(Fellini, Italy, 1963), 626

“1857” (Fool’s Gold) (Elder, Canada, 1981), 176

8mm film, 69–70, 87–88, 102–3, 261, 263–64, 272–73, 619–20

400 Blows (Truffaut, France, 1959), 436–37

À propos de Nice (Vigo, France, 1930), 448–49, 452

A Revolução de Maio (Ribeira, Portugal, 1937), 505–6

absolute film, 47–48

abstract film, 55

Adorno, Theodor W., 177

Afterimage (UK), 169

Ailing, Huang, 623

Akromfrah, John, 207, 307–9

Alexander Nevsky (Eisenstein, USSR, 1938), 565

Alexandrov, Grigori, 8, 30, 38, 565–68

All About Anna (Nilsson, Denmark, 2005), 385–86

Allégret, Yves, 134, 142–43

Allen, Woody, 95

Allende, Salvador, 250

Althusser, Louis, 4–5

Alvarez, Santiago, 232, 239, 258–64, 280

Amis, Kingsley, 149

Amkino Corporation, 418–19

amplic phase, 40–41

Anderson, Lindsay, 109, 149–52

Andersson, Bibi, 374

Anger, Kenneth, 346, 392, 556

Angry Young Men (UK), 109, 149

Animation, 104

Anthology Film Archives, 91, 543–44

Antín, Manuel, 211–13

Antonioni, Michelangelo, 210, 345, 372, 435, 438–39, 615

Après ski (Cardinal, Quebec, 1971), 264–65, 267

Araki, Greg, 393

Arbuckle, Fatty, 333

Arcand, Denys, 170

Archives, 8, 517–61

Arnheim, Rudolph, 568

Arnzer, Dorothy, 349, 353–55

Art of Worldly Wisdom (Elder, Canada, 1979), 176

Asch, Timothy, 553

Astruc, Alexandre, 117, 446, 594, 603–7

Aurenche, Jean, 134–39, 142–43

Autant-Lara, Claude, 134–35, 138–39, 142–43

Awesh, Peggy, 13

B movies, 56, 336, 404, 432

Bacall, Lauren, 365

Baccar, Salma, 375

Bailey, Cameron, 321

Baillie, Bruce, 535

Baldwin, Craig, 13

Ballet Mécanique (Léger, France, 1923–24), 457

Balogun, Ola, 183–92

Bank Clerk (Chaplin, US, 1915), 335

Barcelona School, 155

Barnet, Boris, 30

Barry, Iris, 524–35, 529

Barthes, Roland, 347–48, 561

Bateson, Gregory, 545

Battleship Potemkin (Eisenstein, USSR, 1925), 36, 83, 89, 505, 525

Baudrillard, Jean, 89, 97–99

Bazin, André, 136, 404, 565

Becker, Jacques, 142

Beineix, Jean-Jacques, 390

Belle, David, 320

Belle de jour (Buñuel, France, 1967), 371

Benjamin, Walter, 5–7

Bergman, Ingmar, 210, 345, 372, 582, 594, 614–16

Berkeley, Busby, 342, 364

Berlin: Symphony for a Great City (Ruttmann, Germany, 1927), 453, 456–59

Berna, Serge, 50, 124

Bhuvan Shome (Sen, India, 1969), 165

Bicycle Thieves (De Sica, Italy, 1949), 127, 495

Big Parade (Vidor, US, 1925), 535

Big Sleep (Hawks, US, 1946), 432–33

Birri, Fernando, 2, 207, 211–18, 275, 309–12

Black Audio Film Collective, 307–9

Black God, White Devil (Rocha, Brazil, 1964), 218

Blake, William, 62

Blanc, Mel, 438

Blaxploitation, 440

Blind Chance (Kieślowski, Poland, 1981), 464

Blinkity Blank (McLaren, Canada, 1955), 75

Blood of the Condor (Sanjinés, Bolivia, 1969), 286, 288–89, 293

Blow Up (Antonioni, Italy/UK/US, 1966), 372

Boetticher, Budd, 364

Bollaín, Icíar, 3, 327, 388–90

Bollywood, 320

Boogie Nights (Anderson, US, 1997), 555

Borges, Luis, 93

Born in East L.A. (Marin, US, 1987), 317

Bossin, Hye, 517, 533–34

Bost, Pierre, 134–39, 141–43

Bradford, Guy, 533

Brakhage, Stan, 3, 13–14, 41, 52, 62–69, 74, 91, 535, 543, 587

Breathdeath (VanDerBeek, US, 1964), 74

Brecht, Bertolt, 170, 463, 467

Bresson, Robert, 1, 133, 136–37, 142, 199, 604

Breton, André, 9

Bringing Up Baby (Hawks, US, 1938), 351

British Sounds (Godard, UK, 1970), 169–70

Brothers Quay, 103

Buck-Morss, Susan, 6

Buñuel, Louis, 3, 8, 31–37, 121–23, 137, 449–51

Burton, Tim, 103

Butcher Boy (Jordan, Ireland/US, 1997), 389

Bute, Mary Ellen, 13, 47–48, 52, 91

Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920), 28

Cage, John, 85

Cahiers du cinéma (France), 134, 162, 350

Camp, 224

Canadian Film Weekly, 533

Canova, Judy, 340–42

Cantrill, Arthur, 77–78

Cantrill, Corinne, 77–78

Cantrills Filmnotes (Australia), 77

Canudo, Ricciotto, 8, 325, 594–603

Carducci, Giosuè, 17

Carpenter, Ted, 549–50

Carroll, Noël, 2

Cassavetes, John, 58, 618

Caton-Jones, Michael, 195

Cendrars, Blaise, 20–23

Cézanne, Paul, 48, 62, 432–43, 572, 600

Chabrol, Claude, 110, 133, 162

Chacha, Zhang, 481–82

Challenge for Change/Société nouvelle, 87

Champ, The (Vidor, US, 1931), 115–16

Chaplin, Charlie, 32, 50–52, 90, 115, 133, 210, 330–36, 526, 565, 568–69

Chenyu, Mao, 483

Cherchi Usai, Paolo, 519

Cheyenne Autumn (Ford, US, 1964), 351

Chicago, Judy, 91

Childish, Billy, 621

chiselling phase, 40

Ciné Institute (Haiti), 320

Cine Manifest Collective, 462

cinéma brut, 370

cinéma direct, 110, 157

cinéma du qualité, 109, 133–44, 627

cinema novo, 218–20, 238, 245, 284

cinema of moral anxiety, 464

cinema of Transgression, 88–89, 100, 619

Cinema 16, 527–28

cinéma vérité, 353, 446, 471, 535

Cinemascope, 67

Citizen Kane (Welles, US, 1941), 418, 439, 606, 608

City Lights (Chaplin, US, 1931), 565, 568–69

Cixous, Hélène, 325

Clair, René, 115, 625

Clouzot, Henri-Georges, 140, 142, 605

Cobra Woman (Siodmak, US, 1944), 336

Cocteau, Jean, 142

Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, 518

“Colombia Revolt” (New York Newsreel, US, 1968), 462

“Come Back, Africa” (Rogosin, 1959), 60

Communist Manifesto, The, 3

Complex (Obayashi, Japan, 1964), 70

Connection, The (Clarke, 1961), 59

Conrad, Tony, 72, 626–28

Constance (Vesterskov, Denmark, 1998), 385–86

constructivism, 29–30, 41

contrapuntal sound, 565–68

Corruption of the Damned (Kuchar, 1965), 70

Courage of the People (Sanjinés, Bolivia, 1971), 289, 292–93

Cousins, Mark, 559–60

Cousteau, Jacques-Yves, 446

Covered (Greyson, Canada, 2009), 321

Crawley Films, 523

Critique de la séparation (Debord, France, 1961), 626, 628

Cronenberg, David, 321

Crowd, The (Vidor, US, 1928), 113, 115

Crowley, Aleister, 346

Cubism, 48

Currie, Gregory, 2

Dadaism, 7–8

Daguerre, L.J.M., 22

Dance, Girl, Dance (Arzner, US, 1940), 354

Davis, Jim, 13, 52–56, 595

Day for Night (Truffaut, France, 1973), 133

de la Cruz, Khavn, 575, 588–89

De Lauretis, Teresa, 378

de Lautréamont, Comte, 95

de Man, Paul, 96–97

de Saint-Point, Valentine, 325

De Sica, Vittorio, 127

Debord, Guy, 3, 5, 13, 49–51, 89, 94–97, 123–24, 556, 560, 604, 626, 628

Decalogue (Kieślowski, Poland, 1989), 464

Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen, 3

Declaration of Independence, 3

DEFA, 193

Dellannoy, Jean, 134–35, 139, 142–43

DeMille, Cecil B., 403, 410, 420, 422

Der ewige Jude (Hippler, Germany, 1940), 99

Deren, Maya, 2, 56–58, 83, 528, 587

Derrida, Jacques, 97

Des Santos, Nelson Pereira, 284

Dewdney, Keewatin, 13, 72–76

Dharti Ke Lal (Abbas, India, 1946), 120

Diary of a Country Priest (Bresson, France, 1951), 136–37, 144

Diary of a Revolutionist (Urinov, USSR, 1932), 419

Die Nibelungen (Lang, Germany, 1924), 525

Dietrich, Marlene, 350, 365

Diggers, 5

digital cinema, 580–89

Dirty Diaries (Engberg, Sweden, 2009), 397

Dishonoured (von Sternberg, US, 1931), 367

Disney, Walt, 403, 420

documentary, 42, 109, 148, 158, 217, 241, 445–83, 609

Dogme ’95, 2, 8–9, 110–11, 173, 201–3, 327, 385, 394, 404, 441, 446, 473–75, 488, 559, 583, 586, 594, 619, 621

