
I would like to thank my husband and children for making our house a home filled with love and happiness. You show me the meaning of love every single day.

I thank my team at work for giving it your all and for making our office feel like family. Jennifer, Lauren, Deb, Maria, Jackie, Marjorie, and Taylor: you are all amazing and I appreciate everything you do. Thank you, Dan, for all your creativity and for always being there.

To all my patients: you’ve given me the greatest privilege of getting to know both you and your families. Thank you for including me in your lives and allowing me to help guide you on your journey to wellness.

A very special thank you to everyone at Llewellyn. Thank you, Bill, for believing in me and helping my dream come to life. Thank you, Amy, Terry, Leah, Kat, Anna, Annie, and Sami. You have all been a delight to work with and I am beyond grateful for your support.

To all my teachers, professors, and attending physicians: sharing your knowledge and experience with me has been invaluable. Thank you for being my role models. It was you who assisted me in accomplishing my goal of becoming a physician, something that I had dreamed of since I was in the sixth grade. Cindy, it was you who opened my world to dermatology.

Thank you, too, to all my friends in Michigan, Florida, Missouri, New York, and Connecticut. I’m blessed to have you in my life. I’m doubly blessed for my extended family in Michigan. I love you all!

And lastly, thank you to my coauthor Valerie Latona for helping me bring to life the topics that I talk about daily with patients. Thank you for your friendship, dedication, and endless hours of help. We are two wellness-minded peas in a pod.