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- abortion
- Abrams, Charles
- Acheson, Dean
- Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD)
- Adams, Howard & Greeley
- Addams, Jane
- Adelman, Robert
- aerial views
- affirmative action; UDC policy
- affordable housing, terminology of
- African Americans; affirmative action hiring; Boston; discrimination against; diverse community concept; employment; Fair Share Housing; middle class; “Negro removal”; New Haven; New York; race riots; UDC policy and; vote
- Agnew, Spiro
- agriculture; reform
- Albany, New York
- alcohol
- Aldrich, Nelson
- Algeria
- Alinsky, Saul
- Allegheny Conference on Community Development
- Allen, George
- American Independent Movement (AIM)
- American Institute of Architects (AIA)
- American Legion
- Americans for Democratic Action (ADA)
- Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
- American Veterans Committee (AVC)
- America the Beautiful (TV documentary)
- Amherst, see Audubon, New Town of
- Amory, Cleveland
- Amsterdam News, The
- Anderson, Lawrence B.
- anti-communism
- Appleby, Michael
- Appleby, Paul
- Appleby, Tom
- architects; affirmative action hiring; Boston; New York; prototype strategy; role in urban renewal; Roosevelt Island; see also specific architects
- Architects Collaborative
- Architects for Logue
- Architectural Forum
- architecture; Boston; brutalist; Charlotte Gardens; futurist cities; modernism; New Haven; New York; technological innovation; urban renewal legacy and; see also specific architects, buildings, cities, and styles
- Arcudi, John
- Armstrong Rubber Company
- Army Air Forces, U.S.
- arson fires
- Athens
- Atkins, Thomas I.
- Atlanta
- atomic energy
- Attica Prison riot
- Audubon, New Town of
- authorities, use of
- AVAC system
- Bacon, Edmund
- Badillo, Herman
- Baker, Arthur
- Bakke, E. Wight
- Baldwin, Leo
- Ballard, Andrea
- Baltimore; Charles Center
- Banana Kelly Community Improvement Association
- banks; Boston; New York
- Barbieri, Arthur T.
- Barnes, Edward Larrabee
- Barnett, Jonathan
- Bathgate Industrial Park
- Batista, Jorge
- Bay Street Banner, The
- B-BURG program
- Beacon Construction Company
- Beame, Abraham
- Becker, Franklin D.
- Bedford, New York
- Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation (BSRC)
- Bellamy, Carol
- Belluschi, Pietro
- Bhavnani, Ashok
- Biaggi, Mario
- Big Dig
- Blackett, Denis
- Black Power
- Blake, Peter
- Blakeslee, C. W.
- blight
- blockbusting
- block grants
- Bonan, Seon Pierre
- Bond, Max
- bonding strategy, UDC
- Boston; Academy Homes; allies in redevelopment plan; Allston; Ames Building; architects; architecture; Back Bay; B-BURG program; Beacon Hill; Bunker Hill; business allies; cars; Catholic Church and; Center Plaza; Charles River Park apartments; Charlestown; charter; City Hall; “City of Ideas”; clubs; common renewal patterns; community activism; Copley Square; Cornhill Street; deterioration of; downtown renewal; Elevated Railway; Faneuil Hall; federal funding for redevelopment; Fenway; Government Center; highways; historic preservation; human renewal; Hynes’s downtown strategy; immigrants; industry and factories; John F. Kennedy Federal Building; Logue’s mayoral campaign in; Madison Park; map of; modernism; National Commission on Urban Problems hearings; neighborhood renewal; New England Merchants National Bank Building; New Haven vs.; New York Streets project; of 1940s–50s; North End; North Harvard; Old Howard Theater; Old State House; Operation Revival; parking; police; politics; population decline; private funding for urban renewal; Prudential Center; public housing; Quincy Market; race relations; real estate developers; relocation efforts; Roxbury; schools; Scollay Square; Sears Crescent; shopping districts; South End; State Service Center; State Street Bank Building; suburbs; taxes; Tent City Apartments; urban renewal; Vault; Villa Victoria; Warren Gardens; Washington Park; waterfront project; West End; Yankee elite; see also specific neighborhoods, buildings, and projects
- Boston City Council
- Boston College
- Boston Globe, The
- Boston Herald
- Boston Herald Traveler
- Boston Housing Authority (BHA)
- Boston Municipal Research Bureau (MRB)
- Boston Observer
- Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA); ABCD and; allies in redevelopment plan; approval of Logue appointment; board structure; business allies; Catholic Church and; CCBD and; Charlestown plan; common renewal patterns; creation of; design operation; historic preservation and; Hynes’s downtown strategy; Logue’s beginnings at; Madison Park plan; neighborhood renewal; “$90 Million Development Program for Boston”; North Harvard project failure; Parcel 8 battle; press and; private funding and; relocation efforts; South End plan; staff of; Washington Park plan
- Boston School Committee
- Boston Society of Architects
- Boston University
- Bowler, Janet
- Bowles, Ches
- Bowles, Chester; as ambassador to India; Logue and
- Bowles, Sally
- Branford, Connecticut
- Bray, Peter
- Brazil
- Brenner, Neil
- Breuer, Marcel
- Bridgeport Herald
- Bridges, Harry
- Brilliant, Eleanor
- British Investors Ltd.