Don Peyote (Humes, 1960), 59

Dreyer, Carl Th., 210

Drifters (Grierson, UK, 1929), 459

Dulac, Germaine, 91

Dumas, Alexandre, 21

Dworkin, Andrea, 325

Dziga-Vertov Group, 169, 594, 618

Eastman Kodak, 523

Eater, An (Obayashi, Japan, 1963), 70

Edison, Thomas, 602

Eisenstein, Sergei, 2, 8–9, 27–28, 30, 38–40, 90, 220, 565–68, 605

Elam, JoAnn, 87

Elder, R. Bruce, 176–83

Element of Crime (von Trier, Denmark, 1984), 173

Elsaesser, Thomas, 560

Elster, Jon, 403–4

Emmanuelle (Just Jaeckin, France, 1974), 370, 374

End of St. Petersburg (Pudovkin, USSR, 1927), 30

Energies (Davis, US, 1957), 52

Engberg, Mia, 397–99

Engels, Friedrich, 3

Entr’acte (Clair, France, 1924), 36

Enzenberger, Hans Magnus, 352

Epidemic (von Trier, Denmark, 1987), 173–74

Espinosa, Julio García, 2, 207, 220–30, 255, 286

ethnographic film, 446, 476, 544–54

Europa (von Trier, Denmark/France/Germany, 1991), 173–75

Even the Rain (Bollaín, Spain, 2010), 388

Everyday Except Christmas (Anderson, UK, 1957), 150–51

expanded cinema, 575–79

Experimental Film (USA), 38–40

Export, Valerie, 325

Famous Players, 268–71

Fanon, Frantz, 207, 218, 230, 236, 247

Farber, Manny, 404, 432–39

Fascism, 7, 112, 493–95

Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, 172

Faulkner, William, 433

Fellini, Federico, 371, 488

Feminists in the Media conference (1975), 359

Feng, Cong, 481–83

FEPACI, 296–98, 314, 383–85

Festen (Vinterberg, Denmark, 1998), 201

FIAF, 556–558

Figgis, Mike, 589

Film about a Woman Who…, A (Rainer, US, 1985), 378

Film Culture (US), 404, 432

Film-Makers’ Cooperative, 536–39, 542

Film No. 4: Bottoms (Ono, UK, 1967), 326, 344–45

Fischinger, Oskar, 47

Five Obstructions (Leth and von Trier, Denmark, 2003), 446, 472

Flaherty, Robert, 66, 446, 453, 455–56, 551

Flaming Creatures (Smith, US, 1962), 336

Flanders, Elle, 321

Flicker, The (Conrad, US, 1966), 72–74, 76, 85, 535

flicker films, 72–76

Flower Thief (Rice, US, 1962) 61, 342

Flowers of Asphalt (Markopoulos, US, 1951), 86

Ford, John, 351, 434, 581

Forsyth, Bill, 196, 199

Foucault, Michel, 472

Fox Talbot, Henry, 80

Frampton, Hollis, 13, 24, 78–85, 89–91, 93, 540–43

Franju, Georges, 446

Frank, Robert, 58

Frank, Waldo, 38, 40

Fraser, Nancy, 325–26

Free Cinema, 2, 8, 58, 72, 109–10, 149–52

Free Fall (Lipsett, Canada, 1964), 75

Freud, Sigmund, 65, 77, 227, 347, 362–63

Fung, Richard, 321

Funnel Experimental Film Centre (Toronto), 101

Futurism, 8, 15–18, 24

Gan, Alexei, 29–30

Gance, Abel, 20–21, 142–43

Garbo, Greta, 365

Garden, The (Jarman, UK, 1990), 199

Gaumont, 188, 328–29

Gavronsky, Serge, 69

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Hawks, US, 1953), 351

Getino, Octavio, 207, 211, 230–49, 256–58

Ghatak, Ritwik, 560

Gilliam, Terry, 103

Globalization, 7

Glover, Guy, 157–60

Godard, Jean-Luc, 2–3, 9, 89, 94–95, 110, 133, 169–70, 199, 231, 238, 243, 345, 445, 561, 587, 594, 618, 626, 628

