Uninvited Guests
As the door slammed open, Clint reacted instantly from reflex. He lifted the girl off him and dropped her on the other side of the bed, so she’d be protected. Then he grabbed his gun from the holster on the bedpost. By the time the two men burst into the room, he had his gun trained on the door.
As Joe and Johnny Crespo rushed into the room, they saw that their idea had not been such a good one, after all. But they had their guns in their hands, and there was only one way to react. They pulled their triggers.
The brothers’ shots, fired in haste, sprayed the room. Clint calmly fired back, striking each brother in the chest, precisely in the heart. They both fell to the floor, dead.
The girl—Amy or Delores, whichever name she wanted to use—stuck her head up from behind the bed and said, “Is it over?”