Able the space monkey
Act of Supremacy
Adams, John (Bounty mutineer)
Adams, John (president of U.S.)
Adams-Onis Treaty
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The, (Twain)
Afrika Korps
age of exploration
Aigai (ancient Vergina)
Aiken, Howard
Alexander II, king of Scotland
Alexander III, king of Scotland
Alexander the Great
All the Year Round (periodical)
Allies (World War I)
Allies (World War II)
ALSEP (Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package)
Amende, Karl
American colonies/colonists
American Expeditionary Force
American Museum (NYC)
American Philosophical Society
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP)
America’s National Game (Spalding)
Amherst College
Amyntas III, King
Anderson, Bloody Bill
Andronicos, Manolis
Annapolis Convention
Anson, Cap
Apollo space program
Apollo 13
Aquarius (lunar module)
Arbroath Abbey
archaeological discoveries
Archbishop of Canterbury
Ark of the Covenant
armistice (1918)
Armistice Day
Armstrong, Louis
Armstrong, Neil A.
Army Medical Museum
Army Relief Bazaar
Articles of Confederation
Articles of the Barons
Astor, Mary
atomic bomb
Auchinleck, Sir Claude
Audubon, John James
Austin, Moses
Austin, Stephen
Austrian empire
Automatic Music Company
Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC)
Babbage, Charles
Bachelor, Captain
Bacon, Francis
Baker (squirrel monkey)
Balliol, John de
ballistic missiles
bank robberies
Barnes, Emily W.
Barnum, Bailey & Hutchinson circus
Barnum, Phineas Taylor
Barr, Betty
Barrow, Sir John
Barton, Benjamin Smith
Baseball Guide
baseball museum
“Baseball Polka, The” (song)
baseball songs
Batchelor, Charles
Bates, Edward
battle caravans of Montgomery
Battle of Alam Haifa
Battle of the Thames
Battle of the Wilderness
Battle of Verdun
battle sword of Colonel Najera
Beardall, J. R.
Beehan, Sheriff
Beechy, F. W.
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Bell, Alexander Graham
Benveniste, Mme.
Berganzoli (Italian general)
Berkeley, Busby
Berlin, Irving
Berliner, Emile
Bernstorff, Johann von
Biddle, Charles
Biddle, Nicholas
“Big Four” leaders
Bill of Rights (English)
Bill of Rights (U.S.)
Bismarck, Otto von
Bissett, Baldred
Bitterroot Mountains
Blair, Montgomery
Blarney, Sir Thomas A.
Bleeding Lance
Bligh, Lieutenant William
Bliss, Tasker H.
Blossom (warship)
Board of Longitude
Boece, Hector
Bogart, Humphrey
Boleyn, Anne
Bolshevik Revolution
Bonaparte, Princess Marie
Borman, Frank
Bounty (ship)
Bowdoin (college)
Brando, Marlon
Brearly, David
Brech, Simon
British Eighth Army
British 21st Army Group
British War Office
Briton (ship)
Brooklyn Dodgers
Brown (college)
Brown, William
Brownrigg, Robert
Bruce, Robert
Bryan, Thomas
Buckner, Simon B.
Buddha see Gautama Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama)
Buffalo Hump (chief)
Buffet, John
Bulkeley, Morgan
Bullitt, William C.
Bump, Huldah Pierce (Minnie Warren)
Bump, Mercy Lavinia Warren (Queen Lavinia)
Burkitt, Thomas
Burns, Walter Noble
Busch, Field Marshal
Byrnes, James F.
Cadillac Eldorado Baritz
Cairo Declaration
calculating devices
“Can’t Buy Me Love” (song)
Cantrell, James
Cape Canaveral, Florida
Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven (Twain)
Carteret, Lady Louisa
Carteret, Philip
Cartwright, Alexander
Catherine of Aragon
Cecil, Robert
Cecil, William, Lord Burghley
Central Powers
Centralia massacre
Chadwick, Henry
Chapman, Mark David
Charbonneau, Toussaint
Charles II, king of England
Charles IV, king of Spain
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles Doggett (ship)
charter of liberties (England)
Chase, Salmon P.
