Dear Reader,

Too often we strive and strain when life hands us burdens—and life is very good at handing us burdens. I’m far too guilty of thinking I must hold everything up on my own, be strong and have it all together. The truth—if we’d only see it—would hand us so much peace: it is God who does the holding. He has already turned the corner we fear, and none of life’s corners ever come as a surprise to Him.

I hope you’ve enjoyed your visit to Brave Rock and its charming citizens. They’ve become dear to me, as I hope they have to you, as well. If this is your first visit to Brave Rock, I hope you’ll find the two prior books in the Bridegroom Brothers series and share Elijah and Alice’s story as well as Gideon and Evelyn’s.

As always, I love to hear from readers. Visit my website at, email me at, or write me at P.O. Box 7026, Villa Park, IL 60181.

