Chapter ten

“Let’s find all the straight edges first.” Darby sat on her knees at the table as Sam helped her sort puzzle pieces.

“I found one with an ear. It’s a dog, isn’t it?” Darby held it carefully between her fingers, gauze wrapped around her hand. She studied the photo on the box lid.

“Good job, Doodle. Let’s see if we can find another one with the same colors.”

Flames flickered and crackled in the fireplace and soft Christmas instrumentals played in the background. The snow had started falling full force, covering the bushes and pathways. There were only four more days until Christmas. Sam wanted to enjoy this vacation time with his sweet girl.

He could have, probably should have, planned to spend some holiday time with his folks. It was just that he always felt he had to defend himself for everything he did. He never felt he could live up to his dad’s expectations. Henry had been his favorite, something he couldn’t ever tap into the reason for. Heck, Sam had gone to college like his dad had urged him to do. Henry had only done an apprenticeship. In his dad’s eyes, that shouldn’t have been enough to give Henry a pat on the back. Nevertheless, Henry was, had been, the golden boy.

He couldn’t blame his parents. Henry was full of fun and laughter, adventures, and was surrounded by friends. Sam was more of an introvert. He shrugged and picked up another puzzle piece.

“Hey.” Sophie’s voice was soft as she slid up next to them. “I just wanted to see how Darby’s hand was. May I sit down?”

Sam nodded. “Miss Sophie, it’s okay. It doesn’t hurt anymore.” Sam fit another puzzle piece together without looking up.

“I’m really sorry, Darby. I never wanted you to get hurt.” Sophie stuck a stray strand of blonde hair behind Darby’s ear. She picked up a piece with pink on it. “What do you think this is?”

“Don’t you know? It’s the doggie’s nose, silly.” Darby took the piece and rotated it until it fit in place. Sam slid a glance at Sophie. He hadn’t meant to lash out at her. He’d already ruined it for the two of them. But now he had caught himself thinking about Sophie way more than he ought— If there was any chance, they were to get back together, he had to know that she would protect Darby, no matter what.

Sam’s phone vibrated. Sophie glanced at the screen.

“Hi mom.” Sam stood and walked a few feet away. “What? No! Is he okay? What happened?” He put his hand on his forehead. “I can’t go. There’s a blizzard out there. I’m really sorry.” Sam paced. “Keep me posted. I’ll come as soon as the roads clear.”

“Was that grandma?” Darby sat up on her knees.


“Everything okay?” Sophie stood, her forehead wrinkled.

“No. My dad had a mild stroke. He’s at Mercy Hospital.”

“And we’re snowed in. Oh Sam, I’m so sorry. Maybe you could facetime.”

Sam sat and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Daddy, can I sit over there and watch the movie? It’s Polar Express!”

“Sure. But don’t go anywhere else, okay?” Darby nodded and jumped off her chair to run to the couch.

“How are you doing, Sam? Are you okay?”

“I don’t know. I feel guilty, but I would just as soon not see him. I’d get there, and if he could talk at all, he’d still manage to make sure I felt like dirt.” Sophie moved behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders, slowly rubbing the tight muscles.

“Possibly. But maybe this is the time when you could heal things.”

“He’s the one that has to do the healing, not me.” Sam let out a slow breath and leaned into the table, placing his head on his arms. He could feel the tightness begin to ease.

The touch of her hands felt good. Too good. Memories of how things used to be flooded him. She moved her hands down his back and slowly up to his neck. Her thumbs kneaded the knots, and she moved her hands to his head, gently rubbing her fingers through his scalp. She leaned into his back and slid her hands down his chest, laying her cheek on the back of his head.

Sam sat up and moved his hands to hers. He breathed in the fragrance of her lotion. His heart beat like it hadn’t for so long.

“I’ve missed you, Sam.” He pulled her around to sit on his lap. He gathered her hair and smoothed it onto her back. They locked eyes, and he slid a glance to her lips.

As if on cue, Darby barreled over to them. “Daddy, can I have some popcorn? They just made some, but Megan said I have to ask first.” Darby stopped. Looked at them, her eyes wide.

Sophie quickly slid off his lap and ran her hand through her hair.

“Uh, I better get back and organize the gingerbread house contest.”

* * *

Sophie walked away quickly, her heart pounding. Did that just happen? Another second and he might have kissed her. She hitched a breath. Those dang butterflies in her stomach. They needed to get the memo that she and Sam were not a thing. Gingerbread. Need to get the houses ready. Focus!

Megan caught up with her. “Did I just see what I thought I did?”

“What?” Sophie looked straight ahead and kept walking.

“Mm hmm. That’s what I thought. You almost kissed!” Sophie opened the door to the activity room and started divvying candy onto cardboard matts. “Christmas is in four days. And don’t forget the Christmas Ball is in three. You’re going, right?”

Sophie stopped and looked at her. “Could you just stop? I’m not ready for this.”

Megan muttered, “Sure looked like you were.”

Families began to filter in and take their places. She stood back and watched Sam and Darby pipe icing to place the house parts together. He let her choose gumdrops for the walkway and peppermints for the roof. When she broke open a bag of skittles and they went flying all over the floor and table, he just laughed and helped her pick them up, sorting them by colors. Darby lined up animal crackers.

“This is Chester. I’m going to make him live in the doggy hotel. She took gummy bears and introduced them to Chester—Marshall, Rumble, Zuma, Skye.”

He was a good dad. She wished his dad could see him now and appreciate how great he was. Then again, Sam was probably right. His dad might have turned things around to making him look a fool for allowing the candies to scoot everywhere. God, you could fix this though, right?