Chelsea Mini-Storage (NYC)
Chiang Kai-shek
Chimes, The (Dickens)
Christian, Fletcher
Christian, Thursday October
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens)
Churchill, Charles
Churchill, Winston
cigar smoking
Cincinnati Red Stockings
Citrayana, King
Civil War (U.S.)
Clanton, Billy
Clanton, Ike
Clantons (family)
Clark, Champ
Clark, Stephen C.
Clark, William
Cleland, Alexander
Clemenceau, Georges
Clemens, Clara
Clemens, Jean (Jane Lampton)
Clemens, Langdon
Clemens, Olivia Langdon
Clemens, Olivia Susan (Susy)
Clemens, Samuel Langhome (Mark Twain)
Clement VII, Pope
Cleopatra (wife of Philip II)
Clift, Montgomery
Cobb, Ty
cochlear implant
Cohan, George M.
Coke, Sir Edward
Cold War
Coles, Isaac
Columbia Record Company
Columbia River
Columbus, Christopher
Comstock, Cyrus B.
Confederate forces/guerillas
Confederate States of America
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, A (Twain)
Connel, Paddy
Conrad, William
Constitutional Convention
Committee of Detail
Committee of Style and Arrangement,
Continental Congress
Continental Divide
Cook, James
Cooperstown, New York
Copernicus, Nicolaus
copyright law
Coronation Chair
Coronation Oath
coronation throne of English monarchy
Corps of Discovery
Cones, Hernan
Cortez, Ricardo
Cosgrave, L. Moore
Coues, Elliott
Craig, Enos
Crane, James
Creator (Indian concept)
Cricket on the Hearth, The (Dickens)
Crittenden, Thomas T.
Cromwell, Oliver
Crosby, Bing
Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien de
Dalriada (kingdom)
Dalton, J. Frank
Danta Kumara, Prince
Dark Ages
Darwin, Charles
Davila, Jesus
De Revolutionibus orbium coelestium (Copernicus)
Dean, Dizzy
Dean, James
Declaration of Independence
Declaration of the Rights of Man
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Delaware Indians
Derevyanko, Kuzma
Devereux, Frances
Devereux, Robert, second earl of Essex
Dharmapala, Anagarika
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Galileo)
Dickens, Charles
DiMaggio, Joe
diplomacy (U.S./Japan)
Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Concerning Two New Sciences (Galileo)
District of Columbia
DNA testing
Dombey and Son (Dickens)
Domesday Book
Don, Alan
“Don’t Be Cruel” (song)
Double Fantasy (album)
Doubleday, Abner (major general)
Doubleday, Abner (son of Bruce Doubleday)
Doubleday, Bruce
Doubleday Ball
Drona (Brahmin)
Duke, Charlie
Dunstaffnage castle
Dyer Collection
Earp, James
Earp, Morgan
Earp, Nicholas
Earp, Virgil
Earp, Warren
Earp, Wyatt (drawing of O.K. Corral gunfight)
Eckert, J. Presper
Ed Sullivan Show, The
Edison, Thomas Alva
Edison Speaking Phonograph Company
Edward I, king of England
Edward II, king of England
Edward IV, king of England
Edward V, king of England
Edward VI, king of England
Edward VIII, king of England
Edwards, Edward
Egerton, Thomas
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
El Alamein, battle of
Elizabeth, queen of England
Emancipation Proclamation
Epstein, Brian
Essay on Toleration (Locke)
Essex ring
Evans, Victor
Eventful History of the Mutiny and Piratical Seizure of H.M.S. Bounty (Barrow)
Ewing, George
Excalibur Scabbard
Explorer I
Farewell Readings series (Dickens)
Fifth Symphony (Beethoven)
Fiji Islands/Fijians
Fillmore, Millard
Finch, Lady Frances
Fire Horse Number Twelve, hoof of
First Continental Congress
Fiske, Harrison Grey
Fiske, Minnie Maddern, collection
“Five Full Powers in Blank”
Flood, J. H., Jr.
