• 45th Airlift Squadron, AETC

• 81st Training Wing, AETC

• 403rd Wing, AFRC

172 Airlift Wing, ANG

Allen C. Thompson Field, MS

186 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

Key Field, MS

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Whiteman AFB

Knob Noster, MO

• 442nd Fighter Wing, AFRC

• 509th Bomb Wing, ACC

131 Fighter Wing, ANG

Lambert-St. Louis Arpt., MO

139 Airlift Wing, ANG

Rosecrans Memorial Arpt., MO

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Malmstrom AFB

Great Falls, MT

• 341st Space Wing, AFSPC

120 Fighter Wing, ANG

Great Falls Arpt., MT

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Offutt AFB

Omaha, NE

• 55th Wing, ACC

• Air Force Weather Agency

155 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

Lincoln Arpt., NE

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Creech AFB

Indian Springs, NV

Nellis AFB

Las Vegas, NV

• 57th Wing, ACC

• 58th Range Wing

• 98th Range Wing, ACC

• 99th Air Base Wing, ACC

• USAF Warfare Center, ACC

152 Airlift Wing, ANG

Reno/Tahoe Arpt., NV

* * * * * * * * * * * *


157 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

Pease Intl. Tradeport ANGS, NH

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McGuire AFB

Trenton, NJ

• 21st Expeditionary Mobility Task Force, AMC

• 305th Air Mobility Wing, AMC

• 514th Air Mobility Wing, AFRC

• 621st Contingency Response Wing, AMC

Fort Dix

New Hanover Township, NJ

• Air Mobility Warfare Center, AMC

177 Fighter Wing, ANG

Atlantic City Arpt., NJ

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Cannon AFB

Clovis, NM

• 27th Fighter Wing, ACC

Holloman AFB

Alamogordo, NM

• 49th Fighter Wing

Kirtland AFB

Albuquerque, NM

• 58th Special Operations Wing, AETC

• 377th Air Base Wing, AFMC

• 498th Air Armament Systems Wing, AFMC

• Air Force Inspection Agency

• Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center

• Air Force Safety Center

• Nuclear Weapons Center, AFMC

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914th Airlift Wing, AFRC

Niagara Falls Arpt./ARS, NY

105 Airlift Wing, ANG

Stewart ANGB, NY

106 Rescue Wing, ANG

Francis S. Gabreski Arpt., NY

107 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

Niagara Falls Arpt./ARS, NY

109 Airlift Wing, ANG

Schenectady County Arpt., NY

174 Fighter Wing, ANG

Hancock Field, NY

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Pope AFB

Fayetteville, NC

• 23rd Fighter Group, ACC

• 43rd Airlift Wing, AMC

Seymour Johnson AFB

Goldsboro, NC

• 4th Fighter Wing, ACC

• 916th Air Refueling Wing, AFRC

145 Airlift Wing, ANG

Charlotte/Douglas Arpt., NC

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Grand Forks AFB

Grand Forks, ND

• 319th Air Refueling Wing, AMC

Minot AFB

Minot, ND

• 5th Bomb Wing, ACC

• 91st Space Wing, AFSPC

Cavalier AFS

119 Fighter Wing, ANG

Hector Arpt., ND

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Wright-Patterson AFB

Dayton, OH

• Air Force Materiel Command

• 88th Air Base Wing, AFMC

• 445th Airlift Wing, AFRC

• Aeronautical Systems Center, AFMC

• Agile Combat Support Systems Wing, AFMC

• Air Force Research Laboratory, AFMC

• Air Force Security Assistance Center, AFMC

• Fighter Attack Systems Wing, AFMC

• Long Range Strike Systems Wing, AFMC

• Mobility Systems Wing, AFMC

• National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC)

• National Museum of the US Air Force, AFMC

• Reconnaissance Systems Wing, AFMC

910th Airlift Wing, AFRC

Youngstown-Warren Arpt./ARS, OH

121 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

Rickenbacker ANGB, OH

178 Fighter Wing, ANG

Springfield-Beckley Arpt., OH

179 Airlift Wing, ANG

Mansfield Lahm Arpt., OH

180 Fighter Wing, ANG

Toledo Express Arpt., OH

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Altus AFB

Oklahoma City, OK

• 97th Air Mobility Wing, AETC

Tinker AFB

Oklahoma City, OK

• 72nd Air Base Wing, AFMC

• 76th Maintenance Wing, AFMC

• 327th Aircraft Sustainment Wing, AFMC

• 448th Combat Sustainment Wing, AFMC

• 507th Air Refueling Wing, AFRC

• 513th Air Control Group, AFRC

• 552nd Air Control Wing, ACC

• Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center, AFMC

Vance AFB

Enid, OK

• 71st Flying Training Wing, AETC

138 Fighter Wing, ANG

Tulsa Arpt., OK

137 Airlift Wing, ANG

Will Rogers World Arpt., OK

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939th Air Refueling Wing, AFRC

Portland Arpt., OR

142 Fighter Wing, ANG

Portland Arpt., OR

173 Fighter Wing, ANG

Klamath Falls Arpt., OR

* * * * * * * * * * * *


911th Airlift Wing, AFRC

Pittsburgh Arpt., PA

913th Airlift Wing, AFRC

Willow Grove ARS, PA

111 Fighter Wing, ANG

Willow Grove ARS, PA

171 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

Pittsburgh Arpt./ARS, PA

193 Special Operations Wing, ANG

Harrisburg Arpt., PA

* * * * * * * * * * * *


156th Airlift Wing, ANG

Luis Munoz Marin Arpt., PR

* * * * * * * * * * * *


143 Airlift Wing, ANG

Quonset State Arpt., Rl

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Charleston AFB

Charleston, SC

• 315th Airlift Wing, AFRC

• 437th Airlift Wing, AMC

Shaw AFB

Sumter, SC

• 9th Air Force, ACC

• 20th Fighter Wing, ACC

169 Fighter Wing, ANG

McEntire ANGS, SC

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Ellsworth AFB

Rapid City, SD

• 28th Bomb Wing, ACC

114 Fighter Wing, ANG

Joe Foss Field, SD

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Arnold AFB

Manchester, TN

• Arnold Engineering Development Center, AFMC

118 Airlift Wing, ANG

Nashville Arpt., TN

134 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

McGhee Tyson Arpt., TN

164 Airlift Wing, ANG,

Memphis Arpt.

