Chapter Ten
‘My dear Abigail’ the duke wrote, sitting at his desk in the morning room the next day.
‘I want you to take delivery of two items which this trip has turned up. I fancy both of them will serve our purpose tolerably well.
The dark haired one is named Amy and is already a serviceable whore. She takes the cane well, and with regular practice will orgasm fairly quickly under the lash. I have tested her mouth and cunt but have not had time to test her arse, however, if you will engage George Abercrombie - let him have her on the house - his cock will certainly tell us all we need to know. I do not doubt that she will cope well enough.
I trust also that the furnishing of the property you described to me goes on apace and that it will be open for business upon my return, which should be no more than two or three weeks.
Do not trouble yourself by imagining that I have forgot the promise I made to you of a beating that would satisfy even your depraved appetites, my dearest Abigail. Should all be as I hope to find it, I will hang you from a branch of a tree and thrash you all day before not too many weeks have passed. Maybe I shall extend that to the next day as well. You are a glutton as well as a whore, my dear.
And now I must return to business, you will notice that Amy is accompanied by an uncommon beauty whom it has been my tremendous good fortune to stumble across up here. Sarah is biddable and good natured but is possessed of a stamina to rival even that of the stalwart Mrs Chambers - a woman who, I recall, outlasted even yourself at the hunt ball last year - and what is most remarkable is her hide. The little whore does not mark even under a lashing in excess of a hundred strokes.
I trust that I do not need to point out the commercial opportunity that this presents to us.
I therefore commend her to your care and expect her to be taught the skills she will need in order to further our enterprise - her life has not taught her all that it might have and she remains quite charmingly innocent in some ways. A most appealing dish in every respect.
Yours in affectionate haste,
No sooner had he blotted it than Chambers was standing beside him, dark circles under her eyes were the obvious legacy of the long session. Beside her, looking bright and fresh was Sarah. Chambers had found her a jacket, blouse and skirt which, while rendering her respectable in covering her, did nothing to lessen a man’s desire to uncover her. The duke found his britches suddenly tight as he recalled the previous night but made himself attend to business.
“Give this to the lady of the house that the coach will deliver you to in London,” he said, handing the sealed letter across. “I shall come and see how you fare in due course.”
Sarah gave him an excited smile, curtsied and hurried out.
He beckoned Chambers to him and touched her breasts beneath her plain uniform.
“Bring those pathetic tits to me tonight, Chambers. And bring your embroidery needles, I want to pierce them after they’ve been whipped. You always look most fetching for a bit of blood.”
“Yes, my lord.” She raised her eyes for a moment and both of them silently acknowledged that Sarah’s participation in the previous night’s activities had left them in need of further excitement.
She was just about to close the door behind her and resume her duties when he called out to her.
“Send Atkins to Brackenbury, Chambers! Have him look out a rent collector named Bilges and tell the ruffian to come and see me!”
Mrs Chambers smiled as she went to carry out his orders. Where there was one diamond like young Sarah, there might be others.
The first thing was the noise and the second was the smell.
London deafened Sarah. The cries of the street traders were everywhere. As were the clopping of the hooves and the crunching and grinding of the steel rimmed wagon and coach wheels over the cobbles, and the yelling of the urchins dodging between the adults on the crowded pavements. Church bells rang out, street criers’ bells clanged, horses neighed and oxen bellowed. The stench of so many human and animal bodies squeezed into so small a space was almost tangible but by the time Sarah was delivered to the house, she had almost become used to it.
Besides she was drinking in the sights of the gorgeously clad gentlemen and ladies, the great carriages with their coats of arms on the doors and the footmen and dogs escorting them.
She and Amy leaned out of the carriage windows, smiling and waving to any who waved to them. They had become good friends on the journey south. And during the previous night, when the inn they stopped at had only the one room, they had become lovers.
Amy had explained what was to be required of her and if it was what the duke wanted then it was fine with Sarah. However repulsive and old the men were who would use her, in her mind it would always be the duke’s hands on her body and it would always be his pleased smile she would see.