Godmilow, Jill, 446

Goebbels, Joseph, 89–90, 487, 493–95

Gold Rush (Chaplin, US, 1925), 335

Goldstein, Al, 326, 346

Gramsci, Antonin, 4

Great Road, The (USSR, 1928), 29

Greer, Germaine, 326, 346

Grey, Lita, 32, 330–36

Greyson, John, 321–22

Grierson, John, 445–46, 453–59

Griffith, D.W., 21, 67, 113, 115

Grotowski, Jerzy, 224–26

Gun of the Trees (Mekas, 1961), 59

Guy-Blaché, Alice, 326

Habermas, Jürgen, 325–26

Hammer, Barbara, 91

Handler, Mario, 253–56, 258, 263

Handling, Piers, 177–79, 560

Handsworth Songs (Akromfrah, UK, 1988), 307

Happiness (Solondz, US, 1998), 555

Haraway, Donna, 325

Harcourt, Peter, 177–79

Haskell, Molly, 364

Hawks, Howard, 351, 433

Haynes, Todd, 393

Hearst, William Randolph, 403, 417–20

Heidegger, Martin, 96–97, 182

Henry V (Olivier, UK, 1944), 530

Hermosillo, Jaime Humberto, 3

Herzog, Werner, 172, 445–46, 471–72, 479

Hill, Jerome, 543

His Girl Friday (Hawks, US, 1940), 351

Histoire d’O (Just Jaeckin, France/West Germany/Canada, 1975), 357

Hitchcock, Alfred, 366–69, 565

Hitler, Adolf, 493

Hoberman, J., 432

Hoffman, Philip, 14, 76, 105–6

Hog Wild (Parrott, US, 1930), 434

Holland, Agnieszka, 464

Homoeroticism, 91

Hondo, Med, 207, 275, 281, 300–303

Hour of Liberation (Srour, Lebanon, 1974), 375

Hour of the Furnaces (Getino and Solanas, Argentina, 1968), 239, 244–45, 247–48, 256–57, 293, 626, 628

Hour of the Wolf (Bergman, Sweden, 1968), 614

Houston, Penelope, 519

How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman (Des Santos, Brazil, 1971), 284–85

Howard, Wolf, 621

HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee), 50, 403, 421

Hughes, Howard, 488

Huillet, Danièle, 153

Hurlements en faveur de Sade (Debord, France, 1952), 49–50

I Am Curious (Blue) (Sjöman, Sweden, 1968), 370

I Am Curious (Yellow) (Sjöman, Sweden, 1967), 370

I Walked With a Zombie (Tourneur, US, 1943), 99, 341

IBM, 68

Idiots, The (von Trier, Denmark, 1998), 201

Iimura, Takahiko, 70–72

Ikiru (Kurosawa, Japan, 1952), 439

Immigrant, The (Chaplin, US, 1917), 335

imperfect cinema, 220–29, 286

Impulses (Davis, US, 1959), 52

In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni (Debord, France, 1978), 604

