Cervical spine

The standard radiographs

Three-view trauma series.

Analysis: the checklists

Injuries are most often missed because of poor radiographic technique and/or inaccurate film interpretation1,2,46. Most errors are avoidable5. Missed C-spine abnormalities occur most commonly at the top or at the bottom of the C-spine1,2.

Priority 1: Lateral view checklist

Identify the odontoid peg and assess its position and anatomical relationship to the C1 vertebra. Overlapping structures (eg mastoid, ear lobes, C1 vertebra) can make this difficult. Questions 1–5 will help you to overcome this.

Ask yourself ten important questions:

Question 6. Harris' Ring7. Many lateral views will show a white ring projected over the base of the Peg and over part of the body of C2 (see above). This ring may appear slightly incomplete at its inferior and/or superior aspects—that is a normal appearance. However, if either the anterior or posterior margin of the ring appears disrupted then a fracture through the base of the Peg or the body of C2 is very possible and a C2 fracture will need to be excluded (p. 188).

Question 7. Check that the posterior arches of C1 and C2 are intact.

Potential Pitfall: Line 3 will sometimes show a slight step at the C2 level, particularly in children8.

Apply this rule: this step should not be more than 2 mm posterior to the smooth arc as it is traced upwards between C3 and C1 vertebrae.



Question 10. Are the pre-vertebral soft tissue shadows normal? The soft tissue shadow7,911 anterior to the vertebral bodies has a characteristic configuration and width. Any bulge or local increase in width indicates haemorrhage and connotes an important injury.

NB: The absence of a bulge does not exclude a ligamentous or bone injury. Indeed, even with a major injury, a soft tissue bulge due to a haematoma is fairly rare.

Priority 2: AP Peg view checklist

The anatomical arrangement of the C1–C2 articulation allows extensive neck rotation whilst providing maximum stability. This stability depends on the integrity of the ligaments, particularly the C2 transverse ligament. Various other ligaments enable C1 vertebra to be held in the optimal position above the body of C2 vertebra. Any deviation from this alignment indicates either ligamentous disruption or a broken vertebra.

Ask yourself three important questions:

Question 2: Pitfall.

Occasionally, asymmetric alignment of a lateral mass will be present; ie the edges of the adjacent C1/C2 lateral masses do not line up perfectly. This might suggest vertebral subluxation. However, non-pathological causes for this finding do occur: either some slight positional rotation of the neck, or a developmental variation in the size of the C1 and C2 lateral masses1,1214. In most instances it is fairly easy to decide whether an offset on one side of the C1–C2 articulation is simply developmental… just check whether there is any offset on the other side. If the lateral masses line up normally on the other side then developmental asymmetry is the likely explanation.


Question 3: Pitfall—the Mach effect.

It is very common to see a thin black line crossing the base of the Peg or the top of the Peg. This is an optical illusion15 resulting from the overlapping shadows of superimposed structures. This line is known as a Mach band or a Mach effect. Be aware of this line.

But, be careful…

The inexperienced observer should always seek advice before too readily dismissing any line in this area as a Mach artefact.


Another artefact.

The apparent vertical fracture through the Peg is an artefact. It is caused by the gap between two of the teeth (incisors).


Priority 3: Long AP view checklist

The lateral and Peg views are the most useful images. The diagnostic return from the long AP view, in terms of abnormalities detected, will be considerably less. In addition, it is easy for the unwary to read too much into the AP view.

Ask yourself two questions:

A warning: if a space is more than 50% wider than the space immediately above or below, this is highly suggestive of an anterior cervical dislocation16. In practice this observation is most useful in the severely injured patient whose shoulders have obscured some of the vertebrae on the lateral radiograph17. It can provide an important warning that the neck must be managed very carefully until a lateral view or CT has accurately defined the alignment of the vertebrae.

The common injuries

Injuries at C1

Injuries involving the body or the posterior elements of C2


C2 Hangman's fracture8.

A bilateral fracture through the pars interarticularis of C2 vertebra. Unstable injury caused by hyperextension. Historically consequent on hanging. Now typically results from a motor vehicle accident with (eg) the forehead striking the dashboard. In this patient there is also a fracture of the body of C3.


On the AP Peg view

Anterior opacity


A small calcified opacity anterior to a vertebral body can be mistaken for an avulsed fracture fragment. Sometimes it is simply a remnant of an old secondary ossification centre19 (left). An age related osteophyte can also produce a similar appearance (right). When such an opacity is detected, an experienced observer should review the radiographs.

Spasm related—delayed instability

Following trauma, severe pain and spasm may make it difficult to exclude a significant injury to the posterior ligament complex. Muscle spasm can hold the neck in an anatomical position and mask ligamentous rupture. Instability may only become evident after a few days when the spasm has reduced.

It is therefore important that any patient with severe pain and spasm who appears fit for discharge and is put in a collar should be asked to attend again in a few days for further evaluation. Lateral views in flexion and extension might form part of that evaluation. These additional radiographs must be taken under close clinical supervision. If they remain at all equivocal, an MRI examination should be obtained in order to exclude a ligamentous injury.