Chapter nine

The espresso machine spurted steam as the barista filled Sophie’s cup with extra hot coffee, chocolate syrup, orange peel and topped it with whip cream. Sophie adjusted her beanie and zipped her puff coat before taking the hot cup in her gloved hands. She stepped out the front door of the lodge to take a morning walk around the property.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket. “Claire — you’re up early.”

“Just wanted to check in. How’s everything going? You know with…”

“Okay. I have to admit, I was pretty miffed at him the other day.”

“What did he do?”

“He was supposed to bring his guitar to play with the kids during the play practice. And didn’t show up.”


“Yep. I’m afraid I gave him the old one-two verbal punch.”

“He probably deserved it.”

“That’s just it. Turns out he had been helping some college girl get her car out of the snowbank. Anyway, I apologized last night and helped him build a stable for the play.”

“So, things are going okay, then?”

Sophie took a sip of her coffee. “Yeah. I guess. I’m…”


“I’m starting to have feelings for him again.”

“Just be careful, sis. You don’t need to have your heart broken again.”

* * *

Sophie had lined up the kids and stepped back with her cellphone. Sam strummed a few chords and began to sing.

“Away in a manger, no crib for a bed. . .”

This was definitely post-worthy. Darby sang her little heart out, pigtails all askew.

And Sam’s rich, deep voice. If she hadn’t been right there, she’d have thought it was Josh Turner.

“The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.” Sam set his guitar down and slid a grin towards Sophie.

“That was wonderful! What would you guys think if Mr. Sam played some other Christmas songs and we carol door to door?”

“Yay!” Sam shrugged a why not and helped line them up at the door.

“You definitely have a great gig here, working with these kids. You are really good at it.”

Sam’s hand was warm on her shoulder.

“Thank you. I love it. I really hope I get the international job. Some adventure and different kids to work with.”

She smiled. Sam averted his eyes and moved his hand away. Maybe she shouldn’t have said that. But let’s be real here— why would she think there would be any chance of something between them again? She may as well continue her sights on that job. Get as far away from the guy who had ripped her heart out before she let him have a chance to do it again.


* * *

“We’re hungry. All that singing wore us out.” Darby held both hands on her stomach and leaned over.

“Well, you’re in luck. I made some gingerbread cookie dough for us to roll out.”

Megan had wiped the tables and set small balls of the ginger spiced dough at each place. She scooped a little flour for each and had a set of small rolling pins.

“Try to roll the dough evenly like this.” Sophie demonstrated. “Then take your person cookie cutter and press it into the dough.”

She watched them, the older kids helping the younger. Micah lifted his man, making him walk across the table to laughter. Until it crumpled.

“I’m just a cotton headed ninny muggings!” Micah let his head drop. Sophie hid a grin.

“You can roll him out again. No worries. When your cookie is ready, bring it over here to the toaster oven.”

“Mine is ready, Miss Sophie.” Darby slid it carefully into her palm and walked to the oven.

“Nice job! Let’s get this little guy into the oven to bake.” Sophie slid open the door and when Darby placed her cookie on the tray, she pulled back her hand and let out a yowl.

“Ow, ow, ouch!” Big tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Oh no, let me see!” Sophie took her little hand and led her to the sink, where she ran cold water on it.

“Megan, grab the first aid kit.” Sophie sent a quick text to Sam.

<Darby burned her hand. Could you come?>

It was a matter of moments before Sam came bursting through the door.

“Where is she?” Megan nodded her head towards Darby. “Hey baby, let me see.” Sam knelt to her level and took her hand. He glared at Sophie.

“What the heck were you doing? How did you let this happen?”

“Sam, I’m so sorry. We were baking cookies.” Sophie reached her hand to his arm. Sam shrugged it off, picked up Darby stomped off.

Sophie’s shoulders dropped as she watched the man who had been her everything leave — her heart aching like it was breaking all over again. Just like it had all those years ago.