Florida (state)
Floyd, Charles
Foch, Ferdinand
Folger, Mayhew
Folwell, John
Ford, Charley
Ford, Robert
Fordun, John de
“Forms of Writing” (G. Washington)
Fort Clatsop
Fort Donelson
Fort Mandan
Fort Sumter
Fourteen Points
Francis Ferdinand, Archduke
Franco-Prussian War of
Franklin, Benjamin
Fraser, Sir Bruce A.
free association
freedom, charters of
Freeman’s Journal
Freud, Anna
Freud, Sigmund
Frick, Ford
Frontier Marshal (Lake)
Fugitive Slave Act
Gabrilowitsch, Ossip
Gagarin, Yuri
Gaine, Hugh
Galilei, Galileo
Garfield, James
Gautama Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama)
George III, king of England
George VI, king of England
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, battle of
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey
Gilchriese, John D.
Gilliland, Ezra
Glass, Louis
Glenn, John
Gloucester Cathedral
gold larnax of King Philip II
Goldstine, Herman H.
Gomez, Lefty
Gori, Anton Francesco
Gorman, Arthur
Grace Church (NYC)
Graham, J. W.
Grant, Ulysses S.
Graves, Abner
Great Britain
Great Charters
Great Expectations (Dickens)
Greatest Show on Earth
Greeley, Horace
Greenstreet, Sydney
Guhasiva, King
Haise, Fred W., Jr.
Halsey, William E
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton Plan
Hammett, Dashiell
Hancock, John
“Hard Day’s Night, A” (song)
Hard Times (Dickens)
Hargreaves, James
Harrison, George
Harrison, John
Harrison, William
Harrison, William Henry
Hart, William
Hastings, John
Haydn, Joseph
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Hayne, Richard
Hays, John
Hays, John Coffee
Head, Harry
hearing aids
“Heartbreak Hotel” (song)
Helfrich, Conrad E. L.
Hemamala, Princess
Hendrix, Jimi
Henry II, king of England
Henry III, king of England
Henry V, king of England
Henry V (Shakespeare)
Henry VII, king of England
Henry VIII, king of England
Herbert, First Baron Michelham
Hertzberg, Harry
Hirohito, Emperor
Historical Society of Wisconsin
History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark to the Sources of the Missouri (Biddle) Hitler, Adolf
HMS Duke of York
HMS Seringapatam
Hobbes, Thomas
Holliday, Doc
Holman, Rev. W. H.
Holy Grail
Holy Office
“Home Run Polka” (song)
Hope Diamond
“Hound Dog” (song)
House, Edward
Household Words (periodical)
Hsu Yung-Ch’ang
Hudson, William
human sacrifice
Hunter, Moses
Hurley, Patrick
Huston, John
“I Want to Hold Your Hand” (song)
“I Want You, I Need You, I Love You” (song)
Ido of Iwami, Prince
Indiana Territory
Innocent III, Pope
Instrument of Surrender
Isitt, Leonard M.
Jackson, Bob
Jacob’s Pillow
James, Frank
James, Jesse Edward
James, Jesse Woodson
James, Robert
James, Susan Lavenia
James, Zerelda (mother of Jesse James)
James, Zerelda (Zee) (wife of Jesse James)
James VI, king of Scotland
James Stuart, king of Scotland
James-Younger gang
Japanese surrender table (World War II)
Jefferson, Thomas
Jesse James Home
John, king of England
Johnson, Edward
Johnson, Eldridge
Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition (Moulton)
Jumbo the Elephant
Jupiter, satellites of
Jupiter program
“(Just Like) Starting Over” (song)
Kaiser (the)
Kandy, Sri Lanka
Kansas City
Kantaro Suzuki
Kearney, Missouri
Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara
Kelly, Gene
Kennedy, John E.
Kennedy Space Center
Kenneth I, king of the Scots
Kerwin, Joe
Kherma, Arahant
Knights of St. John
Kruesi, John
Lafayette, Marquis de
Lajoie, Nap
Lake, Stuart
Langton, Stephen
Latin America
Law, Alexander G.
Le Gere, Jacques
League of Corinth
League of Nations
LeBron, Leo
Lee, Henry
Lee, Richard Henry
Lee, Robert E.