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Brooks City-Base

Brooks City, TN

• 311th Human Systems Wing, AFMC

• Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence

• Air Force Medical Support Agency

Dyess AFB

Abilene, TX

• 7th Bomb Wing, ACC

• 317th Airlift Group, AMC

Goodfellow AFB

San Angelo, TX

• 17th Training Wing, AETC

Kelly Field Annex

San Antonio, TX

Lackland AFB

San Antonio, TX

• 37th Training Wing, AETC

• 59th Medical Wing, AETC

• 67th Information Operations Wing, ACC

• 433rd Airlift Wing, AFRC

• Air Force Security Forces Center

• Air Intelligence Agency, ACC

Laughlin AFB, Del Rio

• 47th Flying Training Wing, AETC

Randolph AFB

San Antonio, TX

• 12th Flying Training Wing, AETC

• 19th Air Force, AETC

• 340th Flying Training Group

• Air Education and Training Command

• Air Force Manpower Agency

• Air Force Personnel Center

• Air Force Recruiting Service, AETC

• Air Force Security Assistance Training Squadron, AETC

Sheppard AFB

Wichita Falls, TX

• 80th Flying Training Wing, AETC

• 82nd Training Wing, AETC

Air Force News Agency

Air Force Services Agency

Naval Air Station, Joint Reserve Base

Fort Worth, TX

• 10th Air Force, AFRC

• 301st Fighter Wing, AFRC

147 Fighter Wing, ANG

Ellington Field, TX

149 Fighter Wing, ANG

Kelly Field, TX

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Hill AFB

Salt Lake City, UT

• 75th Air Base Wing, AFMC

• 84th Combat Sustainment Wing, AFMC

• 309th Maintenance Wing, AFMC

• 388th Fighter Wing, ACC

• 419th Fighter Wing, AFRC

• 508th Aircraft Sustainment Wing, AFMC

• 526th ICBM Systems Wing, AFMC

• Ogden Air Logistics Center, AFMC

151 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

Salt Lake City Arpt., UT

* * * * * * * * * * * *


158 Fighter Wing, ANG

Burlington Arpt., VT

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Langley AFB, ACC

Hampton, VA

• Air Combat Command

• 1st Fighter Wing, ACC

• 307th Fighter Squadron, AFRC

• 480th Intelligence Wing, ACC

• Air and Space Expeditionary Force Center

• Air Force Command and Control & Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center

• Air Force Rescue Coordination Center, AFSOC

192 Fighter Wing, ANG

Richmond Arpt., VA

Air Force Cost Analysis Agency

Air Force Frequency Management Agency

Air Force National Security Emergency Preparedness Agency

Air Force Real Property Agency

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Fairchild AFB

Spokane, WA

• 92nd Air Refueling Wing, AMC

• 336th Training Group, AETC

McChord AFB

Tacoma, WA

• 62nd Airlift Wing, AMC

• 446th Airlift Wing, AFRC

* * * * * * * * * * * *


130 Airlift Wing, ANG

Yeager Arpt., WV

167 Airlift Wing, ANG

Eastern West Virginia Arpt., WV

* * * * * * * * * * * *


440th Airlift Wing, AFRC

General Mitchell Arpt., WI

115 Fighter Wing, ANG

Truax Field, WI

128 Air Refueling Wing, ANG

General Mitchell Arpt./ARS, WI

* * * * * * * * * * * *


F.E. Warren AFB

Cheyenne, WY

• 20th Air Force, AFSPC

• 90th Space Wing, AFSPC

153 Airlift Wing, ANG

Cheyenne Arpt., WY

Air Force Overseas Installations

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Ramstein AB

• 16th Air Force, USAFE

• 86th Airlift Wing, USAFE

• 435th Air Base Wing, USAFE

• 721st Air Mobility Operations Group, AMC

Sembach AB

• 38th Combat Support Wing, USAFE

Spangdahlem AB

• 52nd Fighter Wing, USAFE

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Thule AB

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Aviano AFB

• 31st Fighter Wing, USAFE

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Kadena AB

• 18th Wing, PACAF

• 353rd Special Operations Group, AFSOC

Misawa AB

• 35th Fighter Wing, PACAF

Yokota AB

• 5th Air Force, PACAF

• 374th Fighter Wing, PACAF

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Paya Lebar Airfield

• 497th Fighter Training Squadron, PACAF

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Kunsan AB

• 8th Fighter Wing, PACAF

Osan AB

• 7th Air Force, PACAF

• 51st Fighter Wing, PACAF

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Lajes Field

• 65th Air Base Wing, USAFE

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Incirlik AB

• 39th Air Base Wing, USAFE

* * * * * * * * * * * *


RAF Lakenheath

• 48th Fighter Wing, USAFE

RAF Mildenhall

• 100th Air Refueling Wing, USAFE

• 352nd Special Operations Group, AFSOC

• 501st Combat Support Wing, USAFE

* * * * * * * * * * * *


AEF - Air and Space Expeditionary Force AEFC - Air and Space Expeditionary Force Center AEHF - Advanced Extremely High Frequency AETF - Air and Space Expeditionary Task Force

ALCM - Air-Launched Cruise Missile. An air-launched vehicle designed to deliver a nuclear warhead in an air-to-ground mission.

