Action: The behavior we utilize to attain an intended outcome.
Addiction: An unconscious draw or urge to a certain fuel to help drive the inauthentic strategic self to maintain its fragile ego-defense foundation covering low self-esteem and core unworth.
Aloneness Anguish: An existential-level subpersonal nexus of pain expressed as a core alienation caused by nonresompathic parenting unable to provide adequate emoto-soulful nourishment.
Altruism: A false and dishonest notion about human intention, action, or outcome impossible to attain in the human condition that holds itself as a compassionate state of serving the needs of others when unconsciously the self is actually selfishly serving the needs of self, not others.
Amorism: An antonym of altruism, the emotionally mature-based ability to healthily serve the needs of others in conscious resonance with how such service also automatically serves the healthy needs of self.
Authenticity: The emoto-energetic embodiment of one’s essential nature in all expressions wherein one’s truth is held first in all transactions before all others’ truth, at the same time one questions whether that truth is actually emotively mature or applicable to the situation at hand.
Authentic Self: Soul consciousness as it emerges through personality expressions as the personal seat of authentic self-authority experienced as the I of a healthy ego, able to inhabit noncodependent relational space with others, and created through differentiation from the Strategic version of self and the unconscious wounded subpersonas, the detox from all forms of substance-, energetic-, intellectual-, religious-, or spiritual-based medications, and role-model templating from an emotional growth facilitator.
Autism: A state of consciousness characterized by some degree of withdrawal from human relational space beginning in childhood largely due to the particular hyper-porosity of a child’s emotional body and the inability to block out toxic or invasive energies in parents of which the parents are innocently unconscious.
Character: The embodiment of competency, integrity, authenticity, and self-respect in one’s life.
Choice: The movement of personal will made by the more soulful emotionally mature version of selfhood interested in manifesting the destiny goals they set for themselves for any one life far more than manifesting security and approval from others.
Claiming the Self: The healed dynamic of the Provider Sentinel.
Codependence: The projection of unmet childhood dependency needs into adult relational space.
Competency: The emoto-energetic expression of caring characterized by one’s commitment to excellence in whatever task at hand calls one’s skill set into action, while consciously embracing one’s self-chosen motive for doing the task in the first place.
Consciousness: The vehicle through which Love experiences how Its Will moves.
Conviction: The healed form of the Rage subpersona characterized by the ability to make and manifest emotively healthy goals in life.
Core unworth: The root essence of an emotionally non-validated being.
Counter-transference: The projection of unresolved family-of-origin dynamics from an authority figure of some kind, such as a boss, guru, or therapist, back onto those whom they lead.
Decision: The movement of personal will made by the inauthentic strategic version of selfhood interested in maximizing security, safety, and the approval of others.
Dependence: The stage in childhood where we healthily have emotive, energetic, spiritual, mental, and physical needs that primary caregivers are meant to fulfill but have never been given good guidance to do so, creating the family cult.
Disembedment: The process by which one’s consciousness shifts from being a certain experience to the ability to have that experience instead.
Discernment: One aspect of a healed Shame of Insufficiency.
EBE*: A spiritual dharma of self-authentication based in an ‘I feel, therefore I am’ dynamic designed to emotively complete our childhood, create the capacity for noncodependent intimacy, heal the basis for all manner of addictions, and help manifest our adult passion-purpose of life.
Ego: The dynamical relationship individualized self has with itself: a verb, not a noun.
Egoism: The healthy non-narcissistic emotively mature relationship self has with self.
Egotism: The unhealthy narcissistic emotively immature relationship self has with self.
Emotional maturity: A state of human consciousness maturity embodiable only by a relentless proactive dharma into the unconscious aspects of the human emotional body, the processing of the dystrophic wound-based unconscious elements, and the deconstruction of the strategic aspects of being allowing the subsequent emergence of the authentic version of being that has always lain in dormancy beneath.
Emotivity: The primary root-element of human being.
Emotional Body: The primary essence and expression of the individual soul in both carnate and discarnate domains of consciousness.
*Emotional Body Enlightenment (EBE): A relentless and years-long shadow-confronting spiritual dharma replacing all forms of psychiatric, psychological, and psychospiritual premise and process that offers the first clear picture of the architecture of the emotional body and the first criteria in history for human emotional maturity.