And in any case, Amy showed her the gold coins she was already in receipt of. They would have paid the rent for years! And in London, Amy assured her, there would be plenty more. After her experiences with Mrs Chambers, it seemed almost natural to curl up under the blankets with Amy and explore her rather more ripe contours and savour the musk of her cunt while her own was explored enthusiastically.
At length the coach rattled through an arch beside the road and drew up in a yard. A footman in gold frogging opened the door and helped them down, then led them to the front door and bowed them in. Giggling and blushing the two girls entered and were immediately hailed by a tall woman with light brown hair wearing a gown more appropriate to evening wear than day wear and which did little to hide her fairly abundant charms.
“Who the devil are you to use his lordship’s coach?” she asked.
The pair sobered down immediately, they curtsied and Amy handed across the letter. The woman read it while Sarah watched several ladies in very revealing clothes come and go while workmen seemed to be putting the finishing touches to paintwork up at the ceilings and some carried cupboards and wardrobes up the stairs.
When she finished reading, the lady’s demeanour changed completely, she seemed to soften and become more kindly.
“So dear Alfred has sent you himself. You have been more lucky than you know! How I miss him! But there is much to do and little time left in which to do it. We open tomorrow night you know!”
The lady preceded them up several flights of stairs until it was clear they were in the eaves of the building and here they were shown into a room on a corridor lined with similar ones, with a double bed and a large wardrobe with a wash stand in front of a dormer window that looked out over the Vauxhall gardens.
“I expect you’ve slept together already so you’ll be fine sharing in here. Now, let me tell you a little about how I will organise things for your work here. I will negotiate the prices that the gentlemen - and sometimes ladies - will pay for you and you’ll be paid fair and square from that at the end of each week. Now strip and let’s see what Alfred has sent me.”
Abigail - or Madam, as they were to call her - was plainly very pleased with what she saw. She adored both pairs of breasts and spent some time fondling them before she tested the cunts with her fingers.
“Excellent!” she concluded. “But then Alfred wouldn’t have bothered with anything less. Amy, have you been buggered many times?”
“Bless you, Madam. More times than I can count!” the woman replied cheerfully.
“Then I will trust that you can take any man who cares to sample your arse tomorrow night. I have no time to arrange any tests.”
She turned to Sarah and asked the same question. Blushing and stammering, Sarah had to admit that she had only been taken there on one occasion.
“Not to worry, my dear. I’m sure you’ll cope, you’ll be perfectly alright in a few weeks. But in any case I think your talents lie elsewhere, I shall wager that the gentlemen can not mark your pretty back with the lash in anything under a hundred strokes and I don’t doubt I shall make a handsome killing. Amy here will make sure you don’t pass out. Will you enjoy doing that for me?”
“I have always taken great pleasure in the whip, Madam,” Sarah managed to stumble out. It still shocked her that people seemed to find so much to admire in that talent.
“Now, clothes back on and follow me!” Abigail declared and took them on a tour of their new home.
As they passed back along the corridor, flocks of brightly clothed girls ran in and out of each others’ rooms, gossiping and giggling; but they all bobbed a respectful curtsy to Abigail when they saw her.
“Your fellow whores,” Abigail explained as they descended to the floor below and she showed them the rooms in which they would ‘entertain’. They were magnificently decorated with richly hung canopies over four poster beds, Persian rugs were scattered thickly on the floors and elegant chairs and bureaus filled every available space.
“As you may imagine,” Abigail told them as they descended another floor and found yet more rooms prepared for entertaining, “customers will be paying a pretty penny for your equally pretty cunnies. So neither I nor his lordship will tolerate any slacking or indifferent performances. You will do whatever is required with good grace and with enthusiasm or you will be slung out! And believe me - ” Here she paused and stared at them earnestly. “You do not want to find yourselves on the streets of London as penniless whores.”