Lee, Thomas Ludwell
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
Lennon, John
Leonard, Billy
Lewis, Meriwether
Lewis and Clark journals
Lia Fail
Liddle, Dick
Life and Memorable Actions of George Washington, The (Weems)
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln Magna Carta
Lind, Jenny
“listening tubes”
Little Dombey (Dickens)
Little Pretty Book, A, …
Little Pretty Pocket-Book, A
Little Turtle (chief)
Lives of Tom Thumb and Wife, The (pamphlet)
Livingston, Robert R.
Lloyd George, David
Locke, John
Lone Star Republic
Long, Huey
Lorre, Peter
Los Angeles Dodgers
Louis XIV, king of France
Louis XVI, king of France
Louisiana Purchase Treaty
Louisiana Territory
Lousma, Jack
“Love Me Do” (song)
Love Me Tender (film)
“Love Me Tender” (song)
Lovell, James
Lucy’s Bones, Sacred Stones, and Einstein’s Brain (Rachlin)
lunar missions
lunar tables
Lusitania (ship)
Luther, Martin
MacArthur, Douglas
Mackenzie, Alexander
Madison, James
Magna Carta
Magri, Count
Maine (battleship)
Major, John
Makower, Ernest
Malcolm III
Mallas, King
Maltese falcon
Maltese Falcon, The (film)
Malzel, Johann Nepomuk
Mandan Indians
Manifest Destiny
manned space flight
Manned Spacecraft Center
Manningham, John
Marbois, Barbe
Margaret, widow of Malcolm III
Marine timekeeper(s)
Marshal, William, first Earl of Pembroke
Marshall, Thomas R.
Martin, Isaac
Martin, Luther
Martinville, E. L., Scott de
Mary, queen of England
Mary II, queen of England
Mary Queen of Scots
Mason, George
Mattingly, Thomas K., III
Mauchly, John
McCartney, Paul
McClellan, George
McLaury, Frank
McLaury, Tom
Meade, George
Meghavarnabhaya, King
Messe, Giovanni
Mexican War
Miami Indians
Middle Ages
Miles, Nelson A.
Millan, Gary
Miller, Edward
Mills, A. G.
Mills, John
Mills Brothers
Mills Commission
Mission Control
Mississippi (steamship)
Mississippi River
Missouri River
Mix, Tom
M’Koy, William
monarchy (England)
Monroe, James
Monroe, Marilyn
Monroe Doctrine
Montgomery, Bernard Law
Moresby, Sir Fairfax
Morris, Gouverneur
Morris, William Gouverneur
Moskovitz, Lena
Mote Hill of Scone
Moulton, Gary
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Murkertagh, 26
music industry
My Memoir (Wilson)
Mystery of Edwin Drood, The (Dickens)
Naismith, James
Najera, Juan N.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleonic wars
Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition … (Wilkes)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Association of Ball Players
National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum
National Institute for the Promotion of Science
National League
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Native Americans
natural rights doctrine
Natural Science Establishment
Neelly, James
neutrality (U.S.)
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Jersey Plan
New Mexico
New Orleans
New World
New York
New York City
“New York Game”
New York Herald
New York Knickerbocker Base Ball Club
New York Post
New York Times
New York World
New Zealand
Newberry, John
Newton, Sir Isaac
Niall (Irish king)
Nichols, Kid
Nickol, Mark
Nikolayev, Andrian
Nimitz, Chester W.
Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria (ships)
Noah’s Ark
Nobbs, George Hunn
Noble Eightfold Path
Noble Truths
North Africa
North America
North Carolina
Northfield, Minnesota
Northwest (American)
Northwest Ordinance of
Northwest Territory
Norworth, Jack
Norworth, Nora Bayes
Nottingham, earl of
Nutt, Commodore
O’Brien, Richie
Odyssey (command module)
Ohio Valley
O.K. Corral gunfight
Old West
O’Malley, Thomas
One o’Cat
Ono, Yoko
Ordway, John
Orland, Vittorio
Otaheite (island)
Our Mutual Friend (Dickens)
Pacific Ocean
Pacino, Al
Packer, Alfred
Page, Walter
Paine, Albert Bigelow
Painter, Uriah
Pandora (ship of war)
papal bull(s) (Innocent HI)
Paris Peace Conference
Parker, Tom
Paterson, William
Peace of Amiens
peace pipes
Peacock (man-of-war)
Penn, William
Pennsylvania State House
Percival, Arthur E.