- Bronx; arson fires; Co-op City; deterioration of; Hunts Point; Koch’s ten-year housing plan; subsidized housing; Twin Parks; urban renewal; see also South Bronx
- Brookline, Massachusetts
- Brooklyn; Marcus Garvey Park Village
- Brooks, Genevieve “Gennie”
- Buckley, William F., Jr.
- Buffalo, New York
- building codes
- Bulfinch, Charles
- bulk metering
- Bunshaft, Gordon
- Burgee, John
- Burlington Company
- Burnett, John
- Burnham, Daniel H.
- Bush, George W.
- Business Week
- Byard, Paul
- Cabot, Cabot & Forbes
- Calcutta
- Campbell, Clifford
- Campbell, Robert
- Cantillo, Peter
- Carey, Hugh
- cars; in Boston; in New Haven; in New York; parking; traffic; urban renewal and; see also highways
- Carter, Jimmy; urban agenda
- Cass, Melnea
- Catholic Church; Boston; Second Vatican Council; South Bronx; urban renewal and
- Celentano, William
- Central Artery (Boston)
- central business district (CBD)
- Central Civic Association (CCA)
- Century Association, New York
- Chamber of Commerce; Boston; Waterfront Redevelopment Division
- Chandigarh
- Charlestown Patriot
- Charlotte Gardens; architecture; community collaborations; model homes; public-private funding; successes and failures of
- Chase Manhattan Bank
- Chemung River Valley
- Chestnut Hill College
- Chicago
- Chieppo Bus Company
- China
- Christian Science Monitor
- churches; Boston; New Haven; South Bronx
- citizen input
- Citizens Action Commission (CAC)
- City in Crisis (TV program)
- city planners; role in urban renewal
- civil rights
- civil service
- Clark, Joseph
- Clark, Kenneth and Mamie Phipps
- Cleaver, Kathleen Neal
- Clinton, Bill
- Cobb, Henry “Harry”
- Coffey, Arthur
- Cogsville, Donald
- Cohn, Josephine
- Colbert, James
- Cold War
- Collins, John; as Boston mayor; Boston redevelopment and; Logue and; retirement of
- Columbia University
- Commission on Critical Choices for Americans
- Committee for the Central Business District (CCBD)
- communism
- Community Action Program
- community activism; Boston; New Haven; Westchester
- Community Assembly for a United South End (CAUSE)
- Community Development Block Grant program
- community development corporations (CDCs)
- Community Preservation Corporation
- Community Progress Inc., see CPI
- Community Reinvestment Act (1977)
- concrete; precast
- Coney Island
- Congress; urban renewal funding
- Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO)
- Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
- Connecticut; highways; suburbs; taxes; see also specific cities
- Connecticut Illustrated: A City Reborn (documentary)
- Connector
- Connelly, John
- conservativism
- construction industry; affirmative action hiring
- “contagion effect”
- Conté School, New Haven
- Cook, Robert
- Coolidge, Charles
- Co-op City, Bronx
- Cooper, Alexander
- cooperatives
- Corbusier, Le; The City of Tomorrow
- Costa, Lucio
- Costikyan, Edward
- Cox, Harvey, The Secular City
- Coyle, Stephen
- Crane, David A.
- Craven, Katherine “Kitty”
- Crawford, George
- crime
- Cross Bronx Expressway
- Curley, James Michael
- Cushing, Cardinal Richard
- Dahl, Robert; Who Governs?
