Berry pulled up outside a quaint cottage just off what was regarded as the main street in Harlington. A charmingly painted sign next to the wrought-iron gate said Cumquat Cottage—Guests Welcome, and a welcome was just what Berry needed after the sad stillness of Stone Gully Farm.
She grabbed her bag and headed towards the front gate. Light spilled out of the cottage windows and Berry caught the scent of smoke in the wet air. A shiver skittled up her back; she would be glad to get into the warmth and, she hoped, in front of an open fire.
Berry walked up to the tiny porch and rang the bell. From within came the sound of a deep bark, and Berry braced herself at the sound of footsteps both human and canine coming towards the door. The door swung open to reveal a trim woman, perhaps in her late thirties, with a ready smile, and a large Irish Wolfhound sitting by her side.
‘Well, hello—and welcome to Cumquat Cottage.’
Berry nodded and smiled. ‘Hi, I was wondering if you had a vacancy.’
‘Sure do—come on in. I’m Andrea, and this is Darby.’
Berry bent down and let Darby smell her hand. His tail thumped against the polished wood floor and she gave him a pat. ‘He’s gorgeous,’ she said as he excitedly licked her hand.
‘Yes, he is and he knows it,’ she answered with a laugh. ‘So, are you just staying the night?’
‘Um … no, I think I’ll be here for a few days. That is, if you’re not booked out.’
Andrea shook her blonde bob. ‘No, we don’t get many visitors this time of year. There’s a bit of a spike during school hols but generally it’s quiet right through autumn and winter.’
‘That’s a shame, it’s pretty here at this time of year.’
‘It is but it’s okay because I’m generally run off my feet during spring and summer. Come on through and I’ll show you the room, then you can see if it suits,’ Andrea said with a smile. ‘The room is self-contained with an ensuite. It’s attached to the main house but it has its own entrance. There are another couple of rooms, but I think this one is the best.’
Berry followed Andrea and Darby down a hallway to a small extension that had been added off the right side of the house. The room wasn’t overly large but it had everything Berry needed for a short stay. There was a double bed, a small desk and a window seat overlooking a tiny courtyard and a cumquat tree.
‘The door over there leads through the courtyard and to the front gate,’ Andrea said.
‘It’s lovely. I’ll take it.’
‘Great, come on back through and we’ll fill in the book. And after that, I think you’ll need a cup of tea and a sit by the fire in the parlour.’
‘That sounds wonderful.’
Back at the desk by the front door, as Berry finished signing in, Andrea pushed a large old-fashioned guestbook in front of her.
‘It’s not compulsory to write in it, just a bit of fun. When I envisioned the Cumquat, the idea of having a big leather-bound guestbook was always part of it. Maybe I’ve just watched too many old movies but I get a kick out of it.’
Berry gave her a smile. ‘I’ll be happy to add my name,’ she said as she filled it out.
‘Thanks,’ Andrea said when Berry slid the book over the desk. As Andrea looked down, she stared at Berry’s name, and a frown flickered across her face.
‘Is there anything wrong?’
Andrea glanced back at her. ‘No … sorry. I just made a connection, that’s all. Your surname, it’s familiar around these parts. But I’m sure you’ve got nothing to do with the story I was told when I first moved here.’
Berry was quiet for a moment. She should have realised that her family would still be spoken of in town. It was only natural—people wouldn’t forget a murder–suicide, especially when it happened in such a small town like Harlington.
‘Actually, I daresay I am connected to that story you heard. I used to live here with my family when I was a kid. Our farm was down on Lyrebird Road—Stone Gully.’
‘Oh, I’m so sorry. I should never have mentioned it,’ Andrea said quickly as her cheeks infused with colour. ‘There I go again, talking without thinking first.’
Berry shook her head. ‘It’s all right, really. It was a long time ago. I’m actually here to check out the farm. My brother and sister and I need to work out what we should do with the place. I’ve just come from there, actually; it’s the first time I’ve been back in years. Anyway, I was going to stay at the farm, but the electricity isn’t on and it was a bit cold and dark and …’ Berry finished her sentence with a shrug.
‘You went out there by yourself?’
Berry nodded.
‘Perhaps you needed to take someone with you—at least the first time?’