Independent Imaging Retreat (“Film Farm”), 14, 106

Isou, Jean-Isidore, 3, 49, 51–52, 123–24, 626, 628

Ivens, Joris, 232, 525–26

Jacobs, Ken, 540–43

Jameson, Fredric, 4, 7

Jarman, Derek, 196, 199

Je, tu, il, elle (Akerman, Belgium/France, 1974), 379

Jennings, Humphrey, 149

Jewison, Norman, 321

Jiongjiong, Qiu, 481

Johnston, Claire, 2, 347–56

Jollywood manifesto, 320

Jong-il, Kim, 506–13

Jordan, Larry, 75

Journeys from Berlin (Rainer, US, 1971), 379–81

Joyce, James, 79

Juche, 506–9, 512

Jules et Jim (Truffaut, France, 1962), 436–37, 439

Jusick, Stephen Kent, 555

Jutra, Claude, 157, 161–62, 396

Kadinsky, Wassily, 48

Kameradschaft (Pabst, Germany, 1931), 113

Kaplan, Nelly, 349

Kaplana (Shankar, India, 1948), 119–20

Karmitz, Marin, 162

Kartemquin Collective, 462

Katzman, Sam, 61

Kaul, Arun, 165–68

Keesing, Roger, 476

Kern, Richard, 88

Khomeini, Ayatollah, 489

Kiarostami, Abbas, 628

Kieślowski, Krzysztof, 3, 446, 464–68

King Lear (Godard, France, 1987), 95

Kitchen Sink films (UK), 110

Klein, Naomi, 321–22

Kleinhans, Chuck, 87

Kronschnabl, Ana, 575, 586–88

Kruger, Barbara, 95

Kubelka, Peter, 543

Kuchar, George, 13, 69–70, 392

Kuchar, Mike, 69, 392

Kuumba Workshop, 440

L’affaire Langlois, 162, 518

L’âge d’or (Buñuel, 1930), 31–37, 120

L’amore (Rossellini, Italy, 1948), 495

L’avventura (Antonioni, Italy, 1960), 438–39

L’Espoir (Malraux, France, 1945), 606

La chinoise (Godard, France, 1967), 594, 618

La dolce vita (Fellini, Italy, 1960), 371

La Fée aux choux (Guy-Blaché, France, 1896), 328

La notte (Antonioni, Italy, 1961), 438–39

La région Centrale (Snow, Canada, 1971), 85

La roue (Gance, France, 1922), 20

La terra trema (Visconti, Italy, 1948), 127, 625

Lacan, Jacques, 362

Laemmle, Carl, Jr., 410

Lake, Veronica, 341

Lamothe, Arthur, 271

Land without Bread (Buñuel, Spain, 1933), 121, 137

Lang, Fritz, 115

Langlois, Henri, 517–19, 529, 539

Lasky, Jesse L., 38

Lassally, Walter, 150–52

Last Laugh (Murnau, Germany, 1924), 524

Last of England (Jarman, UK, 1987), 199

Laurel and Hardy, 404, 432–33

Lawrence of Arabia (Lean, UK, 1962), 300

Le Corbusier, 41

Le Grice, Malcolm, 91

Le monde du silence (Cousteau and Malle, France, 1956), 461

Léger, Fernand, 528

Legion of Decency, 495–99

Leiva, Augustin Aragon, 38, 40

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 9, 19, 89–90, 170, 348

Lennon, John, 344

Les carabiniers (Godard, France, 1963), 199–200

Les mistons (Truffaut, France, 1957), 109

Les Portes du la nuit (Carné, France, 1936), 134

Les raquetteurs (Brault and Groulx, Quebec, 1958), 625

Leslie, Alfred, 58, 69

Leth, Jørgen, 446

Lettre de Sibérie (Marker, France, 1957), 461

Lettriste International 50–51

Lettristes, 5, 49, 51–52, 123

Leyda, Jay, 19

Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (Powell and Pressburger, UK, 1943), 116

Light Reflections (Davis, US, 1952), 52

Limelight (Chaplin, US, 1952), 50–51

Linder, Max, 51

Lindgren, Ernest, 517–19, 529–32

Lipsett, Arthur, 75

Lipton, Lenny, 69

Little Fugitive (Ashley, US, 1953), 59

Little Shots of Happiness (Verow, US, 1997), 393

Living End (Araki, US, 1992), 393

Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (Richardson, UK, 1962) 434–36

