Chapter Nine



Jace helped her onto the buggy seat then joined her, creating a new intimacy as they were sitting so close to each other. She talked about all manner of things. But she kept getting closer.

"Do you mind if we stop for a while, I want to talk to you." She smiled at him.

He nodded. "Sure…" he got down and helped her down, but this time she stared into his eyes as he helped her. Her hands went up and down his arms. "My your very strong, aren't you?"

Jace smiled. "Am I?"

"I don't mean to be forward, but you've given off an impression that you like me. And I certainly like you."

"Oh, what kind of impression?" He asked, still holding her.

"Let's don't play games, we're both attracted to each other. It's quite obvious."

"I'd have to be dead not to be attracted to you ma'am. And I'm not dead." Jace smiled down into her eyes.

She turned and walked, he held her around the waist, not wanting her to step into a prairie dog hole and fall or twist her ankle. She didn't object.

"If Noah does sells out, I'd be more than happy to put you to work on my spread." She told him as they walked along, side by side.

"That's nice of you, but I don't think you're going to get Noah to sell." Jace stopped and she turned to stare into his face.

"Maybe you could convince him." She purred.

"Why would I?" He asked.

She glanced up at him, "Tell me, are you and what's her name, Jen, married?"

"No, just friends." He looked down at the ground.

"She looks at you like she'd like to be more than that."

"I doubt that. But we've known each other for a long time."

"You know she worked at the saloon in town, didn't you?"

"Yeah…I know." His voice drifted off. "Your husband, doesn't he mind you running off in the evening to visit neighbors, alone."

"My husband is an invalid. Has been for five years. He doesn't pay much attention to what I do these days." She said bowing her head as though that bothered her. "One of the reasons I don't worry about him much. I don't think he knows I'm alive anymore. We…haven't…"

"Yeah, well, under the circumstances I can understand that." Jace finished for her because she was becoming very intimate.

A noise from the bushes scared her and she moved into Jace's arms. "What was that?" She clutched his arms.

"A dear." He smiled down into her face. She licked her lips again. His eyes followed her actions.

Her hands ran up and down his arms. "You are very strong, I almost fell," She cried as she batted her lashes at him.

She reached to kiss him on the cheek but he turned his head to watch the dear and when he turned back, their lips met. Her arms floated around his neck and she hung on as Jace massaged her lips gently with each strokes. The kiss intensified quickly, as she pressed herself against him hard.

"Oh…I'm sorry you must think me brazen…" She smiled as she pulled away. "I was merely trying to thank you for catching me…" Her voice sounded soft.

"No you weren't." He smiled, and stared at her ruby red lips. "You're quite a woman," he stared down into her eyes.

"Am I?" She didn't move out of his arms yet.

He snickered, "You know you are…"

They walked silently for a while, when they reached the edge of her property, she turned to looked at him again. "I can get home from here," she told him.

"You sure?"

"Of course…" She turned and caught him staring. "Won't you come visit me, I'd love to show you around the property."

"I'd like that," He nodded. "I'd like that very much."

She swooned a little, "I like you Jace Harrison…"

"The feelings mutual…" He said lowly.

"Good!" She smiled and he helped her back up and into the buggy.

"You sure you don't want me to take you all the way home?"

"No, this is better, but…you can kiss me goodnight…if you like." She leaned toward him.

"I like," He whispered and took her lips once more this time more demanding, as his hands slid from her waist to just under her bust. He heard her swoon.

"I like the way you say goodnight."

He winked. "I'll be seeing you." He promised.

She reached for his hand, "Thank you for seeing me home."

"I'll look forward to seeing you again," Jase smiled.

She held his hand for a long moment. Her hand moving along his, almost stroking him. "Make it soon…"

"You bet," He smiled.

She rode off into the distance and he watched her to make sure she arrived at her ranch safely.

He couldn't help but wonder how many of her own men she'd seduced. She was beautiful, he'd give her that. But why did she remind him of Rebecca.