‘Maybe you’re right. I found it harder than I thought.’
‘Well, come on then, it’s high time you were by the fire. Go and warm up. Darby will keep you company and I’ll make a nice pot of tea.’
It was almost dark when Berry’s phone rang. She was on the window seat, staring out at the rain-drenched courtyard, and had to dig the phone out of her pocket.
‘Hey Jess,’ she said.
‘Hi. I just wanted to make sure that everything was okay. Are you still at the house?’
‘No, that didn’t pan out. The electricity wasn’t on. And there was—well, still is—a storm, so the upshot was that it was pretty dark at the house and I couldn’t see anything.’
‘Oh, so where are you now?’
‘Cumquat Cottage B&B,’ Berry said. ‘I’m going to stay here for a few days. It’s nice and so is the woman who runs it.’
‘Does she know who you are?’
‘Yeah, seems we’re kind of famous. Andrea isn’t a local, she only moved here about three years ago but she already knew about what happened at the house.’
‘Yes, well, that’s not surprising,’ Jess said.
‘I guess. Anyway, I’m going to head over to the pub and grab something to eat. Hopefully, tomorrow will be more productive.’
‘Okay. Have a good night, and give me a call tomorrow.’
‘Of course. Night.’
Berry stared out the window for another minute before walking over and pulling out her quilted parka from her backpack. It was a dull olive green with faux fur around the hood. She put on the parka, grabbed her wallet and headed out the door. Despite the rain she felt refreshed as she walked the two blocks to The Queen’s Arms. The place was familiar, not because she remembered visiting it but rather as a landmark in the town.
Berry pulled her hood up as she walked towards the pub, the wet footpath shining in the light of one of Harlington’s four street lamps. As she looked about, the town was deserted; even the lights of the service station across the road were turned off. There wasn’t another soul on the street, and after years of city life and bustle, it felt a bit creepy. She was used to crowds and noise and traffic, but here silence was the norm and it took a bit of getting used to. The only sign of life came from the pub. A handful of cars were parked outside, and as Berry neared, the sounds of voices, laughter and music wafted towards her. The warm glow of the pub’s interior lights spilled out and reflected in the puddles that had formed on the roadside. She paused for a moment as she reached the door and took a deep breath. She always radiated a sense of strength and determination, but mainly that was for her family. Ever since the loss of their parents, Berry had taken it upon herself to be strong, not just for Jess and Tom, but also for Uncle Dave. But she had moments when being the rock that everyone could lean on was too much, and her vulnerability came through. But she wouldn’t give into it, she couldn’t. The one thing the past had taught her was that you needed to be strong to survive and that was what she would continue to be. Taking another deep breath, she centred herself before yanking open the door.
A wave of hot air hit Berry when she walked into the pub. She pushed back her hood and unzipped her jacket. Ahead of her was a small room filled with about a dozen tables and to her left was a large archway that led to the bar. Berry nodded to the four people at the nearest table before heading towards the back of the room. On one side of the old open fire was a table for two. Slinging her jacket over the back of the chair, Berry sat down and studied the limited menu. After a couple of minutes she made her way to the bar and ordered a lemon squash and the obligatory chicken parmigiana with salad.
‘Is that it, love?’ the elderly man behind the bar said. He had a thatch of white hair, red cheeks and more than a hint of a beer belly.
‘Yes, thanks.’
‘No worries. Just take a seat, love, and it won’t be long,’ he answered with a smile.
As Berry turned to go back to her table she heard him shout out behind her, ‘One parma and salad!’ She wasn’t sure who he was shouting it to, as from her vantage point she could only see him and another old guy who was propping up the bar.
Returning to her table, Berry was aware of several sets of eyes looking at her. A middle-aged man in particular from the table further down kept turning around and staring. Berry wasn’t sure if she should just ignore it or call him out, but she glanced back just in time to see him stand up and head her way. Berry groaned inwardly. All she wanted to do was eat her meal in peace and then turn in for an early night; the day had been emotionally draining enough without having to make chitchat with the locals.
Berry momentarily toyed with the idea of running off and hiding in the loo but dismissed the thought; she might have been a child the last time she was in this town, but not anymore. So, she watched as the man with salt-and-pepper hair neared, and prepared to deflect his questions. But as he drew closer she was struck by something familiar about him, although as hard as she tried she couldn’t place what. He was dressed in a white shirt and jeans and he radiated a middle-aged dad vibe. But the main thing that struck her was that he had a kind face.
