Chapter 10

Other Magnets

There are many other price magnets that will tend to draw the market toward them for a test. Here is a list of some. Many of these are discussed elsewhere in the books. When a market is trending toward a magnet, it is prudent to trade with the trend until the magnet is tested and preferably overshot. Do not trade countertrend at the magnet unless there has been some prior countertrend strength like a trend line break, or unless the move is a pullback in a higher time frame trend.

Figure 10.1 Big Trend Bar Extremes Are Magnets


When there is a huge trend bar with small tails, traders who enter on the bar or soon afterward will often put their protective stops beyond the bar. It is fairly common for the market to work its way to those stops and then reverse back in the direction of the trend bar.

Bar 1 in Figure 10.1 is a huge bull trend bar with a shaved bottom. The market reversed down off the bear inside bar that followed and formed a higher low, but not before running the protective stops below the low of the trend bar. Smart traders would have shorted the inside bar, but they were ready to go long above the bar 2 bull reversal bar that hit the stops and then turned the market back up.

Bars 3 and 4 were also huge trend bars with small tails, but neither was followed by an immediate pullback that ran stops.