Chapter 8

At the Manhattan Ocean Club on West Fifty-eighth Street, KEY News president Yelena Gregory sat across the table from Mack McBride. As the waiter brought their cocktails, Yelena raised her glass.

“To you, Mack, and the wonderful work you’ve been doing for us.”

Mack nodded at his boss and took a swallow of scotch. “That’s a relief,” he exhaled. “I was wondering if you were taking me out to give me some bad news.”

Yelena didn’t smile in response as he had expected her to. Something was up and he wasn’t sure he was going to like it. He waited for her to speak.

“Well, as a matter fact, I do have some news. News that I hope you will be happy about, Mack.”

He raised his eyebrows.

“As I’m sure you are fully aware, Mack,” Yelena continued carefully, “there are some correspondent positions that are considered more important than others.”

Mack nodded. “Go on.”

“We’ve got you earmarked for one of those slots.”

Mack’s mind raced. It was a move from New York, he was sure of it. But where? He waited.

Yelena took a sip of her drink, resentful because she knew that the gift she was about to bestow was not going to be all that appreciated.

“We want to make you chief European correspondent, stationed, of course, in London.”

Just a few months ago, Mack would have had everything he could do to keep himself from kissing the older, heavy-set woman on the mouth. All the way back to the old Edward R. Murrow days, at the dawn of broadcast journalism, being the London correspondent was one of the most coveted assignments a newsman could dream of. He had often fantasized about being good enough professionally to win the spot.

But now the accomplishment staring him in the face was bittersweet. London. An ocean and five times zones away from Eliza.

Yelena was looking at him keenly for reaction. He was careful not to betray with his facial expression the turmoil tossing inside.

“When would I start?”

“Almost immediately,” Yelena answered firmly.

The steamed lobster the waiter placed before him sat almost untouched as Yelena prattled on about the importance of the position and how KEY News wanted new blood to revitalize what she considered a complacent London bureau. To that end, a new bureau chief had been appointed. Marcy McGinnis was stirring things up over there.

“We’ll have two micks in London, now,” Yelena joked, heedless of political correctness.

Mack McBride managed a smile. He knew full well that the president of the news division was aware that he and Eliza Blake were romantically involved, but Yelena did not bring up the subject. What was also left unsaid was something else they both knew. If Mack turned down the assignment, his career would never recover.