Carry out the following steps to configure PgBouncer:
- Create a pgbouncer.ini file, as follows:
; pgbouncer configuration example
postgres = port=5432 dbname=postgres
listen_addr =
listen_port = 6432
admin_users = postgres
;stats_users = monitoring userid
auth_type = any
; put these files somewhere sensible:
auth_file = users.txt
logfile = pgbouncer.log
pidfile =
server_reset_query = DISCARD ALL;
; default values
pool_mode = session
default_pool_size = 20
log_pooler_errors = 0
- Create a users.txt file. This must contain the minimum users mentioned in admin_users and stats_users. Its format is very simple: a collection of lines with a username and a password. Consider the following as an example:
"postgres" ""
- PgBouncer also supports MD5 authentication. To use that effectively, you need to copy the MD5 encrypted passwords from the database server into the users.txt file.
- You may wish to create the users.txt file by directly copying the details from the server. This can be done by using the following psql script:
postgres=> \o users.txt
postgres=> \t
postgres=> SELECT '"'||rolname||'" "'||rolpassword||'"'
postgres-> FROM pg_authid;
postgres=> \q
- Launch pgbouncer:
pgbouncer -d pgbouncer.ini
- Test the connection; it should respond to reload:
psql -p 6432 -h -U postgres pgbouncer -c "reload"
- Finally, verify that PgBouncer's max_client_conn parameter does not exceed the max_connections parameter on PostgreSQL.