Section one
Robert Thorne, 1536 (Nicola Pearce)
George Gisze by Hans Holbein the Younger, 1532 (Artothek/Bridgeman)
John Dee, c.1594 (Ashmolean Museum)
The port of Seville by Alonso Sanchez Coello, c.1580 (Album/Oronoz/AKG images)
Nineteenth-century copy of a portrait of Sebastian Cabot by James Herring, from an earlier original (Bristol City Museum/Bridgeman)
Detail from world map by Sebastian Cabot, 1544 (British Library)
Map of Asia by Robert Thorne, 1527
Illustration from Arte de Navegar by Pedro de Medina of sighting the Pole Star with a cross-staff, 1545
Illustration from Arte de Navegar by Pedro de Medina of sighting the sun at midday using an astrolabe, 1545
World map by Jean Rotz, 1542 (British Library/Bridgeman)
Sir Hugh Willoughby (Richard Flint)
Engraving of England’s Famous Discoverers featuring Captain John Davis, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Hugh Willoughby and Captain John Smith, c.1589 (National Maritime Museum, Greenwich)
Section two
Illustration of the carrack Lartique from the Anthony Roll, 1546 (Gerry Bye/Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge)
Detail from a plan of Dover showing ships off the coast by John Thompson, 1538 (British Library Cotton Aug. II 23)
Drawing of London featuring the Tower of London by Antonis Van der Wyngaerde, 1554 (Ashmolean Museum)
Drawing of London featuring Greenwich Palace by Antonis Van der Wyngaerde, 1554 (Ashmolean Museum)
Map of the coasts of Norway and Russia by William Borough, 1557 (British Library Royal MS 18 D III, f.124)
The Carta Marina by Olaus Magnus, 1539 (James Ford Bell Library, University of Minnesota)
The last entry in Sir Hugh Willoughby’s journal (British Library Cotton Otho E VIII, f. 16 R)
Illustration by Joan Blaeu from the Geographiae Blavianae, showing the Moscow Kremlin in the mid-seventeenth century (Bridgeman)
Icon featuring a portrait of Ivan the Terrible, c.1600 (Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen, Denmark/Bridgeman)
Illustration from the Litsevaia Chronicle showing Ivan saying farewell to Chancellor and Napea, a shipwreck and Napea greeting Philip and Mary
Illustration by Matthiae Beckeri from Hodoeporicon Ruthenicum, showing foreign ambassadors being received at the court of Ivan the Terrible in 1578
Title page from The History of Russia by Giles Fletcher, 1643
Muscovy Company seal die, 1555 (British Museum)
Map of Muscovy by Anthony Jenkinson, 1562