
You are amazing. You are beautiful. You are unique. You’ve reached the end of this book’s journey and are now ready to continue to move forward on your own path to a healthier, more beautiful you.

Take a look at the lists you put together when you started this book or recount the mental lists you made in your mind. Think about the healthy habits you wanted to incorporate, the spiritual connections you wanted to make, and the lifestyle changes you were eager to put into practice. If you haven’t made as many changes as you’d like, remember that inner and outer beauty is a journey, not something that is accomplished just because you finished this book. As I’ve mentioned throughout the pages of this book, what matters are the small steps you put into practice every single day.

This book should serve as a guide. Refer back to it regularly as you continue to make changes. As Buddha once said: “You must make the effort yourself. The masters only point the way.”

What matters are the changes you feel and notice in your own body: how you’re less stressed, how you’ve begun to feel more spiritually connected to your inner self, how you’re sleeping, your energy and enthusiasm, how you’re getting fewer colds, how you’re losing weight without being on a diet, and how your skin glows. By following the tips and advice in this book, you are reinforcing change to your whole person—who you are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

When our bodies are truly in a state of healthy balance, it radiates from us in everything that we do. Going back to the ayurvedic concept of the ojas, beauty is truly a reflection of the health of our bodies, our minds, our spirits, and our skin.

May you enjoy true mindful beauty every single day of your life, and may this book continue to be your guide along that journey.
