Chapter 116

He worried about it all weekend. The phone trap wasn’t working fast enough. Joe went to work earlier than he normally would on Monday morning, booted up his computer and clicked into his ABERRANT BEHAVIOR file.

Connelly scanned the entries, unsure of what exactly he was looking for. The caller must have said something that Joe could work with, something that might give him a clue to the identity of the harasser.

“Eliza, you are beautiful, even without your makeup.”

That was something to follow.


The security chief was waiting in Eliza’s office when she arrived.

“I want you to think of anyone who has seen you without your makeup.”

“God, Joe. Where would I begin? Some days I come into the office without putting on any makeup. Anyone here could have seen me without it.”

“All right. Outside of the Broadcast Center,” Connelly pushed.

Eliza tried to recall the nearly impossible. Where had she been without makeup?

“Offhand, I remember a morning that the guy who sold me my house unexpectedly brought Janie a puppy. He saw me without my makeup.”

Joe wrote down Larson Richards’s name. “Do you have his phone number?”

“Paige probably does, on the Rolodex.”

“Good. I’ll have it checked out. Anyone else?”

The memory of Keith Chapel in the Dallas hotel gym flashed through Eliza’s mind, but she couldn’t bring herself to single him out. Besides, Keith worked in the Broadcast Center. He should just be considered along with everyone else.

Eliza shook her head. “No one comes to mind right now.”

“Well, keep thinking about it, Eliza. Call me if you remember anyone at all.”