Longanesi, Leo, 112–16, 124

Look Back in Anger (Richardson, UK, 1959), 151

Lord, Susan, 575

Los Olvidados (Buñuel, Mexico, 1950), 121–23

Lubitsch, Ernest, 488

Lumière, Louis, 1, 78, 90, 602

Lumière Brothers, 445

Lunacharsky, Anatoli, 19, 89, 532

Lupino, Ida, 349, 353–55

Lye, Len, 47

Lyon, Janet, 4

M. Hulot’s Holiday (Tati, France, 1953), 144

Maas, Willard, 83

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 4

Maddin, Guy, 171

Madison, James, 3

Makavejev, Dusan, 199

Make Out (New York Newsreel, US, 1969), 462

Makhmalbaf, Samira, 560, 575, 580–85, 588

Malanga, Gerard, 75

Malraux, André, 518, 539, 606

Maltese Cross Movement (Dewdney, Canada, 1967), 72

Mambety, Djibril Diop, 560

Mamoulian, Rouben, 116

Man Who Envied Women, The (Rainer, US, 1974), 378, 380, 382

Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The (Ford, US, 1962), 434

manifesto film, 625–28

Mannheim, Karl, 6

Manskiy, Vitaly, 478–79

Maple Syrup Porn, 207, 264

Marchessault, Janine, 575

Marc’O, 50, 124

Marcus, George E., 476

Marcus, Greil, 5–6, 432

Marey, Étienne-Jules, 73

Marie, Michel, 625

Marin, Cheech, 317

Marinetti, F.T., 15–18, 325

Marker, Chris, 199, 232

Markopoulos, Gregory, 86–87

Marnie (Hitchock, US, 1964), 367, 369

Marshall, John, 553

Marshall Plan, 109

Martineau, Barbara, 353

Marx, Karl, 3, 9, 77, 223, 241, 273, 347–48, 352, 605

Marx Brothers, 340, 342

Matuszewski, Boleslaw, 517, 520–23

May ’68 (France), 162, 518

Maysles, Albert, 446, 479–80

Mazzetti, Lorenza, 149

McArthur, Colin, 194–201, 318

McLaren, Norman, 47, 74–75, 109, 149

McLuhan, Marshall, 73

Mead, Margaret, 545, 550–51, 554

Mead, Taylor, 61

Meese Commission Report on Pornography, 382

Mekas, Jonas, 2, 14, 58, 91, 102–3, 432, 534–39, 543

Méliès, Georges, 65, 67, 445

Memmi, Albert, 207

Ménilmontant (Kirsanoff, France, 1926), 525

Meshes of the Afternoon (Deren, US, 1943), 56, 83

Metz, Christian, 626

MGM, 185

Miller Berry, Scott, 555

Millett, Kate, 353

Min-ha, Trinh T., 92, 317

Miracle in Milan (De Sica, Italy, 1951), 128–29

Mission to Moscow (Curtiz, US, 1943), 421

Mizoguchi, Kenji, 210, 621

Moana (Flaherty, US, 1926), 453, 455

Moholy-Nagy, László, 13, 44–47

MoMA (Museum of Modern Art), 95, 524, 527, 532–33, 540–43

Mon oncle Antoine (Jutra, Canada, 1971), 157

Monroe, Marilyn, 351, 364–65, 404

Montage of attractions, 27, 67

Montez, Maria, 336–44

Morocco (von Sternberg, US, 1930), 350, 367

Mother (Pudovkin, USSR, 1926), 525

Motion Picture Herald (US), 405, 418–19

Motion Picture Production Code, 3, 8, 403–17

Mulvey, Laura, 2, 8, 327, 344, 349, 626–28

Murnau, F.W., 113

Murphy, Eddie, 300

Mussolini, Benito, 112

Müzenberg, Willi, 490–92

Naked Spaces (Minh-ha, US, 1985), 379

Nanook of the North (Flaherty, 1922), 66, 446, 453

Nathalie Granger (Duras, France, 1972), 379

Negri, Pola, 422, 549

Neighbours (McLaren, Canada, 1952), 109

Nelson, Gunvor, 91

Neorealism, 112, 125–33

Nestler, Peter, 153

New American Cinema Group, 58–60

New Cinema Movement (India), 165–68

New Danish Cinema, 201

New French Extremism, 370

New German Cinema, 110, 152, 172, 201, 445, 559

New Queer Cinema 321, 327, 392–96

New York Newsreel, 462–64

NFB (National Film Board of Canada), 87, 157

“Niamey Manifesto of African Filmmakers,” 303–7, 313

Nielsen, Asta, 526

Niépce, Nicéphore, 80

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 96–97

Nigerian Film Corporation, 188–89

Nihon University Cinema Club, 70

Nilsson, Rob, 618–19

Nilsson, Torre, 211–13

Nju (Czinner, Germany, 1924), 524

No Wave, 88, 619, 621

Nobody Waved Goodbye (Owen, Canada, 1964), 180

Nollywood, 183, 320

Normal Love (Smith, US, 1963), 336

North by Northwest (Hitchcock, US, 1959), 403

Not Reconciled (Straub and Huillet, West Germany, 1965), 153

Not Wanted (Lupino, US, 1949), 354

nouvelle vague (France), 58, 110, 157, 201–2, 238, 259

Nuit et brouillard (Resnais, France, 1955), 199, 461

O Dreamland (Anderson, UK, 1953), 151

Obayashi, Nobuhiko, 70

“The Oberhausen Manifesto,” 2, 8, 152–53, 155, 172, 556

Objectivo (Spain), 145

October (1927), 30

Off the Pig (New York Newsreel, US, 1968), 462

Olympia (Riefenstahl, Germany, 1938), 92