AMRAAM - Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile

AMTI - Air Moving Target Indicator

ANGB - Air National Guard Base

AOC - Air Operations Center

ARB - Air Reserve Base

ARS - Air Reserve Station

ASOC - Air and Space Operations Center. The senior agency of the Air Force component commander that provides command and control of Air Force air and space operations and coordinates with other components and services. Also called AOC.

BDA - Battle Damage Assessment

BLOS - Beyond Line of Sight

C2 - Command and Control

CAS - Close Air Support

CBU - Cluster Bomb Unit

CDR - Concept Design Review

CEM - Combined Effects Munition

CID - Combat Identification

CNS/ATM - Communication, Navigation and Safety/Air Traffic Management COCOM - Combatant Commander

CSAR - Combat Search and Rescue. Combat search and rescue is how the Air Force accomplishes the personnel recovery task. It is the Air Force's preferred mechanism for personnel recovery execution in uncertain or hostile environments and denied areas.

DE - Directed Energy

DSP - Defense Support Program

DT&E - Developmental Test and Evaluation. Any testing used to assist in the development and maturation of products, product elements, or manufacturing or support processes; any engineering-type test used to verify status of technical progress and minimize design risks, substantiate achievement of contract technical performance, and certify readiness for Initial Operational Testing (IOT).

ECM - Electronic Counter Measures

ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

FAC - Forward Air Control

FFS - Forward Framing Sensor

Force Development - A series of experiences and challenges, combined with education and training opportunities, that is directed at producing Airmen who possess the requisite skills, knowledge, experience, and motivation to lead and execute the full spectrum of Air Force missions.

Force Protection - Actions taken to prevent or mitigate hostile actions against Department of Defense personnel (including family members), resources, facilities, and critical information.

FRP - Full Rate Production. Contracting for economic production quantities following stabilization of the system design and validation of the production process.

FYDP - Future Years Defense Program. A massive DoD database and internal accounting system that summarizes forces and resources associated with programs approved by the Secretary of Defense.

GIG - Global Information Grid. The globally interconnected, end-to-end set of information capabilities, associated processes, and personnel for collecting, processing, storing, disseminating, and managing information on demand to warfighters, policy makers, and support personnel.

Global Mobility - The capability to move people and equipment across the world quickly, ensuring the right force anywhere, at any time.

GMTI - Ground Moving Target Indicator

GWOT - The Global War on Terrorism

HUMRO - Humanitarian Relief Operations

IMINT - Imagery Intelligence

INS/GPS - Inertial Navigation System/Global Positioning System

IOC - Initial Operational Capability IOT - Initial Operational Testing

ISR - Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance. Integrated capabilities to collect, process, exploit and disseminate accurate and timely information that provides the battlespace awareness necessary to successfully plan and conduct operations.

JAOC - Joint Air Operations Center. A jointly staffed facility established for planning, directing, and executing joint air operations in support of the joint force commander's operation or campaign objectives. Also called Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC).

JCOMs - Joint Commands

JDAM - Joint Direct Attack Munition

JFACC - Joint Force Air Component Commander. The commander within a unified command, subordinate unified command, or joint task force responsible to the establishing commander for making recommendations on the proper employment of air forces; planning and coordinating air operations; or accomplishing such operational missions as may be assigned. The joint force air component commander is given the authority necessary to accomplish missions and tasks assigned by the establishing commander.

JFC - Joint Force Commander JRB - Joint Reserve Base

LANTIRN - Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night LOS - Line of Sight

LRIP - Low Rate Initial Production. The first effort of the Production and Deployment (P&D) phase. The purpose of this effort is to establish an initial production base for the system, permit an orderly ramp-up sufficient to lead to a smooth transition to Full Rate Production (FRP), and to provide production representative articles for Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) and full-up live fire testing. This effort concludes with a Full Rate Production Decision Review (FRPDR) to authorize the Full Rate Production and Deployment (FRP&D) effort.

MANPADS - Man Portable Air Defense Systems

MASINT - Measurement and Signature Intelligence

MCO - Major Combat Operation

MS - Milestone. The point at which a recommendation is made and approval sought regarding starting or continuing an acquisition program, e.g., proceeding to the next phase. Milestones established by DoD 5000.2 include the following:

MS A approves entry into the Technology Development (TD) phase;

MS B approves entry into the System Development and Demonstration (SDD) phase; and

MS C approves entry into the Production and Deployment (P&D) phase.

Also of note are the Concept Decision (CD) that approves entry into the Concept Refinement (CR) phase; the Design Readiness Review (DRR) that ends the System Integration (SI) effort and continues the SDD phase into the System Demonstration (SD) effort; and the Full Rate Production Decision Review (FRPDR) at the end of the Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) effort of the P&D phase that authorizes Full Rate Production (FRP) and approves deployment of the system to the field or fleet.

NAS - Naval Air Station

Operationally Response Space - The ability to rapidly deploy and employ communication, ISR, and other space capabilities.

OT&E - Operational Test and Evaluation. The field test, under realistic conditions, of any item (or key component) of weapons, equipment, or munitions for the purpose of determining the effectiveness and suitability of the weapons, equipment, or munitions for use in combat by typical military users. It includes the evaluation of the results of such tests.

P3I - Preplanned Product Improvement. Planned future improvement of developmental systems for which design considerations are effected during development to enhance future application of projected technology. It includes improvements planned for ongoing systems that go beyond the current performance envelope to achieve a needed operational capability.

PDR - Preliminary Design Review. A multi-disciplined technical review to ensure that a system is ready to proceed into detailed design and can meet stated performance requirements within cost (program budget), schedule (program schedule), risk, and other system constraints.