- Daley, Richard
- D’Amato, Alfonse
- Danzig, Louis
- Dartmouth College
- Davidoff, Paul
- Davis, Brody & Associates
- Davis, Gloria
- day care centers
- de Blois, Natalie
- De Lauro, Theodore
- Del Vecchio, Frank
- democracy; participatory; pluralist
- Democratic Party
- Democrats for Nixon
- department stores; Boston; New Haven
- Detroit
- DeVane, Mabel Phillips
- DeVane, William Clyde
- developers, see real estate developers
- Dilworth, Richardson
- disabled tenants
- District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency
- diverse communities
- Domhoff, G. William
- Douglas, Paul H.; National Commission on Urban Problems hearings
- Downtown-Lower Manhattan Association
- Drexler, Arthur
- drugs
- dynamic compaction technique
- Eames, Charles and Ray
- Economic Opportunity Act (1964)
- Economist, The
- economy; Boston; cars and; diverse community concept; inequality; mid-1970s recession; New Haven; New York; South Bronx
- Einhorn, Joseph
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.; urban agenda
- Eisenman, Peter
- elderly housing; Boston; New Haven; New York
- Elsen, Sheldon H.
- eminent domain
- Empire State Development Corporation
- Empire State Building
- employment; affirmative action hiring; civil service
- energy crisis, of 1973–74
- Ensminger, Douglas
- Enterprise Foundation
- Etawah
- Europe; New Towns; postwar; World War II
- Evans, Herbert
- evictions
- Fair Lending Act (1974)
- Fair Share Housing program; community opposition to
- Faridabad
- Farm Security Administration
- Fashion Moda
- Federal-Aid Highway Act (1956)
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- federal funding; for Boston; cuts in; HUD; National Commission on Urban Problems hearings; for New Haven; for New York; Nixon cutbacks; Reagan cutbacks; Section 236; see also specific agencies and funding
- Federal Housing Act (1949)
- Federal Housing Administration (FHA); loans
- Federation of Charlestown Organizations (FOCO)
- Fellman, Gordon
- Filene’s
- Finland
- Fitzgerald, John Francis “Honey Fitz”
- Flanagan, Jack
- Fletcher, Norman
- Flynn, Christine
- Foley, Bill
- Ford, Gerald
- Ford Foundation
- Fort Lincoln New Town
- Fortune
- Forward Commitment Program
- Frampton, Kenneth
- France
- Franzen, Ulrich
- Freedom House Community Center
- Fried, Joseph
- Fried, Marc
- Fuller, R. Buckminster
- futurist cities
- Gamble-Desmond
- Gandhi, Mohandas K.
- Gans, Herbert; The Urban Villagers
- Gant Shirtmakers
- Garcia, Robert
- gays and lesbians
- General Motors
- General Plan for Boston
- gentrification
- Germany
- GI Bill of Rights
- Giedion, Sigfried
- Gigante, Father Louis
- Gilbert, Cass
- Gilchrist’s
- Gilden, Leo S.
- Gladstone, Robert
- Gleason, Herbert
- Gliedman, Anthony
- Gloss, George J.
- Goldberg, Arthur
- Goldberger, Paul
- Goldin, Harrison
- Goldman, Lawrence
- Goldstein, Morris H.
- Gould, Karolyn
- Grabino, Harold “Hal”
- Graduate Club, New Haven
- Grant School, New Haven
- Gray Areas Program
- Great Britain; New Towns
- Great Depression
- Great Society
- Green, S. William
- Greenbelt, Maryland
- Greenhouse, Linda
- Griffith, Reginald
- Griswold, A. Whitney
- Grogan, Paul
- Gropius, Walter
- Gruen, Victor
- Guida, Bartholomew
- Guilford, Connecticut
- Gwathmey Siegel
- Halprin, Lawrence
- Hamden, Connecticut
- Hamilton, Veralyne
- Hampton, Lionel
- Harkness, Edward
- Harlem; Cathedral Parkway Houses; Schomburg Plaza; State Office Building controversy
- Harlem Community Coalition
- Harlem River Park
- Harlem Urban Development Corporation (HUDC)
- Harper’s
- Harris, Fred
- Harris, Patricia
- Hartford
- Hartford Courant, The
- Hartman, Chester
- Harvard University; Graduate School of Design; Law School
- Haussmann, Baron Georges-Eugène von
- Haynes, Cameron Vincent
- Hazen, Robert
- Head Start
- Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW)
- Herman, Ellen
- Herman, Justin
- Hicks, Louise Day
- high-rise public housing
- highways; Boston; New Haven; New York; urban renewal and; see also specific highways
- Hilgenhurst, Charles
- Hill Parents Association (HPA)
- Hills, Carla Anderson
- historic preservation movement
- Hitler, Adolph
- Hodgkinson, Harold
- homelessness
- Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (1975)
- homeownership; Charlotte Gardens
- Homeowners Loan Corporation
- Hommann, Mary
- horses and carriages
- hospitals
- Housing Act of 1937
- Housing Act of 1949
- Housing Act of 1954
- Housing Act of 1968
- Housing and Community Development Act (1974)
- Housing and Home Finance Agency
- Housing and Urban Development (HUD); mismanagement; Operation Breakthrough
- Housing Choice vouchers
- Housing Finance Agency (HFA), New York State
- Hoyt, Charles
- HRH Construction
- Human Events
- human renewal
- Humphrey, Hubert H.; War on Poverty
- Hunter, Floyd
- Huxtable, Ada Louise
- Hynes, John
- I-95 (Connecticut Turnpike)
- immigrants; Boston; New Haven; New York
- income diversity
- Independents for Lee
- India; Logue in; modernization; Point Four Program
- industrialization; Boston; factory fires; New Haven; New York; nineteenth century; technological innovation
- inflation
- infrastructure
- Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (IAUS)
- International Style
- Irish Catholics; Boston
- Irvine Company
- Island Nobody Knows, The (exhibition)
- “Is One Hundred Years Long Enough?”
