Before pulling the cream-colored Lexus onto the hydraulic lift, Augie sorted through the keys on the silver ring. He slipped off the three that looked like house keys and put them in the top pocket of his overalls.
At lunchtime he told the mechanics he was going to the bank. And he did, but first he drove out to the Home Depot on Route 17. There, he had copies of the keys made. Augie rarely got the same guy twice at the giant supply center. If he routinely brought in keys to be copied at the small local hardware store, the owner would surely become suspicious.
The Lexus was back in the Palumbos’ long driveway by four o’clock. Augie rang the doorbell and handed the complete key ring to Mrs. Palumbo.
“Thank you so much for squeezing me in on such short notice, Augie. We’re leaving for Point Pleasant tomorrow and I really wanted to have the car gone over before we go”
“No problem, Mrs. P. Happy to do it Mr. Palumbo can settle with me next time he stops in for gas.”
He smiled and shook his head as he walked down the driveway to the truck that had followed him over so that he would have a ride back to the station.
God, people were stupid. Trusting, but stupid.