“No, Madam,” they mumbled together, visions of the huge sprawling metropolis they had passed through in the carriage sprang to their minds.
On the ground floor they found a suite of three rooms that were for receiving.
“In here, the customers will make their choice and I shall negotiate the price. Once that is done, you - if you have been picked - will then take them either to one of the rooms I have shown you or you will show them out here.....”
Abigail twitched aside a heavy curtain and led them along a narrow corridor that was lit only by a couple of lamps. At the far end she opened a door and they found themselves in what had once been part of the house’s stables.
“We keep one coach in the opposite wing, the horses have the stalls at the end and this wing we have converted and dedicated to the enjoyment of pain. I expect you to put in a good few hours in here every week. The customers will pay the most to enjoy you in here.”
To Sarah’s eyes it seemed as though her most fevered dreams had all come true and her heart raced as she looked around her. It seemed as though the long room, with its painted-over windows and bricked up doors would cater for every torment she could have imagined and some she couldn’t.
The wooden walls that had divided the building into stalls had been left but the fronts of the stalls had been taken out so that they formed bays. Rugs had been laid over the flags on the floor and chaises longues and chesterfields had been placed around low tables here and there. But as Abigail led them along the length of the building it was what stood at the back of each bay that caught both Amy’s and Sarah’s attention. Some had black-painted wooden X shaped crosses fastened to the back wall, some had padded benches and some had strange trestle-like constructions. Every item of equipment was fully furnished with shackles and chains and screwed into the masonry were racks of whips and canes and - Sarah couldn’t hide her blush - beautifully crafted models of male members, faithful in all respects except size. They were enormous!
Beside her she heard even Amy gasp as she took in the sights.
“I’m very proud of our facilities and I’m sure His Grace will be as well,” Abigail told them.
Sarah was quite certain that the duke would pass many happy hours in this place. And here her heart gave an excited skip; he had said he would be along in a few weeks. How she would adore it if he took his pleasure with her in here.
Lady Abigail had strolled nonchalantly to the back of one of the bays and had taken down one of the monstrous dildos, her delicate hand was stroking its shaft lasciviously as she smiled at them.
“Some of the girls can get these up their arses you know,” she said in a dreamy voice. “Myself, I prefer them in the cunt. Here, Amy. You try one!”
She held out the huge thing and Amy stepped forwards to take it. Madam helped her to keep her underskirts raised as she spread her long, stockinged thighs and began to probe at her entrance with the head of the massive phallus.
“As tomorrow is our first night, I intend to lay on some entertainment that will not always be available. And as you two have arrived last and come with such high praise from His Grace, I shall use you as bait. You will be the very first to be made available in here for use by the guests.”
There was a strained moan from Amy as Madam’s words began to work on her cunt and the first inches of the dildo slid up into her.
“You shall be the first to be stripped naked and enjoyed while the other girls ‘encourage’ some of the more modest guests.”
Amy let out a deeply contented sigh as she sank the thing fully into her and began to fuck herself with it. Sarah found her hands gathering fistfuls of the material of her skirt as Madam’s words and the sight of Amy bucking her hips, her hand working busily between her open legs, opened the flood gates at her loins. She clenched her thighs together and whimpered as Amy threw her head back, cried aloud and rammed the dildo into her while she went rigid with her climax.
Madam laughed with delight as she looked at the two of them. One satiated; one desperate.
“You’ll do!” she said. “Now go and unpack, go to bed if you please - with any of the other girls if you please. You will be called for supper and then we will arrange details for the morrow.”
Madam let Amy’s skirts drop as she came down from her peak and handed back the dildo. To Sarah’s profound shock, she stuck out her pink tongue from between her rouged lips and lapped slowly up and down the shaft, letting it trail lasciviously over the helm itself.
“Mmm!” she said at length, placing it back on a shelf. “You taste delicious, my dear. I will sample you further in my bed by and by.”
Then she turned and led them back into the house.