The setting column of pg_settings shows the current value, but you can also look at theĀ boot_val and reset_val parameters. The boot_val parameter shows the value assigned when the PostgreSQL database cluster was initialized (initdb), while reset_val shows the value that the parameter will return to if you issue the RESET command.
The max_stack_depth parameter is an exception, because pg_settings says it is set by the environment variable, though it is actually set by ulimit -s on Linux and Unix systems. The max_stack_depth parameter just needs to be set directly on Windows.
The timezone settings are also picked up from the OS environment, so you shouldn't need to set those directly. In older releases, pg_settings showed them as command-line settings. From version 9.1 onward, they are written to postgresql.conf when the data directory is initialized, so they show up as configuration files.