
A Taste of Faith

1. The earth and all of nature matter a great deal to the Amish culture. How could Abram’s initial thoughts of “the land as his wife” really be true for a single Amish man?

2. Grandmother Zook seems to know for several days in advance that her life is ending. Have you ever known such a premonition to be true in real life?

3. How does Fern’s self-image hinder her belief that she can be loved for who and what she is?

4. How does Joe’s discovery that he needs time alone with Emma parallel a need you may have in your own life?

5. Emma experiences a rather traumatic delivery, yet she remains relatively calm and at peace. How does faith help you face difficult circumstances in a similar manner?

6. How do Abram and Fern suit each other in both temperament and desires?