Only Angels Have Wings (Hawks, US, 1939), 366

Ono, Yoko, 326

Ophuls, Max, 142

Orrom, Michael, 607, 613

Osborne, John, 149

Oudart, Jean-Pierre, 487–88

Overlanders (Watt, UK, 1946), 530

Ovidie, 327, 390–92

Ozu, Yasujiro, 445, 621–22

Pabst, G.W., 113, 115

Paik, Nam June, 535

Painlevé, Jean, 42

Paisa (Rossellini, Italy, 1946), 127

Palestinian Cinema Group, 207, 273–75

Panovsky, Erwin, 347–48

Passion of Anna (Bergman, Sweden, 1969), 614

Pathé Brothers, 602

Pather Panchali (Ray, India, 1955), 117

Paz, Octavio, 121–23

Peña-Sarmiento, Sandra, 316–18

Pepé le Moko (Duvivier, France, 1937), 134

Persona (Bergman, Sweden, 1966), 594, 614

Picasso, Pablo, 55, 560

Pile ou face (Fournier, Quebec, 1970), 264–68

Pink Prison (Lynghøft, Denmark, 1999), 385–86

Pius XI (Ambrogio Damaniano Achille Ratti), 3, 487–88, 495–505

Plateau, Joseph, 80

Poetic realism, 134

Polanski, Roman, 109, 149

Poniatowska, Elena, 294

Poor cinema, 194–201, 318–19

Pope, Alexander, 79

Porky Pig, 438

Pornography, 264, 370–74, 377–78, 385–88, 390–92, 397–99

Portrait of Jason (Clarke, US, 1967), 353

“Post Porn Modernist Manifesto, The,” 327, 382

Potter, Sally, 396–97

Pound, Ezra, 62, 87, 90, 179

Powell, Michael, 116

Prague (Sellar, Scotland, 1992), 195–96

Pratley, Gerald, 533

Preminger, Otto, 488

Pressburger, Emeric, 116

Prévert, Jacques, 134, 140

Principal Enemy (Sanjinés, Bolivia, 1973), 289–90, 293

Privilege (Rainer, US, 1990), 378

Process cinema, 76, 106

Pudovkin, Vsevlod, 8, 30, 565–68

Pull My Daisy (Frank and Leslie, US, 1959), 59

Punk, 5, 14, 88

“Puzzy Power Manifesto,” 327, 385–88

Quai des Brumes (Carné, France, 1938), 134

Que Viva Mexico (1933/1979) 38–40

Quigley, Martin, 405, 418

Rage (Potter, UK, 2009), 396

Rainer, Yvonne, 91, 378–82

Rand, Ayn, 403, 422–32

Rank Corporation, 188

Rape (Ono and Lennon, UK/Austria, 1969), 344

Ray, Man, 528, 582

Ray, Satyajit, 117–20, 165

Rayns, Tony, 622

Reagan, Ronald, 420

Rear Window (Hitchock, US, 1954), 367–68

Reassemblage (Min-ha, Senegal, 1982), 92–93

Redupers (Sanders, West Germany, 1978), 379

Reisz, Karel, 149–52

Reitman, Ivan, 321

Renoir, Jean, 141–42, 604

Requiem for a Heavyweight (Nelson, US, 1962), 435–36, 439

Resnais, Alain, 199, 446

Rhabillage (Ovidie, France, 2011), 390

Rice, Ron, 61, 340

Rich, B. Ruby, 392

Richards, Jesse, 619–21

Richardson, Tony, 149, 435–36, 438

Ricoeur, Paul, 6

Riddles of the Sphinx (Mulvey and Wollen, UK, 1977), 327, 359, 379, 626–28

Riefenstahl, Leni, 90, 92, 355

River of No Return (Preminger, US, 1954), 365

Rivette, Jacques, 110

Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 181

Rocha, Glauber, 218–20, 227

Rodríguez, Marta, 260

Roeg, Nicholas, 197

Rogosin, Lionel, 58

Rohmer, Eric, 110, 133

Romanticism, 353

Rome, Open City (Rossellini, Italy, 1945), 127

Room at the Top (Clayton, UK, 1959), 151

Rosenbaum, Jonathan, 432

Rossellini, Roberto, 127, 616–17

Rotha, Paul, 607

Rotten, Johnny, 5

Rouch, Jean, 550

Ruby, Jay, 446, 476

Russian formalism, 13

Ruttmann, Walter, 445

Sade, Marquis de, 37

Said, Edward, 317

Sanborn, Keith, 2, 13

Sandinista cinema, 298–99

Sanjinés, Jorge, 2, 207, 286–94

Sankofa Film and Video, 307

Sarris, Andrew, 350, 404

Scarface (Hawks, US, 1932), 134

Scenes from a Marriage (Bergman, Sweden, 1973), 372

Schneemann, Carolee, 91

School of Cinema and Television in San Antonio de Los Baños, Cuba, 309–12

Schrader, Paul, 619

Schrenk, Joseph M., 410

Schulberg, Bud, 410

Sciuscìa (De Sica, Italy, 1946), 127

scopophilia, 362–70

Scottish Film Council, 194–201

Screen (UK), 360

second cinema, 209

Sembène, Ousmane, 275, 280

Sen, Mrinal, 165–68

Sennett, Mack, 36, 51

Serenity (Markopoulos, US, 1961), 86

Seven Women (Ford, US, 1966), 351

Seven Year Itch (Wilder, US, 1955), 404

Severson, Anne, 91

Shadows (Cassavetes, 1959), 59–60, 474

Shame (Bergman, Sweden, 1968), 614

Sheer Madness (von Trotta, West Germany, 1983), 380

Shoot the Piano Player (Truffaut, France, 1960), 436

Shrimpton, Jean, 326

Shub, Esther, 29–30, 91–92

Shuzhong, Gui, 481–83

Sight and Sound (UK), 44, 622

Silva, Jorge, 260, 275

Simulacra, 37, 97–99

Sin of Jesus, The (Frank, US, 1961), 59

