Schematic illustration of a human.

All Together Now

How Closely Related Are We to Other Creatures?



  • picture of the hand of a chimpanzee (e.g., from the Internet)

Try This

  1. Look closely at your own hand. Notice the structure of it, the fingernails, the creases of the skin.
  2. Find a picture of the hand of a chimpanzee and look closely at it.

What's Going On?

People are very closely related to other forms of Life on this planet, such as chimpanzees. Sometimes what we focus on is differences. But when we pay attention to certain details, sometimes what becomes clear are the similarities. Just like people can have brothers, sisters, and cousins, the other forms of Life that we share this planet with are our relatives. Life is one very big family.

Schematic illustration of the hand of a chimpanzee.