He stopped in front of Berry and gave her a small smile. ‘Um, sorry to disturb you, but would you be Berry McCalister?’
‘Ah yes. I’m sorry, I don’t …’
The man’s smile arced into a grin. ‘You know, I was sitting over there and I thought it was you. It’s wonderful to see you again,’ he said before looking back over his shoulder and calling to his friends. ‘I told you, Lynette—it’s Berry!’
Berry frowned and felt suddenly like she was the last person to be let in on a joke.
‘I’m sorry, I don’t remember …’ Her voice trailed off.
The man turned back and gave her another reassuring smile. ‘It’s all right, my dear. You don’t remember us, do you?’ he asked as a woman a similar age joined them. ‘It’s been a long time and you were only a kid.’
‘Um …’
‘Lynette and Jack Ford,’ he explained. ‘Jodie’s parents.’
As everything fell into place, Berry stood up from the table and gave them a tight hug. These people had protected and comforted her on the worst day of her life.
‘I’m so sorry I didn’t recognise you,’ Berry said.
‘That’s okay, darling,’ Lynette said as she hugged Berry again. ‘You were very little last time you saw us. It’s so good to see you. Are Jess and little Tommy with you as well?’
‘Not yet. They’ll be up in a few weeks.’
‘But they’re fine?’
Berry nodded. ‘Oh yes, Jess is at uni and Tom’s in high school. They’re both doing really well.’
‘That’s wonderful,’ Jack said. ‘Come on and join us at our table.’
‘Thanks, as long as I’m not intruding.’ Berry’s wish for a solitary night suddenly seemed less important than reconnecting with this link from her childhood.
‘Of course not,’ Lynette said. ‘Come on, we’d love to have you.’
‘Georgie,’ Jack called out to the man behind the bar as they walked back to their table. ‘Berry is joining our table, so send her dinner there.’
‘Righty-oh,’ the barman called back.
‘Good,’ Jack said as he ushered Berry to a spare seat. ‘This is Sarah and Bill Higgins. You might remember their son, James. He was in the same grade as you.’
Berry had to think for a second but she made the connection. ‘Yes, I remember James from school,’ she said. ‘It’s lovely to meet you.’
The couple smiled, making Berry instantly feel at ease.
‘So, how is Jodie?’ she asked. ‘I feel so bad that we lost contact once I moved away.
‘Oh, she’s fine. She’s up at uni in Bendigo at the moment. She took a while to settle on a path but that’s okay, not everyone knows what they want to do after they leave school,’ Jack explained.
But before he could expand, Lynette broke in. ‘You shouldn’t worry about losing contact. Those sort of things happen all the time, especially when someone moves away. Besides, I bet once you and Jodie catch up it will be just like you were never apart.’
‘She’s still the same?’ Berry asked with a smile. ‘I seem to remember us always getting into trouble.’
‘Well, Jodie would say that was all on you,’ Jack said with a laugh.
Berry shook her head. ‘Oh, I think she’s got that one backwards. She was always the instigator, I just followed along.’
Lynette giggled. ‘Well, I guess you’ll be able to fight that one out once you meet up.’
‘So, what’ve you been up to and what brings you back to Harlington?’ Jack asked.
‘I finished uni last year and I took the beginning of the year to try and work out what I want to do. I’ve been waitressing while I figure it out. Now I’m here to check out Stone Gully Farm. Jess, Tom and I have to figure out what we’re going to do with the place,’ Berry answered. ‘We’re not sure if we should keep it, sell it or rent it out. The only thing we all agree on is that it seems a waste to leave the house standing empty.’
‘Well, let us know if there’s anything we can do to help,’ Lynette said.
‘Thank you, that’s very kind.’
‘Nonsense, we’re more than happy to help,’ Jack said before he tapped his glass with a knife. ‘I’d like to make a toast,’ he said.
Everyone raised their glasses and waited for Jack to speak.
‘Whether or not you choose to stay, I’d just like to say Harlington has missed you. Welcome home, Berry—welcome home.’