Empathy: The ability of a self to feel what a person is feeling because the self has also had the same or similar experience in their life.
Aloneness Anguish: The deepest existential-level subpersonal nexus of pain in an adult expressed as an aspect of being that never experienced reality as a safe dynamic to let go into, caused by inadequate and dystrophic parenting.
Family Cult: A term describing how all children are dystrophically conditioned in childhood to a specific array of wound-based and strategic orientations toward reality unconsciously possessed by all parents, out of which the child could not choose, and of which parents are in denial.
Head of Household (HOH): The operational center and expresser of the Authentic Self.
Holding space: The ability to create an energetic container to allow a process to safely and efficaciously move and complete.
I: A moment-to-moment precipitation of the ego’s sense of itself as the lens that focuses experience, an ‘iceberg made of sea water’ of the ever-fluent ego.
Innate Self-worth: The healed dynamic of the Shame of Insufficiency.
Innate Despair: A subpersona of pain in an adult, the end result of the non-completion of teen gender-based development, based in the non-completion of the being-based childhood phase, both due to overt or hidden deficits in a person’s emotional body caused by inadequate and dystrophic parenting.
Integrity: The ability to arrive at a personal conclusion and make an action which holds the self both responsible and accountable for an appropriate and emotively mature moral response.
Intention: Any choice, action, or outcome we desire to create prior to actually doing so.
Interdependence: The form of inhabiting relational space from a seat of emotively mature being.
I-spacer: The embodiment of a non-defensed form of overall personality schema in emotively mature expression that is both energetically facile and emotively porous.
Link-to-cocreate: The central governing dynamic of emotively mature interdependent relational space the mature phase of relationship characterized by the willingness to have and serve the love of the bond firmly founded on healthy grounds.
Management: The healed form of the Control Subpersona characterized by the ability to run one’s life while free of the repression of all emotive truths, a state of self-sovereignty in service of the manifestation of healthy empowering emotional states.
Medication: Any fuel, including those supported by a dystrophic society or religion, that supplies an addictive need or urge to give ourselves some false form of love or assurance we didn’t receive in the dependent phases of childhood.
Me-spacer: A deeply ensconced defense-based form of overall personality schema in emotively immature expression that is energetically facile but emotively challenged.
Mental Body: The secondary sub-aspect of the emotional body mediated by the physical brain associated with all dualistically-configured thoughts and images.
Mind: A term to describe all the dualistic operations of the mental body.
Mitgift: An overt self-stagnative or self-destructive expression or behavior in an adult of a hidden emotive nexus in a parent the adult child unconsciously carries for the parent.
Motivation: The largely unconscious reason we possess a specific conscious intention.
Mutual co-arising: A way to describe how the mental body-mediated aspect of self arises only as a function of stimulational reactivity to all the objects of experience.
Narcissism: The governing dynamic of egotism, unconditional love, and selflessness, wherein emotive deficits from childhood seek their fulfillment in adult relational space.
Need-to-suffer loop: A situation where one subpersonal aspect of a person requires a repetitive pattern of suffering to define itself and feel alive.
Other-based Relationality: The neurotic codependent transaction of wound-based relatedness between two persons, neither of whom possess an emotively mature personal seat of being, two crippled halves in supplementary unwholeness, inevitably utilizing sacrifice, unconditional love, and altruism in the context of unconscious closed hearts of defensed safety.
Outcome: The intended benefit or result we seek by means of action.
Paradigm: A lens, world-view, or picture of reality through which we perceive, define, and experience the world of self and other.
Personality: The idiosyncratic presentation of selfhood as it interfaces expressively with others, the specific downstream qualities of emoto-energetic adaptation that have consciously and unconsciously formed to get what we want and need from others, and to protect ourselves from the pain of what we do not receive in that regard.
Personhood: The dharmic path of emotional body enlightenment that targets the existential Terrors of Being, resulting in an attainment far beyond any psychological state of self-actualization.
Power: The wound-based outer use and expression of inner strength as a compensation for powerlessness in service of providing a false dynamic for a strategic self-image.
Projection: The unconscious transfer of aspects of an individual’s inner reality onto another person believed to be possessed by the other person and not the self.
