There are also some commercial tools used to generate application-specific test data for PostgreSQL. They are available at and
The key features for any data generator are as follows:
- The ability to generate data in the right format for custom data types
- The ability to add data to multiple tables, while respecting foreign key constraints between tables
- The ability to add data to non-uniform distributions
The tools and tricks shown here are cool and clever, though there are some problems hiding here as well. Real data has so many strange things in it that it can be very hard to simulate. One of the most difficult things is generating data that follows realistic distributions. For example, if we had to generate data for people's heights, then we'd want to generate data to follow a normal distribution. If we were generating customer bank balances, we'd want to use a Zipf distribution, or for the number of reported insurance claims, perhaps a Poisson distribution (or perhaps not). Replicating the real quirks in data can take some time.
Finally, note that casting a float into an integer rounds it to the nearest integer, so the distribution of integers is not uniform on each extreme. For instance, the probability of (random()*10)::int being 0 is just 5%, as is its probability of being 10, while each integer between 1 and 9 occurs with a probability of 10%. This is why we put 0.5 in the last example, which is simpler than using the floor() function.