- Italian Americans
- Italy
- Ithaca, Elm Street Housing in
- Jacobs, Jane; criticism of urban renewal; The Death and Life of Great American Cities; Logue and; on New Haven
- Jackson, Maynard
- Japan
- Jews; Boston; New Haven; New York
- Job Corps
- Johansen, John
- John Birch Society
- Johnson, Lyndon B.; Great Society programs; Model Cities program; urban agenda; War on Poverty
- Johnson, Philip; Roosevelt Island plan
- John XXIII, Pope
- Jones, Thomas R.
- Jonnes, Jill, South Bronx Rising
- Jordan Marsh
- Jordan, Vernon
- Joyce, Jean
- Joyce, W. Seavey
- juvenile delinquency
- Kahan, Richard
- Kahane, Lisa
- Kahn, Louis; Four Freedoms Park
- Kahn & Jacobs
- Kaiser Committee on Urban Housing
- Kallmann, McKinnell, and Knowles
- Kaufman, Herbert
- Keller, Albert Galloway
- Kelley, Florence
- Kelly & Grutzen
- Kennedy, John F.; urban agenda
- Kennedy, Robert F.
- Kerner Commission; report
- Ketchum, Morris
- Keyes, Langley Carleton, Jr.; The Rehabilitation Planning Games
- Kiley, Dan
- Kimball, Penn
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- King, Melvin
- Kissinger, Henry
- Kling, Vincent
- Koch, Carl
- Koch, Ed; ten-year housing plan
- Kostka, Sister Maria
- Kristof, Frank
- labor; affirmative action hiring; Logue’s activism in; New Haven; strikes; unions
- Ladejinsky, Wolf
- La Guardia, Fiorello
- Lally, Monsignor Francis “Frank”
- Lamster, Mark
- Lasswell, Harold
- Latinos
- Lawrence, David
- League of Women Voters
- “leased housing” program
- Lee, Rebecca
- Lee, Richard; Logue and; National Commission on Urban Problems hearings; as New Haven mayor; New Haven redevelopment plan; racial views; redeveloper role; retirement of
- Lee, Tunney
- Lefkowitz, Stephen
- liberalism; urban renewal and
- Liberator, The
- Liebman, Theodore
- Life
- Lilienthal, David
- Lindsay, John V.; Logue and; Rockefeller rivalry; UDC and
- literacy
- Litke, Robert
- live-ins
- Livingston, Max
- Llewelyn-Davies, Richard
- Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
- Lochrane, Brother Patrick
- Loewenstein, Louis K.