Persistent C4ISR - The successful use of Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (C4ISR), to ensure the ability to see first, think first, and act first in the battle space.

PLS - Personnel Locator System

PR - Personnel Recovery

RAIDRS - Rapid Attack Identification Detection and Reporting System

Rapid Strike - The Air Force's ability to control air and space to deliver a precise, tailored effect anywhere, at any time.

RDT&E - Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation. Activities for the development of a new system or to expand the performance of fielded systems.

RPA - Remotely Piloted Aircraft, i.e., Global Hawk

S&T - Science and Technology Program. Consists of projects in basic research, applied research, and Advanced Technology Development (ATD).

SA - Situational Awareness

SAM - Surface-to-Air Missile

SAR - Synthetic Aperture Radar

SATCOM - Satellite Communications

SD - System Demonstration. The second effort of the System Development and Demonstration (SDD) phase. A program enters SD after the Program Manager (PM) has demonstrated the system in prototype articles or Engineering Development Models (EDMs). The effort is intended to demonstrate the ability of the system to operate in a useful way consistent with the approved Key Performance Parameters (KPPs). This effort ends when the system is demonstrated in its intended environment using the selected prototype; meets approved requirements; industrial capabilities are reasonably available; and the system meets or exceeds exit criteria and Milestone C entrance requirements.

SDB - Small Diameter Bomb

SDD - System Development and Demonstration

SEAD/DEAD - Suppression/Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses

SIGINT - Signals Intelligence

SMTI - Surface Moving Target Indication

SOF - Special Operations Force

SSA - Space Situational Awareness

Sustainment - Execute support program to meet operational support performance requirements and sustain systems in the most cost-effective manner over its life cycle. Includes supply, maintenance, transportation, sustaining engineering, data management, Configuration Management (CM), manpower, personnel, training, habitability, survivability, environment, safety (including explosives safety), occupational health, protection of critical program information, anti-tamper provisions, Information Technology (IT) (including National Security Systems (NSSs)), support-ability, and interoperability functions.

SDD - System Development and Demonstration. The third phase of a system life cycle. This phase consists of two efforts, System Integration (SI) and System Demonstration (SD), and begins after Milestone B. It also contains a Design Readiness Review (DRR) at the conclusion of the SI effort.

SRR - System Requirements Review. A review conducted to ascertain progress in defining system technical requirements. This review determines the direction and progress of the systems engineering effort and the degree of convergence upon a balanced and complete configuration.

T&E - Test and Evaluation. Process by which a system or components are exercised and results analyzed to provide performance-related information. The information has many uses including risk identification and risk mitigation and empirical data to validate models and simulations. T&E enables an assessment of the attainment of technical performance, specifications, and system maturity to determine whether systems are operationally effective, suitable and survivable for intended use, and/or lethal.

TARS - Theater Airborne Reconnaissance System

Threat - The sum of the potential strengths, capabilities, and strategic objectives of any adversary that can limit or negate U.S. mission accomplishment or reduce force, system, or equipment effectiveness.

TST - Time Sensitive Targeting

UAS - Unmanned Aerial System. Also called UAV.

UCAV - Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle

WMD - Weapons of Mass Destruction

* * * * * * * * * * * *



Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)


Space Radar (SR)


Space Test Program (STP)


CBU-89/104 Gator

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) LGM-30G Minuteman Ill Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV) Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP)

Aerospace Integration Corporation

UH-1N Helicopter (Variants: UH-1N, 1H/Vm UV-18B)



Air Force Research Laboratory

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Air Launch

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)


Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Alliant Tech Systems

AGM-65 Maverick

CBU-87/103 Combined Effects Munition (CEM)

CBU-89/104 Gator

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW) Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

LGM-30G Minuteman III

Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV)

Allied Signal Aerospace

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

Allison Transmissions

Halvorsen (formerly Next Generation Small Loader (NGSL))


C-5 Galaxy KC-10 Extender

Arrowhead Products

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)


Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

ATK Aerospace

Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP)

ATK Mission Research, Integrated Systems

C-130H Scathe View


Aurora Flight Systems

RQ-4 Global Hawk

Ball Aerospace

National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)

Space Radar (SR)

Space Situation Awareness (SSA) Systems Space Test Program (STP)

Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT)



F16-TARS (Theater Airborne Reconnaissance System) F-22A Raptor

F-35 Lightning II, Joint Strike Fighter

Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM) Terminals

Mission Planning Systems (MPS)

Space Radar (SR)

U-2S Dragon Lady

Bell Helicopter Company

UH-1N Helicopter (Variants: UH-1N, 1H/Vm UV-18B)





B.F. Goodrich


Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) and WCMD-Extended Range (WCMD-ER)


AC-130H Spectre

AC-130U Spooky

AGM-86 B Air Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM)

AGM-86 C/D Conventional Air Launched Cruise Missile (CALCM)

AGM-130 Standoff Attack Weapon

Air Force Combat Identification (AFCID )

Airborne Laser (ABL)

B-1B Lancer

C-17 Globemaster Ill

C-32A C-40B/C

Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL)

Combatant Commanders Integrated Command and Control System (CCIC2S)

E-8C Joint STARS


Eagle F-15E

Strike Eagle

F-22A Raptor

GBU-31, GBU-32, GBU-38--Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)

GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bomb (SDB)

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)

KC-10 Extender

KC-135 Stratotanker

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

LGM-30G Minuteman III

MC-130E Combat Talon

MC-130H Combat Talon II

MC-130P Combat Shadow

Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM)

Terminals Mission Planning Systems (MPS)

RC-135S Cobra Ball

RC-135U Combat Sent

RC-135V/W Rivet Joint Space Radar (SR)

Space Situation Awareness (SSA) Systems Space Test Program (STP)