All the way home he almost laughed. The woman was pure seductress. Only she didn't know his heart was already spoken for. But now he knew he could help Noah, and he'd do it. Although Jen might be upset a while. This wasn't going to take long though, at least he hoped not.





The next day Jen went into the kitchen and began fixing breakfast. She'd familiarized herself with the pots and pans, which consisted of one little pot and one big one, and a huge iron skillet she could barely lift. Sighing heavily, she tried to act normal, but she was far from feeling it. Now that she knew what a flirt Jace was with all the women, she was sure she didn't want to pin her future on him. However, determined not to do anything foolish, like cry, she put on the biggest smile ever and her sunshine attitude until Jace and Noah went out side to work.

He'd never guess how angry she was.

Her insides hurt from not being able to throw something, or cry one. Her head pounded.

How could he turn so easily for a pretty head? He'd had Rebecca, now this Kate. And she was married! He’d taken her home last night and she was sure even though she only saw from a distance that he had lipstick rouge on his cheek. He even smelled like her.

She didn't want to talk to him, she didn't want to be alone with him. She just wanted to curl up and cry until she could make herself mad enough to get over Chance Montgomery once and for all. She wasted her life dreaming about him. And one evening with a married woman told her all she needed to know. He was fickle like most men she'd known. A prettier woman came along and easily took his heart. Well, he could have her. She didn't need him. She'd be just fine without him.

How was he reforming if he was going to mess with a married woman!

She did wish she could be more mature about all of this. She wished she didn't wear her feelings on her sleeve. If she didn't get tough quick, he'd guess how jealous she was!

Didn't she have a right to be jealous? He had called her his girl hadn't he? Well, he didn't act like it last night. He forgot she was even in the room.

Twice in a lifetime he had gone crazy over a pretty woman.

That was all right. She'd stay here a while, save some more money and leave when she'd had as much as she could take.

But she wouldn't kiss him like she had before. Not anymore. Oh God! She was crazy in love with him. He just ambled into town and stole her heart away…. again!

She'd spent all day worrying over a roast for supper but he wouldn't notice that. Jace acted as though nothing had happened. The nerve of him. He came in smiled and washed up, then came to the table.

"Smells good." He smiled at her.

She nodded.

When she didn't say anything he glanced at her.

Noah broke the obvious tension between them when he came in. "We got a lot of work done today." He was telling Jen.

"That's good. More money in the pockets then." Jen smiled at him. "When you taking the horses to be sold?"

"Oh we'll wait until we got this bunch done, then we can run them down to Hardin's place. He usually buys from me.

Jace's head jerked up and he stared at Noah. "I didn't know you sold to Hank Hardin."

Jen saw Jace's reaction.

"He's got more money than most, why not? I been doin' business with him for a lot of years." Noah said eying Jace curiously. "If it's between him and Kate Williams, I'll pick Hardin any day. You got something agin him?" Noah asked.

Jen looked up now, wondering if Jace would tell him or not.

"I guess you're right." He glanced at Jen. "I don't really know the man. Just heard he's a big shot in town."

"He is at that. But he's earned that title, let me tell you. Hank's a fine man, and hardworking man too."

Jace let it drop after all, they'd be going down there soon and he could see for himself just how good a man Hardin was.

Jace's glance went over Jen now, she was wearing a cotton dress, not fancy but on her it looked very good. It was easy to slip into a married couple routine here, except they didn't sleep together, and they weren't married, but he thought about that a lot lately. Just the thought had him heating up a bit. He'd gotten so close to Jen he barely realized it himself, but it was nice coming in from a hard day's work and seeing her sweet face.

"Yeah, Jace is right good at breaking them." Noah said. "But you kind of acted like you had something on your mind today, Jace."

"I did. I'm sorry if I was a little quiet today Noah. Just thinking a lot." Jace let out a slight smile.

"Must be somethin' you sure been quiet." Noah glanced at Jen who pretended a real interest in her supper.

"This is good roast, girl." Noah looked straight at Jen now.

"Thanks Noah." She nodded.