- Logue, Billy
- Logue, Edward J.; anti-communism of; Boston redevelopment plan; Boston mayoral campaign; BRA beginnings of; as BRA head; Charlotte Gardens project; childhood of; critics of; death of; dismissed by UDC; diverse community concept; downfall of; drinking of; Fair Share Housing program; fast-tracking schemes; fiscal mismanagement at UDC; human renewal and; in India; labor activism; last years of; legacy of; as liberal New Dealer; management style of; marriage of; masculine culture of urban renewal; modernist design and; Moreland Act Commission investigation of; National Commission on Urban Problems hearings; neighborhood renewal in Boston; network of urban renewal experts; new administrative structure; New Haven career of; New Haven redevelopment plan; New Town strategy; New York career; Nine Towns controversy; “$90 Million Development Program for Boston”; North Harvard project failure; as Philadelphia labor lawyer; physical appearance of; political ambitions of; political views of; prototype strategy; public-private funding approach; racial views of; recovery from UDC loss; redeveloper role of; religious views of; Roosevelt Island plan; as SBDO head; South Bronx redevelopment; total plan of; as UDC head; utopian idealism of; World War II and; at Yale College; at Yale Law School
- Logue, Ellen
- Logue, Frank
- Logue, Gordon
- Logue, John
- Logue, Kathy
- Logue, Margaret; career in education; love of modern design; marriage of
- Logue Development Company
- London
- Look
- Los Angeles
- Loshbough, Bernard
- Lowe, Jeanne
- Lowell, Ralph
- Lower Roxbury, Community Corporation (LRCC)
- low-income housing; Boston neighborhood renewal; diverse community concept; Fair Share Housing; New Haven; New York; prototype strategy; see also specific cities, neighborhoods, programs, projects, and agencies
- Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC)
- luncheonettes
- Lydon, Christopher
- Lynch, Kevin
- Lysander, see Radisson, New Town of
- Macy’s
- Madison Park High School
- Maletz, Esther
- Malley’s
- Mansfield, Harvey Claflin
- Marcus Garvey Park Village, Brooklyn
- Marris, Peter
- Marshall Plan
- Martha’s Vineyard
- masculine culture of urban renewal
- Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
- Massachusetts Department of Public Works
- Massachusetts Racial Imbalance Act (1965)
- Massachusetts Turnpike
- mass transit; Boston; New York
- Mass Transportation Assistance Act (1974)
- Mayer, Albert
- McCarthy, Pat
- McCarthyism
- McCormack, John
- McDougal, Myres
- McGovern, George
- McGrath, William
- McKinnell, N. Michael
- McMorrow, John P.
- Mead, Margaret
- Meet the Press
- Meier, Richard
- Meltzer, Jack
- Menino, Thomas M.
- Merritt Parkway
- Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity (METCO)
- Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)
- Michaelian, Edwin D.
- Michetti, Felice
- Mid Bronx Desperadoes (MBD)
- middle class; African American
- Mies van der Rohe
- Milford, Connecticut
- Miller, Anita
- Miller, William Lee
- Mills, C. Wright
- Milton Keynes, New Town of
- Mitchell, John
- Mitchell, Robert
- Mitchell-Lama program
- Mitton, Edward
- Model Cities
- model homes
- Moderate Middle (MM)
- modernism; architecture; Boston; Logue and; New Haven; New York; separation of functions
- modular construction
- Moore, Paul, Jr.
- Moreland Act (1907)
- Moreland Act Commission investigation; report
- Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
- Mory’s, New Haven
- Mosca, Gaetano
- Moses, Robert; Logue and
- Moskof, Howard
- Moss, Robert
- Mothers for Adequate Welfare (MAW)
- Murphy, Janet
- Murphy, Russell D.
- Muschamp, Herbert
- Museum of Modern Art, New York
- Mussolini, Benito
- Nathan, Jason R.
- Nation, The
- National Commission on Urban Problems; Building the American City
- National Historic Preservation Act (1966)
- National League of Cities
- National Review
- Navy, U.S.
