Chapter Fifteen: West Remembers

THE WEEK WENT BY more quickly than anticipated. Being grounded meant returning directly home after school, no bike riding. The rains let loose again, so staying indoors was no punishment. Punishment came on Tuesday, when he had to face Mrs. West. She graciously accepted Sammy's apology, but wanted answers to probing questions as part of her due.

"How long have you known Walt?" That was easy. "Was that Walt I'd seen earlier in town driving around with a little girl?"

He nodded and told her Lillie's name.

"Many years ago, I used to know an old lady by that name. I remember it because I always thought if I had a daughter I would name her Lillie. It's unusual, but then so was the old lady."

"How so?" Sammy asked.

"I must have been about your age when I met her. She volunteered at school, a couple years at least. All the girls liked to visit with her, especially when she brought her paintings. She said she was just learning, but I think she'd been painting most of her life. Such talent."

Echoes of Walt's praise of AnLillie's art sent shivers through Sammy's body.

"Lillie was so childlike, she understood us. And so sharp, really funny too."

"Whatever happened to her?" Sammy tried to sound vaguely interested, yet he was boiling inside with curiosity.

"She stopped coming to school. Went away on a trip, is what the teacher told us. But all these years I've remembered her."

"It's been a long time," Sammy said.

"Probably sixty years."

Mrs. West became very quiet. She leaned toward Sammy, who was now shuffling papers, trying to avoid further conversation. She whispered, "Do you know her, Sammy?"

"Mrs. West, that's ridiculous, if she was old sixty years ago, she'd be dead."

Mrs. West seemed satisfied. Why would she ask such a strange question? Did she know about the Colony? Was Walt's AnLillie the same person Mrs. West remembered? There's more to this Colony that he needed to uncover.