Relational space: The overt and covert dynamics, energies, and architecture of all the domains of co-created human intercourse.
Resompathy: The ultimate result of emotive porosity in a self wherein the ability of a person to feel what another is feeling while they are feeling it occurs so deeply, that the other can feel that the person is actually feeling what they are feeling while they are feeling it.
Rise-to-negotiate: A remedial phase to heal codependent relationship wherein both partners are willing to not have the bond while speaking their fullest truths in every moment.
Riskability: The healed form of the Depression Subpersona characterized by the strength to do what we fear to feel and do in life.
Schizophrenia: A state of consciousness almost always caused by the inability to build effective defenses against emotional body wounding that undermines functional participation in the nominal forms of personal and societal human relational space. Self: The expressive seat of personal being of soul, that which you experience as you with the six senses in the phenomenal world.
Self-acceptance: A state of neutral positivity that naturally and authentically only arises when deep wells of unconscious shame and guilt are de-repressed, processed, and healed as the healed form of the Shame Subpersona is finally characterized by a state of neutral positivity that one is whole and lovable within the whole range of personal strengths and weaknesses.
Self-Authorship: The healed dynamic of Innate Despair.
Self-based Relationalism: In one domain, the healed dynamic of the subpersona of Aloneness Anguish, and in another, the description of the interdependent transaction of health-based relatedness between self and other, both of whom possess an emotively mature personal seat of being, two wholes in complementary engagement utilizing respect, conditional love, and healthy needs in the context of consciously non-defensed open-hearted vulnerability, and self and creation.
Self-centered: The governing dynamic of an emotively immature state of narcissistic egotism that is always a compensation for the lack of a real and emotively mature seat of personal being.
Self-centering: The governing dynamic of an emotively mature state of non-narcissistic egoism.
Self-respect: The long-term reputation one builds with oneself for the ability to embody competency, integrity, and authenticity in all the domains of life.
Selflessness: An illusion with no referent in the human condition that self can have intentions, actions or outcomes without any agenda or self-agency.
Selfish: An adjective describing the emotively immature state of self-centered egotism that can often mask as selflessness.
Selfist: An adjective describing the emotively mature state of self-centering egoism.
Self-esteem: A deep and abiding sense of non-narcissistic egoistic self-love rooted in emotive maturity characterized by the loss of strategic forms of self-image.
Self-love: The focused experience of Personal Love for oneself as capacity to non-narcissistically embrace all aspects of ourselves as worthy of love.
Sentinel: The architect and holder of the Strategic self, the part of self that developed in childhood to protect self from how the dystrophic parentally-imparted version of reality never gave us the experience of someone feeling our emotions while we were feeling them.
Sentinel Pretender: The second tier of the defenses of the inauthentic strategic self overseeing and expressing the false authority inherent in the absence of a mature seat of emotive being that covers an innate sense of guilt about our inadequacies.
Sentinel Provider: The first tier of the defenses of the human inauthentic strategic self possessed of all the projections and rejections inherent in relational space and the supplier of all medicational patterns and dread that cover the wounds of our self-held sense of victimhood.
Sentinel Punisher: The third tier subpersonal aspect of the inauthentic strategic self that is the source of judgments and criticisms about others and ourselves.
Serve-to-receive: Another term to describe altruism, a form of codependence characterized by the strategic and unconscious provision of love or service to others as a neurotic means to receive love for the self.
Shadow Archetype: A wound- or strategic- based inauthentic expression of a Yin or Yang dynamism in a man or woman.
Shrink-to-fit: A state of self-editing of not telling one’s full truth in a situation or staying in non-nourishing codependent relationships as an unconscious drive to strategically receive love and validation from others to make up for the lack of an emotively mature seat of being.
Six physical senses: Hearing, taste, sight, touch, smell, and thinking.
Strategic Self: See ‘Sentinel.’
Strength: The nature and expression of inner self-worth and value that needs no outer compensation of any kind of display.
Submission: The consciously chosen surrender to another person or energy while irrationally and unconsciously orienting oneself as a victim to that person or energy, always accompanied by an inner resistance that compensates for the victimhood.