- “Negro removal”
- Nehru, Jawaharlal
- Neighborhood Legal Services
- neighborhood renewal, in Boston
- Newark
- New Boston Committee
- Newburgh, New York
- New Communities Act (1968)
- New Deal
- New Delhi
- New Haven; adapting to a paradigm shift; architecture; Boston vs.; CAC; cars; Chapel Square Mall; Church Street Project; citizen input; City Plan Commission; Columbus Mall; CPI; Crawford Manor elderly housing; deterioration of; Dixwell; Elm Haven Housing; Fair Haven; federal funding for redevelopment; Florence Virtue Homes; Green; highways; human renewal; immigrants; industrialization; Jews; labor; Long Wharf; Louis’ Lunch; map of; marginalization of small local retailers; median income; modernism; National Commission on Urban Problems hearings; “Negro removal”; network of urban renewal experts in; new administrative structure; in 1950s; Oak Street project; parking; planning department; politics; population decline; pro-growth coalition; public housing; race relations; real estate developers; redeveloper role; redevelopment plan; relocated households; riots; schools; separation of functions; shopping districts; suburbs; taxes; Temple Street Parking Garage; total plan; University Towers project; urban renewal; Wooster Square; see also specific neighborhoods, buildings, agencies, and projects
- New Haven Central Labor Council
- New Haven Civic Improvement Association
- New Haven Human Relations Council
- New Haven Redevelopment Agency; citizen input and; masculine culture of; National Commission on Urban Problems hearings; network of experts in; new administrative structure; Progress Pavilion; race and; role of; urban renewal as liberal project; wives
- New Left
- Newman, Oscar, Defensible Space
- New Republic, The
- New Schools for New Haven Initiative
- Newsweek
- New Towns; diverse community concept; history of; New York; Roosevelt Island; UDC
- New York City; architects; architecture; Bedford-Stuyvesant plan; deterioration of; diverse community concept; Harlem State Office Building controversy; high-rise public housing; historic preservation; immigrants; industrialization; low-income housing; map of; mid-1970s recession; modernism; New Town strategy; of 1970s–80s; Penn Station; politics; public housing; race and; real estate developers; Roosevelt Island plan; schools; South Bronx redevelopment; Stuyvesant Town; subsidized housing; suburbs; transportation; urban renewal; West Village; see also specific neighborhoods, buildings, boroughs, and agencies
- New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development
- New York City Housing Partnership
- New York City Planning Department
- New York Project Finance Agency
- New York State; bonds; diverse community concept; Fair Share Housing program; federal funding for redevelopment; highways; industrialization; map of; mid-1970s recession; New Town strategy; of 1970s–80s; politics; public-private funding for redevelopment; race relations; relocation efforts; school; suburbs; taxes; transportation; UDC agenda; urban renewal; see also specific cities, projects, and agencies
- New York State Urban Development Corporation (UDC); achievements of; affirmative action policy; architects; bonding strategy; creation of; diverse community concept; downfall of; Fair Share Housing; fast-tracking strategy; federal funding and; fiscal mismanagement and crisis; Harlem State Office Building controversy; high-rise public housing; HUDC and; live-ins; Logue dismissed from; Logue as head of; Moreland Commission investigation; New Towns; Nine Towns controversy; Nixon funding cutbacks; Operation Breakthrough; prototype strategy; public-private funding approach; racial initiatives; Roosevelt Island plan; structure and staff of; technological innovation
- New York Times, The
- New York Times Magazine, The
- New York World’s Fair (1939)
- Niemeyer, Oscar
- Nighthawk gang
- Nilokheri
- NIMBYism
- Nine Towns controversy
- Nixon, Richard; resignation of; urban agenda and cutbacks
- Nolan, Martin
- nonprofit organizations
- Nyman, R. Carter
- O’Brion, Frank
- O’Connell, Cardinal William
- Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr.
- OPEC oil embargo
- overcrowding
- Pakistan
- Pangaro, Anthony
- Paolillo, Anthony
- Papa, Stephen J.
- Pareto, Vilfredo
- Paris
- parking; Boston; New Haven
- parks and recreation
- Pasanella, Giovanni
- Paul VI, Pope
- pedestrians
- Pei, I. M.; Boston Government Center
- Philadelphia; “Better Philadelphia Exhibition” (1947); Logue as labor lawyer in; politics; urban redevelopment
- philanthropy
- Pierce, Samuel
- Pilot, The
- pilot houses
- Pittsburgh; urban renewal
- planners, see city planners
- “planning with people” slogan
- pluralism, and urban renewal
- Point Four Program
- polio
- Polsby, Nelson; Community Power and Political Theory
- Polshek, James Stewart
- Poorvu, William
- Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
