On her way home from work, Abigail stopped at Victoria’s Secret, heading directly to the back of the store. She knew exactly what she wanted. She picked up five of the plain black cotton underpants she always bought there.
Then it was fantasy time.
She strolled around the store, stopping to caress a violet lace teddy with a low décolletage. Appreciatively she rubbed her fingers across zebra-print satin boxer pajamas. Abigail held up a sexy slip with slim straps that crossed in the back and imagined. Imagined what Eliza would look like wearing the lingerie.
A girl could dream, couldn’t she?
But making the dream a reality, that was the tricky part.
On impulse Abigail took the silk slip up to the cash register and placed it carefully on the counter along with the underpants. The saleswoman wrapped the pants in pink tissue paper and began to do the same with the slip.
“Could you put that in a box, please?” asked Abigail. “It’s a gift.”
Back home in her apartment, Abigail carefully took the mauve silk slip from the box. It was the sort of thing Eliza would wear, Abigail was certain of it. She thought back to her shopping expeditions with Linda Anderson. Linda had loved this sort of feminine lingerie, while Abigail had always gone for basic undergarments and flannel pajamas.
Eliza reminded Abigail so much of Linda Anderson.