Eliza stayed in bed for a while after she woke up Labor Day morning, listening to the quiet and wishing she didn’t have to go to work. She resolved to tell Range she would work Columbus Day, but, once the election was over, she was definitely taking Thanksgiving off. Feeling the soft sheets against her bare legs as she shifted position, Eliza thought about a long weekend in London. After that slug Larson had attached himself to her for the rest of the barbecue, she had missed Mack even more.
She glanced at the clock and calculated it was lunchtime in England. She reached for the phone but thought better of it. It might be hard for Mack to talk at the office. She could call him when she got into the Broadcast Center, and, hopefully, he would be back at his hotel.
Better yet, he could call her. That was what she was really waiting for.
Staring at the bedroom wall she noted the marks left by the Richardses’ triple dresser peeking out from the side of her own smaller chest. She had to get cracking on getting this place together.
The neighbors had been friendly last night, giving her names of local workmen and a good painting and wallpaper man. The general consensus was that Bruno Taveroni did the best work around. He was meticulous and always booked.
It might take longer than she had planned to get her new house in order.
Eliza heard the soft murmur of voices coming from downstairs. She should get up and fix Janie’s breakfast. But the aroma of fresh-brewed coffee and frying bacon was already wafting from below. Katharine had things well in hand.
She prayed that Carmen Garcia would be as capable and helpful when she started her job. Eliza got up and pulled on her robe, suddenly remembering that Keith would have the FRESHER LOOK piece on child care ready for her to retrack when she got to the office.
The piece had to be good. The pressure was on.