- poverty; Boston; National Commission on Urban Problems hearings; New Haven; New York
- Powers, John
- Powledge, Fred
- prefabrication
- Prentice & Chan, Ohlhausen
- presidential elections: of 1948; of 1960; of 1972; of 1976; of 1984
- press; African American; Boston; Catholic; Logue and; New Haven; New York; on Nine Towns controversy; on UDC crisis; urban renewal and; see also specific publications
- private-market funding approach; Boston; Charlotte Gardens; Logue’s legacy and; New York; UDAG program
- Progressive, The
- Progressive Architecture
- Progressivism
- Protestants
- prototype strategy
- Prouvé, Jean
- Prudential Insurance Company
- public housing; Boston; demolition of; federal funding; high-rise; National Commission on Urban Problems hearings; New Haven; New York; poor maintenance; Nixon cutbacks; prototype strategy; relocation; see also specific cities, agencies, projects, and funding
- public-private funding model; South Bronx
- Public Works Administration
- Puerto Ricans
- Raab, Jennifer
- race; Boston and; diverse community concept; Fair Share Housing; National Commission on Urban Problems hearings; “Negro removal”; New Haven and; New York and; quotas; riots; school desegregation; UDC policies; urban renewal and; at Yale
- Radisson, New Town of
- Rae, Douglas
- railroads
- Rappaport, Jerome Lyle
- Ravitch, Richard
- Raymond, George
- Reagan, Ronald; urban agenda
- real estate developers; Boston; New Haven; New York; role in urban renewal
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- Record American
- Reilly, Arthur
- Rein, Martin
- relocation; Boston; New Haven; New York; 221(d)(3) program
- “rent certificate”
- Republican Party
- Reuther, Walter
- revenue sharing
- Ribicoff, Abraham
- Richardson, Henry
- Riemer, Peter
- Rivera, David
- Robinson, Jackie
- Roche, Kevin
- Rochester, New York
- Rockefeller, David
- Rockefeller, Nelson; as governor; Lindsay rivalry; Logue and; Pocantico estate; resigns as governor; urban policy; use of authorities
- Rockefeller Center
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Rodell, Fred
- Rohatyn, Felix
- Rome
- Romney, George
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- Roosevelt Island; bulk metering; diverse community concept; Four Freedoms Park; high-rise competition; original buildings; race and; schools; UDC plan
- Rostow, Eugene
- Rotival, Maurice
- Rouse, James W.
- Route 91 (Connecticut)
- Route 128 (Boston)
- Roxbury Clergy Committee on Renewal
- Rudolph, Paul; Logue and; Shoreline Apartments; State Service Center; Temple Street Parking Garage
- Russia
- Ryan, John
- Ryan, Robert H.
- Ryan, Dr. William
- Ryder, Sharon Lee
- Saarinen, Eero
- Safdie, Moshe
- Salvucci, Frederick
- Sandorf, Julie
- San Francisco
- Sargent, Francis
- Saturday Evening Post, The
- Saturday Review
- Savitt, Robert R.
- Scagnoli, Henry
- Schell, Orville H., Jr.
- Scher, Allen “Bud”
- Scheuer, James H.
- schools; Boston; busing; Catholic; community; desegregation; New Haven; New York; private
- Scully, Vincent
- Sears, David
- Sears, John Winthrop
- Sears Roebuck
- Section 8 subsidies
- Section 221(d)(3) projects
- Section 235 subsidy program
- Section 236 subsidy program
- segregation; Boston; New Haven; school
- Self-Help Organization of Charlestown (SHOC)
- Seligmann, Werner
- separation of functions
- Sert, Josep Lluís
- Seymour, Charles
- Sharratt, John
- Shartenberg’s
- Shattuck, Henry
- Shepley, Henry
- Shoolman, Theodore
- shopping districts: Boston; marginalization of small local retailers; New Haven; shift to suburbs
- Simon, Robert E.
- Simonian, Kane
- single-family homes; Charlotte Gardens
- Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
- Slavet, Joseph
- Slayton, William
- slum clearance; Boston; New Haven
- Smeal, Frank
- Smith, Chloethiel Woodard
- Smith, Ralph
- Smith, Reverend William J.
- Smith College
- Smolinsky, Shirley
- Snowden, Muriel and Otto
- social renewal
- Soltren, Danny
- Somerville, Massachusetts
- South Bronx; Catholic Church and; Charlotte Gardens; community collaborations; deterioration of; economy; industrialization; Koch’s ten-year housing plan; race relations; subsidized housing; urban renewal
- South Bronx Development Organization (SBDO); agenda; Charlotte Gardens; community collaborations; creation of; economic development; private funding; public-private funding; Red Book; redevelopment plan; structure and staff; successes and failures of
- South Bronx Economic Development Coordinating Committee (EDCC)
- South East Bronx Community Organization (SEBCO)
- Southeast Expressway
- South End Urban Renewal Committee (SEURC)
- Spielvogel, Sam
- stagflation
- Stainton, John
- standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA)
- Starr, Roger
- State and Local Assistance Act (1972)
- steel
- Stern, Robert A. M.
- Stevens, Roger
- Stevenson, Adlai
- Stone, Edward Durell
- Stonorov, Oskar
- Straus, Jack I.
