“Gee, Ms. Blake, I’d really like to accommodate you, I really would. But the soonest we can get out there to install the system will be the week after next.”
Eliza was trying in vain to get the security-alarm company to get to her house sooner, but there was a backlog of orders that waited in front of hers. Eliza would just have to get in line.
She had known the house didn’t have a security system when she bought it and it hadn’t much concerned her. It was one of those things she would get around to doing, without particular urgency. That, and getting the locks on the doors changed.
But the threatening letters and phone calls at work had left her usual confidence shaken. Mack’s betrayal had left her hurt and vulnerable. And Samuel Morton’s loss highlighted in the extreme the imperative of ensuring that her own child was safe and secure.
“Fine. A week from Monday, then,” she agreed grudgingly, marking the date in her daybook.