When Noah finished and went to bed early, Jace pulled on Jen's arm to go outside. "You go on, I'm tired, I'm going to bed early."

"Something wrong?" He asked with a slight frown. "You feeling under the weather?"

"No of course not. I didn't sleep well last night, that's all." She muttered. "I'll see you in the morning." She smiled sweetly at him.

He turned her chin up and tried to kiss her but she pretended a sneeze and turned away. "Sorry…" she smiled and moved away.

He stared at her a long while, then quietly walked out.

Tears clouded her vision, from the strain of trying to hold them back so long. He had such a look of betrayal on his face, as though he had been injured somehow.

But the tears came down now, and she couldn't see, she couldn't move. She didn't want to disturb Noah, so she curled up in a chair and cried silently.

Noah came back in the kitchen though, obviously he had heard her, "Thought I'd get some milk…" He stopped when he saw her wiping her eyes.

She turned away and nodded.

"He'll get over it honey. She's no good and he's bound to find that out, sooner or later." Noah told her as he came and put his arm around her. "Besides, she's already got a husband."

"That doesn't seem to matter much to her or to him. I thought he was better than that Noah." She cried.

"Maybe there's a reason behind all of this. A man can't change that fast. Sometimes things seem one way, and they aren't. But I'll tell you true, a woman like her can slicker a man."

"I can't let him know how I feel, Noah. Not yet. I'm too mad. Maybe when I cool down and reason it all out. Right now I just want to die…for being such a fool." She cried.

"Come on, Sugar, let's get you to your bed. It'll look better tomorrow."

"I doubt that."

"Well honey, no matter what happens, you still got me." Noah smiled.

She broke out in a soft laugh. "Oh God, I'm so glad. I don't want to make a fool of myself. Not any more than I already have."

"We're all fools at one time or another." He left her at the bedroom door. "And it's always over the same thing, love."

"He's never said he loved me Noah, so maybe it's more my fault than his. Maybe I wanted it so bad, I believed it. Imagine that. Me a dancehall girl believing in love. That beats all. I should've known better. Maybe that's what he sees, a real lady compared to a dancehall girl."

"He called you his girl, to my face. That must mean something. I'm a pretty good judge of character. If I wasn't I wouldn't have hired him on. "

"That's not the same. I don't doubt Jace is a good man, Noah. I know he is. But if a man can't be loyal it's best to know it now than later. And it's better I know now. We haven't been together that long this time and …neither has she. But she sure made an impression on him. Quick!"

"She ain't no good, and he's old enough to know that. The woman is married!" Noah barked.

Jen stared at Noah now, "Doesn't seem to matter, does it. Girls like her, always get what they want…"

"Girls like what?" Jace walked inside now staring at the two of them.

Noah picked up on Jen's fear. "We were talking about a gal Jen worked with at the saloon, Mary, she married this fella from back east, rich fella, she's got more money than she knows what to do with now. Mary was kind of pushy, if you know what I mean. She always got what she wanted. Ain't that right Jen?"

"That's right. She married him and we haven't see her since. One of the girls got a letter from her and according to the letter she's got everything she ever wanted. Noah knew her too and was asking about her. Well, goodnight now." Jen said moving away from them and not looking at Jace.

"Night hon." Noah went back to bed showing Jace he'd just got up to get some milk.

Jace looked at Jen's closed door. He started to go in, but Noah called to him. "Will you shut the light out Jace when you come to bed?"

"Yeah, I'll do that."

As he laid down that night, he wished he could break that door down and go in there and be with Jen. Still he knew that was impossible and it might be for some time, if he continued on with his plan. He was going to save Noah's place or die trying. But would he lose Jen through his efforts?

Why did doing the right thing always cause such problems! How would he ever explain this to her? He really thought she trusted him. But then Kate Williams was a lot like Rebecca and he could see where Jen got all the wrong ideas. Noah too, probably. One day and everything had changed. One day! Still, he'd started this, he'd have to see it through. He only hoped to God that Jen didn't give up on him.