T-38A/AT-38B/T-38C Talon


WC-135 Constant Phoenix

Boeing Aerospace Company

E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)

Boeing Aerospace Operations

E-4B National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC)

Boeing Aircraft

B-52H Stratofortress

Boeing Integrated Defense System


Boeing Satellite Systems

National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)

Boeing Space & Intelligence Systems

Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT)

Boeing Wichita Development and Modernization Center (KS)

E-4B National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC)

Booz Allen Hamilton

Space Radar (SR)

Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT)

Carbon Advanced Technologies, Inc

Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (HTV)

Carondolet Foundry

Tunner 60K Loader

CDI Corp

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)


T-37B Tweet CFM International


Chelton Microwave

Global Broadcast Service (GBS)

Cincinnati Electronics

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)


Space Radar (SR)

Clover Hydraulics

Halvorsen (formerly Next Generation Small Loader (NGSL))

Coleman Research

Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP)

Commercial Intertech

Tunner 60K Loader

Computer Science Corp.

Combatant Commanders Integrated Command and Control System (CCIC2S)

Computer Sciences Corp./ADP


Computer Sciences Corp

Federal Sector Defense Group

Deliberate Crisis and Action Planning and Execution Segments (DCAPES)

Computer Sciences/Raytheon

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)


Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)


E-8C Joint STARS

Dallas Airmotive

C-20B/H C-21A

Dana Corporation

Halvorsen (formerly Next Generation Small Loader (NGSL))

Day & Zimmerman Inc

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

DCS Corp

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Delta Velocity Corporation

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Design Develop

Space Radar (SR)

Detroit Diesel

Tunner 60K Loader

Halvorsen (formerly Next Generation Small Loader (NGSL))


Space Radar (SR)

Digital Net (BAE-IT)

Combatant Commanders Integrated Command and Control System (CCIC2S)


Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)


AN/USQ -163 Falconer Air and Space Operations Center Weapon System (AOC-WS)

DRS Technologies, Inc

Tunner 60K Loader


AGM-86 B Air Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM) AGM-129 A Advanced Cruise Missil e (ACM)

Eagle Pitcher

Space Radar (SR)


MH-53J/M Pave Low III/IV

Elbit Systems (Israel)

Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)


A-10/OA-10 Thunderbolt II


Launch & Test Range System (LTRS) Excel

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Fairfield Manufacturing

Tunner 60K Loader

Fiber Innovations

Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

Flight Safety Services Corp

T-6A Texan II

FMC Technologies Inc.

Halvorsen (formerly Next Generation Small Loader (NGSL))

Ford Aerospace

AIM-9M Sidewinder

Freescale Semiconductor Inc

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

GDE Systems

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

General Atomics - Aeronautical Systems Incorporated

MQ-1 Predator MQ-9 Reaper

General Electric

B-1B Lancer

C-5 Galaxy

F-16 Fighting Falcon

F-117 Nighthawk

KC-10 Extender

KC-135 Stratotanker

RC-135S Cobra Ball

RC-135U Combat Sent

RC-135V/W Rivet Joint

T-38A/AT-38B/T-38C Talon

U-2S Dragon Lady

General Electric/Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team

F-35 Lightning II, Joint Strike Fighter

General Dynamics

AIM-7M Sparrow


CBU-89/104 Gator


CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

Space Radar (SR)

General Technology Corporation

Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) and WCMD-Extended Range (WCMD-ER)

GKN Aerospace



Global Broadcast Service (GBS)



Harris Corp.

Counterspace Systems

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Space Radar (SR)

WC-135 Constant Phoenix

Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) System

Hi Shear

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)


Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)


B-52H Stratofortress

C-5 Galaxy

CBU-87/103 Combined Effects Munition (CEM)

CBU-89/104 Gator

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

F-15A-D Eagle

F-15E Strike Eagle

LGM-30G Minuteman III Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV)

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Space Radar (SR)

Honeywell Aerospace Electronic Systems/ Olathe

T-6A Texan II

Honeywell International

F-16 Fighting Falcon

Honeywell Military Avionics

Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) and WCMD-Extended Range (WCMD-ER)

Honeywell Technical Services, Inc.

Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN)

Hughes Space

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)


AN/USQ -163 Falconer Air and Space Operations Center Weapon System (AOC-WS)

InDyne, Inc

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Integral Systems, Inc.

Counterspace Systems

Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)

Integrated Data Systems

Space Radar (SR)

Integrity Applications Incorporated

Space Radar (SR)

Interstate Electronics Corp

Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL)

Israel Aircraft Industries

F-16 Fighting Falcon


AN/USQ -163 Falconer Air and Space Operations Center Weapon System (AOC-WS) ITT Avionics


ITT Industries

B-52H Stratofortress

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Space Situation Awareness (SSA) Systems Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) System

Jackson & Tull

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Johns Hopkins APL

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Johnstown Welding & Fabrication

Halvorsen (formerly Next Generation Small Loader (NGSL))


Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

Keystone Engineering

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)


Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)



KSS (Kelly's Logistics Support Services) Scitor

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Kurt Manufacturing

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) and WCMD-Extended Range (WCMD-ER)

L-3 Communications

AN/GSQ -272 AIR FORCE DISTRIBUTED COMMON GROUND SYSTEM (AFDCGS) AN/USQ -163 Falconer Air and Space Operations Center Weapon System (AOC-WS) C-130 SENIOR SCOUT

E-4B National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC) EC-130H COMPASS CALL

F16-TARS (Theater Airborne Reconnaissance System) F-117 Nighthawk

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS) MC-130E Combat Talon MC-130H Combat Talon II

MQ-1 Predator MQ-9 Reaper

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) RC-135S Cobra Ball RC-135U Combat Sent

