Questions for Discussion

1. This verse from Psalm 35 guided me while writing this book: “Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.” How do you think prayer will help Deborah and Jacob? When have you needed to look to the Lord for help?

2. The idea of grieving for a loved one, and for the past, was an integral theme in Found. Mr. and Mrs. Borntrager in particular have a difficult time moving forward. What do you think they need to do for their grief to be eased?

3. I really related to the Amish proverb, “It is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back with regret.” Is there a time in your life when you needed to follow this advice?

4. Mr. Schrock certainly is flawed, and he definitely made his share of mistakes. But I find as humans, we’re all more complicated than the outside appears. How has this proved true in your experience?

5. How do you imagine the future looks for Deborah and Jacob?

6. What do you think would have happened if Perry hadn’t died? Do you think he was close to returning to his roots . . . or close to leaving Crittenden County for good?

7. How would the series have been different if Perry had been without any faults?

8. I debated for quite a while about what word should be on the Millers’ plaque. Do you think “Hope” was the right word? Or, do you have a better word in mind?