Perelli, Tommaso
Perry, Matthew Calbraith
Philip II, king of Macedonia
Philip II, king of Spain
Philip IV, king of France
Phillips, Sam
phonograph, tinfoil
phonograph parlor
Pickwick Papers, The (Dickens)
Pierce, Franklin
pigtail (J. Adams)
Pike, Zebulon
Pinckney, Charles
Pinckney Plan
Pinckney Treaty
Pindika, Anatha
Pinkney, Ninian
Pipon, Captain
Pitcairn, Robert
Pitcairn Island
Platte City, Missouri
“Please Please Me” (song)
Plymouth (ship)
Polk, James
Pope (the)
Porter, Horace
Potsdam Proclamation
Presley, Elvis
Princeton College
Proclamation of Neutrality (U.S.)
Protestant Reformation
public readings (Dickens)
Pufendorf, Samuel
quadrophonic sound
Quantrill, William C.
Quintal, Matthew
Raleigh, Walter
Randolph, Edmund
Reach, Alfred
record industry
Record Plant
Republic of China
Rhode Island
Richard I, king of England
Richard III, king of England
right of deposit
Rio Grande
Rising Sun Chair
Rittenhouse, David
Rivière Dubois (Wood River)
rock ‘n’ roll
Roman Catholic Church
Rommel, Erwin
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine
Rosetta Stone
Royal Navy
“Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation” (G. Washington)
Ruth, Babe
Sacred Tooth Relic
St. Clair, Arthur
St. Joseph, Missouri
St. Louis
Sakra (king of devas)
Samuel, Reuben
Samuel, Zerelda James see James, Zerelda
San Ildefonso, treaty of
Saratoga (ship)
Satan Met a Lady (film)
Schindler, Anton
“School Copybook” (G. Washington)
Scientific American (magazine)
“Second School Copy Book” (G. Washington)
Second Treatise of Government (Locke)
Second Treaty Council of Greenville, Ohio
Selacetiya Mihintale
Seruvila Cetiya
Seven Year Itch, The (film)
Seward, Frederick W.
Seward, William H.
Seymour, Lady Mary
Shakespeare, William
Shawnee Indians
“She Loves You” (song)
Shepard, Alan B.
Sheridan, Philip
Sherman, Roger
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Shigemitsu, Mamoru
Sibert, William L.
Sinatra, Frank
Sixties (the)
Sketches by Boz (Dickens)
Slidell, John
Smith, Alexander see Adams, John (Bounty mutineer)
Smith, Caleb B.
Smith, Gerrit
Smith, Herbert O’Dell
Smith, Lorraine
smoking stand
Snake River
Somavati Cetiya
sound(s), capturing and reproducing
Sousa, John Philip
South Carolina
South Pacific
Soviet Union
space, animals in
space flight
Spalding, Albert G.
Spanish-American War
Spanish Armada
speech processor
spinning jenny
Sputnik I
Sri Lanka
Staines, Sir Thomas
Stanton, Edwin McMasters
Starr, Ringo
Starrs, James E.
stick-and-ball games
Stilwell, Frank
Stone of Destiny see Stone of Scone Stone of Scone
“Stormfield” (home of M. Twain)
Strasberg, Anna
Strasberg, Lee
Stratton, Charles Sherwood (General Tom Thumb)
Struggles and Triumphs (Barnum)
Suddhodana, King
Sullivan, Ed
Sullivan, James
Sullivan, James E.
sun-centered universe
Sun Records
Susquehanna (flagship)
Sutherland, R. K.
Swem, Charles
Swigerr, John L., Jr.