RC-135V/W Rivet Joint

RQ-4 Global Hawk U-2S Dragon Lady WC-135 Constant Phoenix

L-3 Communications Telemetry

Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

L-3 Communications/Vertex Aerospace


La Barge

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

Lincoln Composites

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

Linde Hydraulics

Tunner 60K Loader

Lockheed Martin

AC-130H Spectre

Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) System


A-10/OA-10 Thunderbolt II

Airborne Laser (ABL)

C-5 Galaxy



Combatant Commanders Integrated Command and Control System (CCIC2S) Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)

F-16 Fighting Falcon

F-22A Raptor

F-35 Lightning II, Joint Strike Fighter

F-117 Nighthawk

GBU-31, GBU-32, GBU-38--Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) Global Positioning System (GPS) HC-130P/N King

Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (HTV)

Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

LGM-30G Minuteman III

MC-130E Combat Talon MC-130H Combat Talon II MC-130P Combat Shadow MH-53J/M Pave Low III/IV

Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM) Terminals

Mission Planning Systems (MPS)

Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP)

Space Radar (SR)

U-2S Dragon Lady

Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) and WCMD-Extended Range (WCMD-ER)

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company

C-130 Hercules

Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems & Solutions

AN/USQ -163 Falconer Air and Space Operations Center Weapon System (AOC-WS)


Space Based Infrared System High (SBIRS High)

Theater Battle Management Control Systems (TBMCS) Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT)

Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space

Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) Ill

Military Strategic and Tactical Relay (Milstar)

Lockheed Martin Space Systems

Space Based Infrared System High (SBIRS High)

Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT)

Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Lockheed Martin Technical Operations

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)


Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) System

M7 Aerospace



Martin Baker Aircraft/Middlesex

T-6A Texan II

T-38A/AT-38B/T-38C Talon

Marvin Engineering

AGM-65 Maverick


Space Radar (SR)


Space Radar (SR)

MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Space Situation Awareness (SSA) Systems

Mitre Corp (MA)

Regional Sector Air Operations Center (RSAOC)

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

Moog Inc.

AGM-65 Maverick

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

Space Radar (SR)


MH-53J/M Pave Low III/IV

Muniz Engineering

Space Test Program (STP)

Net Acquire

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Northrop Grumman

Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) System


Air Force Combat Identification (AFCID )

A-10/OA-10 Thunderbolt II Airborne Laser (ABL)

B-1B Lancer

B-2 Spirit

Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)

Defense Support Program (DSP)

Distributed Mission Operations (DMO)

E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)

E-8C Joint STARS

F-15A-D Eagle

F-15E Strike Eagle

F-16 Fighting Falcon

F-22A Raptor

F-35 Lightning II, Joint Strike Fighter

Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM) Terminals

Mission Planning Systems (MPS)

RQ-4 Global Hawk

Space Situation Awareness (SSA) Systems Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT)

T-38A/AT-38B/T-38C Talon

U-2S Dragon Lady

Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems

Combatant Commanders Integrated Command and Control System (CCIC2S)

Space Based Infrared System High (SBIRS High)

Space Radar (SR)

Northrop Grumman Mission Systems

LGM-30G Minuteman III

Northrop Grumman Space Technology

National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)

Space Radar (SR)

NPO Enerogomash

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

Orbital Sciences Corporation

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP)

Orion Propulsion

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Pacific Scientific

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW) Parker Hanifin Tunner 60K Loader

Partners in Air and Space

Space Radar (SR)


KC-135 Stratotanker

Pioneer Aerospace

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

Pratt & Whitney

B-52H Stratofortress


C-17 Globemaster Ill


Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

F-15A-D Eagle

F-15E Strike Eagle

F-16 Fighting Falcon

F-22A Raptor

F-35 Lightning II, Joint Strike Fighter

KC-135 Stratotanker Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV)

WC-135 Constant Phoenix

Pratt & Whitney Canada

T-6A Texan II


Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)



AGM-129 A Advanced Cruise Missile (ACM)

AIM-9X Sidewinder AIM-9M Sidewinder

AGM-88 High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM)

AIM-120 (AMRAAM) Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile

AIM-7M Sparrow

Air Force Combat Identification (AFCID )


E-4B National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC)

F-15A-D Eagle

F-15E Strike Eagle

F-16 Fighting Falcon

LGM-30G Minuteman III

MC-130E Combat Talon\

MH-53J/M Pave Low III/IV

MQ-1 Predator

MQ-9 Reaper

National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

RQ-4 Global Hawk

Space Radar (SR)

T-1A Jayhawk

T-6A Texan II

Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT)

U-2S Dragon Lady

WC-135 Constant Phoenix

Raytheon Intelligence & Information Systems

Global Broadcast Service (GBS)

Raytheon Missile Systems

F-16 HARM Targeting System (HTS) R6 and R7

Raytheon Systems Corporation


Raytheon Technology Services

Global Broadcast Service (GBS)

Raytheon-Texas Instruments

F-117 Nighthawk

Reynard Corp

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

Robinson & Robinson

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)


Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV) Rockwell

Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM) Terminals

Rockwell Automation

E-4B National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC)

Rockwell Collins

AC-130H Spectre AC-130U Spooky

E-8C Joint STARS

GBU-31, GBU-32, GBU-38--Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)

Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)

KC-135 Stratotanker

MC-130E Combat Talon

MC-130H Combat Talon II

MC-130P Combat Shadow

Rolls Royce

C-130J C-20B/H CV-22B C-37A

F-35 Lightning II, Joint Strike Fighter

RQ-4 Global Hawk

RT Logic

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)


AN/USQ -163 Falconer Air and Space Operations Center Weapon System (AOC-WS)

Deliberate Crisis and Action Planning and Execution Segments (DCAPES)

Mission Planning Systems (MPS)

Space Radar (SR)

Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) System


Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Space Radar (SR)


AC-130H Spectre

AC-130U Spooky

MC-130H Combat Talon II

Senior Systems Technology

Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL)

Sensis Group

Control and Reporting Center (CRC)


Space Radar (SR)

Sierra Nevada Corporation

C-130 SENIOR SCOUT RC-135U Combat Sent


HH-60G Pave Hawk

MH-53J/M Pave Low III/IV

Smith Aerospace


Smith Electric

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Smiths Aerospace Electronic Systems/Cheltenham

T-6A Texan II

Space Vector Corporation

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP)


Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP)

Spectrum Astro

Space Radar (SR)

Space Test Program (STP)

SRI International

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

SRS Technologies

Space Radar (SR)


Space Radar (SR)


Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Swales Aerospace

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Space Radar (SR)

System Integration

A-10/OA-10 Thunderbolt II

Technology Services Corp.

