PostgreSQL provides the infrastructure for collecting statistics on foreign tables, so the planner will be able to consider such information, provided that the feature is implemented in the specific Foreign Data Wrapper you are using. For example, statistics are supported by oracle_fdw.
The latest improvements for foreign tables include trigger support, IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA, and several improvements to the query planner.
Particularly useful for database administrators is the IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA syntax, which can be used to create, with a single statement, foreign tables for all tables and views in a given remote schema.
Among the query planner improvements, we wish to mention Join Pushdown. In a nutshell: a query that joins some foreign tables that belong to the same server is able to have the join performed transparently on the remote server. To avoid security issues, this can only happen if these tables are all accessed with the same role.
Another interesting extension is Multicorn ( It helps Python programmers create Foreign Data Wrappers by providing a dedicated interface. Multicorn reduces the creation of a basic Foreign Data Wrapper to the implementation of one Python method. Additional features, such as write access, are available through further optional methods.