My primary goal is to present a series of comprehensive books on price action, and the greatest concern among readers was how difficult my earlier book, Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar, was to read. I am deeply appreciative of all of the constructive comments that readers have provided and those from the participants in my daily live webinars. Many of these comments were incredibly insightful and I have incorporated them in this current edition. I am also thankful to all of the traders who have been in my live trading room, because they have given me the opportunity to say things repeatedly until I could clearly articulate what I am seeing and doing. They have also asked many questions that have helped me find the words to communicate more effectively, and I have put those words in these books.
I would like to give a special thank-you to Victor Brancale, who spent long hours proofreading the manuscripts and providing hundreds of very helpful edits and suggestions, and to Robert Gjerde, who built and administers my website and has given me candid feedback on the chat room and the website. Finally, I want to thank Ginger Szala, the Group Editorial Director of Futures magazine, for giving me ongoing opportunities to publish articles and speak in webinars, and for regularly giving me very helpful advice on how to become more involved with the trading community.