Control and Reporting Center (CRC)


Space Radar (SR)

Teledyne Continental Engine

Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)


GBU-31, GBU-32, GBU-38--Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

RC-135S Cobra Ball

Thales Raytheon

Control and Reporting Center (CRC) Regional Sector Air Operations Center (RSAOC)

Thales Communications

Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL)


Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV)

TRAK Microwave

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Tundra Semiconductor

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

Tybrin Corp

Mission Planning Systems (MPS)

United Engineering Co

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

United Launch Alliance

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV)

Universal Space Lines LLC

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)


Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT) Viasat

Global Broadcast Service (GBS)

Vision Systems International

Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)


Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Vought Aircraft

C-17 Globemaster Ill RQ-4 Global Hawk

Williams International

Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

Wyman-Gordon Forgings

Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)



C-5 Galaxy

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

KC-135 Stratotanker

Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV)

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)


AGM-65 Maverick

AGM-88 High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM)

AGM-129 A Advanced Cruise Missile (ACM)

AIM-7M Sparrow

AIM-9M Sidewinder

AIM-9X Sidewinder

AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM)

AN/GSQ -272 Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AF DCGS)

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

F-16 HARM Targeting System (HTS) R6 and R7

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP)

Space Radar (SR)

Space Test Program (STP)


Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) California

Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) System

AGM-130 Standoff Attack Weapon Air Force Combat Identification (AFCID )

Airborne Laser (ABL)

AN/GSQ-272 Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AF DCGS)

B-1B Lancer

B-2 Spirit

C-17 Globemaster Ill

CBU-89/104 Gator

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

Combatant Commanders Integrated Command and Control System (CCIC2S)

Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL)

Control and Reporting Center (CRC)

Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)

Defense Support Program (DSP)

EC-130H Compass Call

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

F-15A-D Eagle

F-15E Strike Eagle F-16 Fighting Falcon

F-35 Lightning II, Joint Strike Fighter

F-117 Nighthawk

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (HTV)

Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)

KC-10 Extender

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV)

Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM) Terminals

MQ-1 Predator

MQ-9 Reaper

National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) Regional Sector Air Operations Center (RSAOC)

Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP)

RQ-4 Global Hawk

Space Based Infrared System High (SBIRS High)

Space Radar (SR)

Space Situation Awareness (SSA) Systems

T-38A/AT-38B/T-38C Talon

Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT)

U-2S Dragon Lady

Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) System


Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN)

Air Force Weather Weapon System (AFWWS)

AN/GSQ -272 Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AF DCGS)


Combatant Commanders Integrated Command and Control System (CCIC2S)

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV)

National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Space Based Infrared System High (SBIRS High)

Space Radar (SR)

Space Situation Awareness (SSA)

Systems Space Test Program (STP)

T-6A Texan II

Theater Battle Management Control Systems (TBMCS)

Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT)

Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) System


C-17 Globemaster Ill


CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

F-15A-D Eagle

F-15E Strike Eagle

F-16 Fighting Falcon

F-22A Raptor

F-35 Lightning II, Joint Strike Fighter

HH-60G Pave Hawk

MH-53J/M Pave Low III/IV

Space Radar (SR)

WC-135 Constant Phoenix

District of Columbia

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)


AC-130H Spectre

AC-130U Spooky

AIM-7M Sparrow

AIM-9M Sidewinder

B-52H Stratofortress


CBU-89/104 Gator

Counterspace Systems

Distributed Mission Operations (DMO)

E-4B National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC)

E-8C Joint STARS

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Halvorsen (formerly Next Generation Small Loader (NGSL))

Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

LGM-30G Minuteman III

Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM) Terminals

MC-130E Combat Talon

MC-130H Combat Talon II

MC-130P Combat Shadow

Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV)

MH-53J/M Pave Low III/IV

Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP)

Space Radar (SR)

Space Test Program (STP)

UH-1N Helicopter (Variants: UH-1N, 1H/Vm UV-18B)

Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) and WCMD-Extended Range (WCMD-ER)


C-5 Galaxy



F-22A Raptor

MC-130E Combat Talon

MC-130H Combat Talon II

MH-53J/M Pave Low III/IV

U-2S Dragon Lady

Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) and WCMD-Extended Range (WCMD-ER)


F-15A-D Eagle F-15E Strike Eagle




EC-130H Compass Call

F-35 Lightning II, Joint Strike Fighter

Halvorsen (formerly Next Generation Small Loader (NGSL))

Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM) Terminals

National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)

RQ-4 Global Hawk


AC-130H Spectre

AC-130U Spooky

GBU-31/ GBU-32/ GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)

MC-130E Combat Talon

MC-130H Combat Talon II

MC-130P Combat Shadow

Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM) Terminals Kansas

Airborne Laser (ABL)

B-52H Stratofortress

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

E-4B National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC)

KC-135 Stratotanker

RC-135S Cobra Ball

RC-135U Combat Sent

RC-135V/W Rivet Joint

T-1A Jayhawk

T-6A Texan II

T-37B Tweet


E-8C Joint STARS

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) Maine

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)