Sinclair, Upton, 38, 40

Singin’ in the Rain (Donen and Kelly, US, 1952), 560

Sirk, Douglas, 354

Sitney, P. Adams, 58, 91, 543

Situationists, 5, 89–100

Sjöman, Vilgot, 370–75

Smith, Harry, 535

Smith, Jack, 336–44, 392

Snow, Michael, 540–43, 556

Socialist realism, 9

Soderbergh, Steven, 396, 441, 589

Solanas, Fernando, 2, 207, 211, 230–49, 256–58

Solanas, Valerie, 93, 325

Solás, Humberto, 318–19, 396

Solax Company, 328–29

Soleil O (Hondo, France/Mauritania, 1967), 300

Song of Ceylon (Wright, UK, 1934), 570

Song of Russia (Ratoff, US, 1944), 421

Sontag, Susan, 593

Spielberg, Steven, 561

Sprinkle, Annie, 327, 382

Stalin, Joseph, 9

Stalinism, 7

Stoneman, Rod, 198

Strand, Chick, 91

Straub, Jean-Marie, 153

Strike (Eisenstein, USSR, 1924), 27

structural film, 72

structure of feeling, 607–13

Super Fly (Parks, Jr., US, 1972), 440

Surrealism, 7–8, 13, 31–37

Švankmajer, Jan, 103–4

Swift, Jonathan, 79

Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen, 199, 626–28

Sydney Filmmakers Cooperative, 76

Tabu (Flaherty and Murnau, US, 1931), 455

Tahirnik, Kidlat, 317, 469

Take My Eyes (Bollaín, Spain, 2003), 388

Tarkovsky, Andrei, 581, 621

Taste of Honey, A (Richardson, UK, 1961), 453

Tati, Jacques, 142

Taussig, Michael, 476

Ten (Kiarostami, Iran, 2004), 628

termite art, 432–39

Thalberg, Irving, 410

Third cinema, 8, 205–49, 286, 294

Thoms, Albie, 76

Three Colours trilogy (Kieślowski, France, 1993–94), 464

Three Lives (Millett, US, 1971), 353

Three Songs about Lenin (Vertov, USSR, 1934), 419

Thunder Over Mexico (1934), 38–40

To Have and Have Not (Hawks, US, 1944), 365–66

Tom, Tom, The Piper’s Son (Jacobs, US, 1969), 85

Totally F**ked Up (Araki, US, 1993), 393

Treatise on Slime and Eternity (Isou, France, 1951), 626, 628

Triumph of the Will (Riefenstahl, Germany, 1935), 92, 99

Truffaut, François, 2–3, 109–10, 133–44, 149, 152, 436–38, 518, 581–82

Twice a Man (Markopoulos, US, 1963), 86

Two Men and a Wardrobe (Polanski, Poland, 1958), 109

Tyler, Parker, 61

UFA, 454

Umberto D. (De Sica, Italy, 1952), 127

Un chien andalou (Buñuel and Dalí, France, 1928), 8, 31, 36, 120, 448–51

United Artists, 60

Universal Studios, 185, 188, 422

Unsere Afrikareise (Kubleka, Austria, 1966), 85

Up in the Clouds (Sen, India, 1965), 165

Valentino, Rudolph, 549

Valérie (Héroux, Quebec, 1969), 266

VanDerBeek, Stan, 74, 535, 575–79, 593

Varda, Agnès, 355

Variété (Dupont, Germany, 1925), 525

Variety (Gordon, US, 1983), 379

Variety (US), 264

Verow, Todd, 327

Vertigo (Hitchcock, US, 1958), 367–69

Vertov, Dziga, 2, 23–26, 44, 90, 170, 587

Very Nice, Very Nice (Lipsett, Canada, 1961), 75

Vidor, King, 113, 115–16, 420

Vigilanti cura, 3, 8, 488, 495–505

Vigo, Jean, 448–52, 621–22

Vinterberg, Thomas, 110–11, 201–3, 441

Virginian, The (Fleming, US, 1929), 571

Visconti, Luchino, 127

Von Sternberg, Joseph, 115, 340, 350, 366–67, 488

Von Stroheim, Eric, 115

Von Trier, Lars, 110, 171–75, 201–3, 385, 441, 446, 472, 589

Wagner, Richard, 48

Wajda, Andrzej, 464

Wallis, Hal B., 410

Wang, Wayne, 317

War and Peace (Bondarchuk, USSR, 1966–67), 237

Warhol, Andy, 93–95, 392, 433, 535

Warner, J.L., 410

Wassef, Magda, 375

Wayne, John, 420, 424

We Are the Lambeth Boys (Reisz, UK, 1958), 151

Weber, Lois, 349, 353

Weekend (Godard, France, 1968), 594

Welles, Orson, 404, 418, 439, 604, 606

Wenders, Wim, 172, 445

West, Mae, 350, 571

Wet Dream Film Festival, 326, 346

Whitehead, Peter, 169

Wieland, Joyce, 91

Wilde, Oscar, 77

Williams, Raymond, 607–13

Wimmin’s Fire Brigade, 377–78

Wittman, Carl, 325

Wizard of Oz (Fleming, US, 1939), 389

Wollen, Peter, 94, 350–51, 353, 359, 626–28

Wollestonecraft, Mary, 325

Wolman, Gil J., 124

Woman’s Film, The (San Francisco Newsreel, US, 1971), 462

Women and Film (US), 350

Wood, Robin, 351

Wood, Sam, 420

Woolf, Virginia, 111

Wright, Basil, 565, 570–72

Xinyu, Hu, 483

Youngblood, Gene, 576

Youtube, 586

Yu, Feng, 482

Zabriskie Point (Antonioni, US, 1970), 372

Zanussi, Krzysztof, 464

Zapruder, Abraham, 93

Zavattini, Cesare, 112, 124–33

Zedd, Nick, 14, 88–89

Zéro de conduite (Vigo, France, 1933), 340

Zhangke, Jia, 594

Zinnemann, Fred, 438