
There is a long list of people without whom this book would not exist. First and foremost the amazing Arthur Levine, who has read every version of Sparrow since her wings spanned barely fifty pages, whose ability to see true north at every turn has been essential, and without whom Sparrow would sit in a drawer, shorter, sadder, and less herself. Weslie Turner, along with her extraordinary eyes and ears, has been invaluable to bringing Sparrow into the world. Her patience, vision, and insight are in every sentence of this book.

My mother, Amy Bloom, has been a tremendous guide toward not just the accurate, but toward the true in fiction, and in everything else.

Joy Marie Johannessen, not-mom and editor extraordinaire, nudged me out the gate every single time I got stuck or scared, and I got stuck and scared a lot.

Jasmine’s careful eye and perfect ears make sure that Sparrow always talks like a kid and only listens to the best music. It is quite simply true in every way that there is no Sparrow without you.

Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls and the Center for Creative Youth will recognize themselves in these pages; many thanks to both of them for letting me borrow from their schedules and their spirits.

Much love and gratitude as always to: Ms. Freyda Rose, Caitlin Moon, Alexander Moon, Donald Moon, Margret Goodwin, Kate Roberts, Ellen Shapiro, Priscilla Swan, Rae Leeper, Melissa Esmundo, Maggie Raife, Maia Cruz Palileo, Kim Katzberg, Annie, Dave and Sal Rollyson, and the wonderful Saint Ann’s community.

And, of course, to the original Dr. Katz.