Air Force Combat Identification (AFCID )

AN/GSQ -272 Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AF DCGS)

B-1B Lancer

C-5 Galaxy

C-130 Hercules

Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL)

Control and Reporting Center (CRC) Counterspace Systems

Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)

E-3 Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)

F-16 Fighting Falcon

F-22A Raptor

Global Broadcast Service (GBS)

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Space Radar (SR)


AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM)

AN/GSQ -272 Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AF DCGS)

AN/USQ -163 Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AOC-WS)

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

F-117 Nighthawk

GBU-31/ GBU-32/ GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)

Global Broadcast Service (GBS)

Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

LGM-30G Minuteman III

Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM)

Terminals Regional Sector Air Operations Center (RSAOC)

Space Radar (SR)

Space Situation Awareness (SSA) Systems

T-38A/AT-38B/T-38C Talon

Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT) Michigan

Halvorsen (formerly Next Generation Small Loader (NGSL))

Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

Space Radar (SR)

Tunner 60K Loader


CBU-87/103 Combined Effects Munition (CEM)

CBU-89/104 Gator

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

F-16 Fighting Falcon

GBU-31/ GBU-32/ GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)

Space Radar (SR)

Tunner 60K Loader

Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) and WCMD-Extended Range (WCMD-ER)



F-15A-D Eagle

F-15E Strike Eagle

RQ-4 Global Hawk

Space Radar (SR)


AC-130H Spectre

AC-130U Spooky

AGM-86 C/D Conventional Air Launched Cruise Missile (CALCM)

C-17 Globemaster Ill

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

F-15A-D Eagle

F-15E Strike Eagle

GBU-31/ GBU-32/ GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)

GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bomb (SDB)

Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)

MC-130H Combat Talon II

Space Radar (SR)

T-38A/AT-38B/T-38C Talon

Tunner 60K Loader


Air Force Weather Weapon System (AFWWS)

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

New Hampshire


F-22A Raptor

Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM) Terminals

New Jersey

B-52H Stratofortress


F-16 Fighting Falcon

GBU-31/ GBU-32/ GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)

New Mexico

C-5 Galaxy

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

F-15A-D Eagle

F-15E Strike Eagle

F-16 Fighting Falcon

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) and WCMD-Extended Range (WCMD-ER)

New York

A-10/OA-10 Thunderbolt II

Air Force Combat Identification (AFCID)

AN/GSQ -272 Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AF DCGS)

Control and Reporting Center (CRC)

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

F16-TARS (Theater Airborne Reconnaissance System)

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)



Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

RC-135U Combat Sent

North Carolina

C-5 Galaxy


B-1B Lancer

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

F-16 Fighting Falcon F-35 Lightning II,

Joint Strike Fighter Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

LGM-30G Minuteman III

RC-135S Cobra Ball

RC-135U Combat Sent

Tunner 60K Loader

U-2S Dragon Lady


E-4B National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC)

KC-10 Extender

KC-135 Stratotanker




Global Positioning System (GPS)

Halvorsen (formerly Next Generation Small Loader (NGSL))

Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (HTV)

Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

LGM-30G Minuteman III Space Radar (SR)

South Carolina


HC-130P/N King

MC-130E Combat Talon

MC-130H Combat Talon II

MC-130P Combat Shadow


AGM-65 Maverick

AGM-86 B Air Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM)

AGM-129A Advanced Cruise Missile (ACM)

AN/GSQ -272 Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AF DCGS)

C-17 Globemaster Ill

C-20B/H C-21A


C-130H Scathe View


E-4B National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC)

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

F-16 Fighting Falcon

F-22A Raptor

F-35 Lightning II, Joint Strike Fighter

F-117 Nighthawk

Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (HTV)


Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)

KC-10 Extender

KC-135 Stratotanker

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

MC-130E Combat Talon

MC-130H Combat Talon II

Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV)

MH-53J/M Pave Low III/IV

MQ-1 Predator

MQ-9 Reaper


RC-135S Cobra Ball

RC-135U Combat Sent

RC-135V/W Rivet Joint

RQ-4 Global Hawk

Space Radar (SR)

Space Test Program (STP)

UH-1N Helicopter (Variants: UH-1N, 1H/Vm UV-18B)

WC-135 Constant Phoenix


AGM-65 Maverick

AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM)

AN/GSQ -272 Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AF DCGS)


F16-TARS (Theater Airborne Reconnaissance System)

Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

LGM-30G Minuteman Ill

Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV)

Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM) Terminals

MQ-1 Predator

MQ-9 Reaper

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP)

RQ-4 Global Hawk

U-2S Dragon Lady


U-2S Dragon Lady

Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) and WCMD-Extended Range (WCMD-ER) Virginia

AN/GSQ -272 Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AF DCGS)

AN/USQ -163 Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AOC-WS)

Combatant Commanders Integrated Command and Control System (CCIC2S)

Deliberate Crisis and Action Planning and Execution Segments (DCAPES)

Global Broadcast Service (GBS)

Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM)

Terminals Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)

RQ-4 Global Hawk

Space Radar (SR)

Space Test Program (STP)

Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT)

U-2S Dragon Lady


AGM-86 B Air Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM)

Air Force Combat Identification (AFCID )

C-32A C-40B/C

CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

E-3 Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)

F-22A Raptor

Launch & Test Range System (LTRS)

Operationally Responsive Space (ORS)


WC-135 Constant Phoenix West Virginia


CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

RQ-4 Global Hawk

T-6A Texan II


CBU-97/105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW)

Halvorsen (formerly Next Generation Small Loader (NGSL))

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* * * * * * * * * * *

2014 Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community

Statement for the Record

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

James R. Clapper

Director of National Intelligence * January 29, 2014



January 29, 2014

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