- Stubbins, Hugh
- Stull, Don
- substandard structures
- suburbs; Boston; cars and; Fair Share Housing; moving to; New Haven; New York; postwar growth of; shopping centers; see also specific suburbs
- SUNY system
- Supreme Court, U.S.; Regents of the University of California v. Bakke; Village of Euclid v. Ambler Reality
- Sutton, Percy E.
- Sviridoff, Doris
- Sviridoff, Mitchell “Mike”
- Sweden
- Talbot, Allan
- Taliaferro, Lee
- Tavern Club, Boston
- Tax Credit Act (1978)
- taxes; Boston; income; LIHTC program and; New Haven; New York
- Taylor, H. Ralph
- technological innovation
- television
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- textile industry
- Thomas, Franklin
- Thompson, Ben
- Time
- Tomorrow Is Here (pamphlet)
- total plan
- transportation; Boston; New Haven; New York; see also cars; highways; mass transit
- trolleys
- Truman, Harry S.
- Turner, Chuck
- Turner, Fred
- “turnkey” housing program
- Tuttle, Bill
- Twin Parks, Bronx
- UDC, see New York State Urban Development Corporation (UDC)
- Ultan, Lloyd
- unemployment
- Unger, Barbara
- United Auto Workers
- United Construction Workers
- United Federation of Teachers
- United Fund
- United Mine Workers
- United Nations
- United South End Settlements (USES)
- U.S. Census of Housing
- U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
- U.S. News and World Report
- University of Chicago
- University of Pennsylvania
- Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) program
- Urban League
- Urban Planning Aid (UPA)
- urban renewal; Boston; bureaucracy; car and 52–59; Catholic Church and; changing role for specialized experts in; citizen input; common patterns; critics of; diverse community concept; Fair Share Housing; fast-tracking strategy; federal funding approach; in history; human renewal and; legacy of; as liberal project; Logue’s legacy in; masculine culture of; modernism and; Moreland Act Commission investigation; National Commission on Urban Problems hearings; as “Negro removal”; neighborhood renewal in Boston; network of experts in; new administrative structure; New Haven; New Town strategy; New York; of 1950s; Nixon cutbacks; pluralism and; private funding model; public-private funding approach; race and; redeveloper role; role of architects; role of planners; role of real estate developers; separation of functions; South Bronx; terminology; total plan; see also specific cities, states, agencies, policies, projects, and strategies
- Urban Renewal Administration
- Urban Renewal Committee of the American Municipal Association
- Utica, New York
- vacant plots
- Vale, Lawrence
- Velez, Ramon
- veterans; mortgage loans
- Victorian architecture
- Vietnam War
- Vilemas, Joe
- Vogue
- Von Eckardt, Wolf
- von Hoffman, Nicholas
- voucher program
- Wald, Lillian
- Wallace, George
- Wallace, Henry
- Wall Street Journal, The
- War on Poverty
- Washington, D.C.; Capital Park project
- Washington Park Citizens Urban Renewal Action Committee (CURAC)
- Washington Post, The
- Wasserman, Joseph
- Watergate scandal
- Weaver, Robert C.; Negro Labor
- Weese, Harry
- welfare; reform
- Welfare Island
- Westchester, New York; Fair Share Housing
- Wexler, Harry
- White, Kevin
- Whitehill, Walter Muir
- Wicker, Tom
- Wiener, Alan
- Willkie, Wendell
- Wilson, Malcolm
- Winchester Repeating Arms Company
- Winship, Tom
- Winthrop, John
- Wirtz, Willard
- Wofford, Harris
- Wolf, Peter
- Wolfinger, Raymond
- women; Logue’s views on; as Progressives; at UDC; in urban renewal; wives of redevelopers
- Wood, John “Jack” E., Jr.
- Woods, George
- World Bank
- World Federalist Movement
- world’s fairs
- World Trade Center
- World War I
- World War II; veterans
- Wren, Christopher
- Wright, Frank Lloyd
- Wurster, Catherine Bauer
- Wyandanch subsidized housing
- Yale Architecture School
- Yale Bowl
- Yale Law School; legal realism at
- Yale Political Union
- Yale University; Corporation; labor practices; modernist architecture; racial and religious discrimination; urban renewal and
- Yamasaki, Minoru
- Yankee Stadium
- Yard, Molly
- Yardley, Jim
- Yarmolinsky, Adam
- Ylvisaker, Paul
- Yoshimura, Junzo
- Young, Whitney
- Zeckendorf, William “Big Bill”
- zoning; Nine Towns controversy
- Zuccotti, John