Subpersona: A real fractal-version of self living beneath the conscious awareness fixated at an arrested level of emotional development and oriented around a specific nexus of wounded emotion grounded in a particular universal sequence of shadow evolution and development.
Subpersonal Anxiety: An emotionally fixated aspect of self born as the fear-based anticipation of any future hurt, expressing as an emotionally contractive-reactive relationship with the future.
Subpersonal Control: An emotionally fixated aspect of self-mastery in service of the repression of negative emotions comprised of cognitive or behavioral-related overlays of wounding unrecognized by the family-of-origin or society that have never been given permission to freely express.
Subpersonal Depression: An emotionally fixated aspect of self which emerges as the result of the repression of hurt, anxiety, and rage via the control mechanism, creating the inability to having personal needs and wants fulfilled, no matter what we do to try to get them met.
Subpersonal Hurt: An emotionally fixated aspect of the self created as the initial result of the collisions between a child’s and parent’s realities, where resompathic forms of validation and love do not occur in the absence of the child being unable to feel their parent feel what they were feeling while they were feeling it.
Subpersonal Guilt: A deep-seated self-blame for the unavoidable necessity for having to create a false seat of self-authority due to inadequate childhood emotional nourishment.
Subpersonal Rage: An emotionally fixated aspect of self generated as a result of not being given permission or outlet to express accumulated hurt or anxiety.
Subpersonal Shame of Insufficiency: An emotionally fixated aspect of self that occurs as a complex emotive theme of the self-judgment that somehow we are at fault for not being able to get our needs met, in effect a child blaming themselves for the failure of parents.
Surrender: The consciously chosen cessation of resistance to some aspect of life, not a person, which self sees as having more long-term benefit than short-term discomfort.
Surrogacy: A pivotal and specific intervention in EBE for a de-repressed subpersona that imparts a deep experience of what should have emotively and energetically happened in relational space with parents but didn’t.
Tantrum: The expression of a child trying to communicate to a parent ‘I can’t feel you feel my hurt and anxiety!’ or ‘Stop filling the space with your needs and let me have mine!’ in the only emoto-energetic language the child is able to utilize.
Theohumanity: The first emoto-spiritual paradigm of the Bright Age, offering we are emotional beings in essence; how we must take proactive responsibility for the contents of our unconscious; the individualized self or personal domain of being is real, sacred, and spiritual in itself; and as such mandate its inclusion in an overall dharma to embody a radical new definition of the ultimate state of human consciousness.
Thought: A secondary, symbolic representation of primary emotional experience of reality that is registered in words, concepts, or images, and held accumulatively as our capacity of mind.
Transcendence: Any form of psychospiritual medicative premise or process that denies or marginalizes the sovereign intrinsic reality and goodness of the individual self, its right to exist, and its unavoidable primacy as the foundation for all mature spiritual attainment
Transference: As an adult, the projection of unresolved and wounded family-of-origin dynamics onto an authority figure or leader of some kind, such as a boss, guru, or therapist.
Trust: The healed form of the Anxiety Subpersona characterized by a state of consciousness assured that life will naturally bring minimum versions of that which we healthily need and want.
Truth: One’s personal relative assessment of the quality or expression of any person or life situation based in the value system of one’s specific paradigm of human life.
Truth-telling: The ability to courageously tell one’s emotively-held truth in the face of the real or imagined anticipation of rejection or non-approval.
Unconditional love: The medicative and neurotic utilization of Universal Love in the context of a false notion with no referent in the human condition that is completely unconscious and in denial of the ever-present hidden self-based agendae always at play in all human interaction.
Universal Love: A domain of Love wherein a meta-conditional seat of being characterizes heart-based relational space, in resonance with a feature of the Yin Aspect of Divine Being.
Victimhood: A helpless/hopeless orientation to reality sourced in the family cult that prevents embodiment of the sovereignty of the individual self covered over by resistance, a strategic self-image, or the false power of a compensatory form of self-efficacy.
Vulnerability: The healed form of the Hurt Subpersona, so healed of conscious and unconscious defenses that one is able to be emotively and energetically open to all ranges of experience.
We-spacer: A deeply ensconced defense-based form of overall personality schema in emotively immature expression that is emotively facile but energetically challenged.
Will: How Love moves Itself through Itself