Abigail felt satisfied after she finished her early Sunday-morning session with her trainer. She wished she could show off the washboard abs she’d worked so hard to get If only Eliza would give her the chance.
By the time Abigail showered and dressed, the gym was starting to get crowded. She stuffed her sweats into her bag and hurried out Monica Anderson bumped into her on the sidewalk. Abigail said hello and muttered something about being late to meet a friend for brunch. But Monica was determined to have a conversation.
“Abigail, guess what?” Monica didn’t wait for an answer. “KEY News is doing a story on Linda’s disappearance. My mother is all excited. She’s convinced a national news story will bring new attention to the case. Maybe someone out there will see it and come forward with some fresh information.”
“That’s great, Monica,” Abigail answered without enthusiasm.
“My mother and I thought that you might have had something to do with KEY doing a story on Linda. Did you suggest it?”
She could lie and Monica would probably never find out. But why bother?
“I wish I could say I did, Monica, but it wasn’t me who came up with the idea. Who is doing the story?”
Monica bit her Up as she tried to recall the name her mother had mentioned. “I can’t recall the producer Mom spoke to, but he did say that the story was being done for the Evening Headlines. Eliza Blake might be coming to our house for an interview.”
As Abigail walked down Broadway, she wondered why the Linda Anderson story was being done now, after all this time. Why would the Evening Headlines want to dredge all that up again? It was old news.
But the fact that Eliza would be doing the story on Abigail’s old friend’s disappearance struck her as destiny. Another sign that Eliza’s and Abigail’s lives were meant to be intertwined.