Symphony no. 5 in C Minor (Beethoven)
Tagus (ship)
“Take Me Out to the Ball Game”
Tale of Two Cities, A (Dickens)
talking machine
Talleyrand-Perigord, Maurice de
Tarhe, Chief (“The Crane”)
Taylor, Zachary
Temple of Juno, sacred geese in
Temple of the Sacred Tooth
Tereshkova, Valentina
Texas Rangers
“That’s All Right” (song)
Theuringer, Michael Martin
Thielen, Bernard
Thomas, Mrs. William B.
Thuparama shrine, Anuradhapura
Thwaites, Ruben Gold
Thynne, Frances
Thynne, Thomas, first Viscount Weymouth
Thynne, Thomas, second Viscount Weymouth
Tin Pan Alley
Titov, Gherman
Toda of Idzu, Prince
Tokyo Bay
Tom Thumb see Stratton, Charles Sherwood (General Tom Thumb)
Tombstone (Burns)
Tombstone, Arizona
tooth of the Buddha
Tower of London
town ball
train robberies
Trask, George
Traynor, Pie
Treacher, Arthur
“Treaty Between the United States of America and the French Republic, April 30, 1803,”
Treaty of Greenville
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Treaty of Kanagawa
Treaty of Lausanne
Treaty of Neuilly
Treaty of St. Germain
Treaty of Sevres
Treaty of Trianon
Treaty of Versailles
Trial from “Pickwick,” The (Dickens)
Trotsky, Leon
truce flag ending World War I
Truman, Harry
Tubuai (island)
Tufts University
Tutankhamen, King
Twain, Mark see Clemens, Samuel Langhorne
Two Virgins (album)
Tyrone, earl of
Umezo, Yoshijiro
Union, preservation of
Union Army
Union Fire Department
University of Pennsylvania
Upper Louisiana Territory
Uraga, Japan
U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency
U.S. Army Ordnance Missile Command
U.S. Congress
U.S. Constitution
U.S. government gifts to Indian tribes and Indian lands
U.S. Military Academy, West Point
U.S. Navy Department
U.S. Navy School of Aviation Medicine
U.S. Sanitary Commission
U.S. Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville, Alabama
U.S. War Department
USS Missouri
USS Vincennes
Vancouver, George
Vanderbilt, William
Vendovi (cannibal chief)
Vendovi’s head
Vergina, Greece
Victor Talking Machine Company
Vimaladharmasurya, King
Virginia Convention
Virginia Declaration of Rights
Virginia Plan
Viti Levu (island)
Viviani, Vincenzo
Von Eckhardt (German ambassador)
Von Tilzer, Albert
Von Tilzer, Harry
Von Tilzer, Jack
Voyage to the Moon, A (Cyrano dc Bergerac)
Wabozo (Snowshoe Hare; aka Mysterious One)
Wainwright, Jonathan M.
Waldegrave, Captain
Wallis, Samuel
Walter Reed Institute of Research
War of 1812
War Resolution documents
Ward, Henry A.
Warner, Jack
Washington, Augustine
Washington, D.C.
Washington, George
Washington, Lawrence
Washington, Mary Ball
Wayne, General Anthony
Wea Indians
wedding cake
Weems, Mason Locke
Weiss, Carl
Welles, Gideon
“Wellington’s Victory” (op. 91)
Wells Fargo
West (the)
West Indies
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Hall
White, Edward
White, Fred
White Swan, Chief
Whitehorse, Joseph
Whitney, Courtney
Wild West
Wilder, Billy
Wilkes, Charles
William, Warren
William I, king of Prussia
William III, king of England
William of Normandy
Williams, Esther
Williams, Harry
Williams, John
Williams, Marshall
Williams College
Wilson, Edith Boiling Gait
Wilson, James
Wilson, Woodrow
Winston, Harry
Winston, Ronald
Women’s Auxiliary Corps
Worcester, Massachusetts
World War I
World War II
“World Without Love, A” (song)
Worsley, Frances
Worsley, Robert
Worth, W. J.
Wright, George
Wright, Harry
Wyandot Indians
Yalta (agreement)
Yedo Bay
Yezaiman, Kayama
York Music Company
Yorktown, Virginia
Young, Edward
Young, George
Young, John
Young, Nicholas
Zimmermann, Arthur, telegram