subject index

absorption, 38

acid-forming foods, 5253, 5455

acidic environment, 47, 52

acidosis, 4748, 121

active yeast, 69


to change, 8587

to Thrive Diet, 8788

additives, 158160

adrenal glands, 910, 14

advanced glycation end products (AGEs), 4647

agave nectar, 158

alkaline-forming foods, 4854, 5657

alkalizing foods, 121

allergic reaction, 65

almonds, 145146

amaranth, 39, 139140

amino acids, 16, 59, 136137, 150

ancient grains, 67, 283

anemia, 137138

anti-aging attributes of exercise, 101

antioxidants, 283

anxiety, 20

appetite, 6162

apple cider vinegar, 158

assimilation, 38

athlete-specific recalibration, 117118

Aviva, 289290

balsamic vinegar, 158159

bananas, 292

berry seed oils, 207

big meals, 17

bioavailability, 45

biological age, 283

biological debt, 7074, 283

biotin, 274

blender drinks, 78

blood cells, 17

bone health, 5556

brown rice, 147148

buckwheat, 39, 140141

caffeine, 79, 153, 157

calcium, 5556, 138, 276

calorie, 37

carbohydrate, 5758, 279280

cardiovascular exercise, 103

carob, 206

celiac disease, 283

cell reconstruction, 46

cellular regeneration, 2324, 59

changes, 8283, 8587

children, 7576

chlorella, 149152, 293

chlorophyll, 4849, 54, 8687, 90, 130131, 150

chocolate flavor, 206

chromium, 276

coconut, 152

coconut oil, 144

coconut water, 292

coffee, 71

cognitive ability, and nutrition, 1617

cold-pressed oils, 290, 291

commercial sport nutrition products, 107

complementary stress, 2729, 100

complex carbohydrates, 58

conventional farming, 2627

cooking. See recipes

copper, 276

corn, 6667

cortisol, 10, 11

cramping, 108109

cravings, 1720, 87, 101, 108

dairy, 6768

dark leafy greens, 130131

darkness, 8182

dates, 142143

deep relaxation, 8182

detoxification, 151

detoxification symptoms, 87

dietary fat, 5960


acid-forming foods, 5455

and energy, 3536

nutrient-deficient foods, 37

nutrient-dense foods, 38

digestive enzymes, 134

dinosaur kale, 131

drinking water, 27

dulse, 63, 132, 208

economics, 9899

electrolytes, 284

empty food, 284


cost-free energy, 7172

for digesting food, 3536

food production requirements, 9295

retained energy resources, 39

shift of energy, 94

and starchy, high-carbohydrate foods, 3738

energy bars, 7273, 90, 120

energy cycle, 93


of diet, 80

of exercise, 103104

of life, 56

the environment

and economics, 9899

energy requirements of food production, 9295

protein production, 9596

soil quality, 9697

and the Thrive Diet, 9798

environmental stress, 45

enzyme enhancement, 4446

essential amino acids, 136137

essential fatty acids, 16, 43, 134, 281

ethanol, 9293

Europe’s Best, 290


alkalizing foods, 121

and anti-aging, 101

benefits of, 101102

cardiovascular exercise, 103

and complementary stress, 2728

fuel sources during exercise, 110f getting started, 102105

level-one activity, 109, 111112

level-three activity, 110111, 113114

level-two activity, 109110, 112113

nutrition before exercise, 108114

nutrition during exercise, 114118

nutrition immediately after exercise, 118121

and omega-3, 135

and personality, 103104

and poor nutrition, 100101

pre-exercise snack, 109114

and proper nutrition, 106107

resistance training, 103

speeding recovery, 106107

training and nutrition journal, 104105

extra-virgin olive oil, 144

farming subsidies, 96

fat accumulation, 1314

fatigue, 73


see also oils

cravings, 1718

dietary fat, 5960

essential fatty acids, 134, 281

fatty acids, 43, 5960, 284

generally, 280281

high-quality fats, 43

metabolism of, 134135

trans fats, 287

fatty acids, 43, 5960, 284


insoluble fiber, 135

and overeating, 63

soluble fiber, 135

fiber-rich carbohydrates, 41

fibrous vegetables, 131, 161

filberts, 147

flash pasteurization, 5354

flaxseed, 134136, 156, 290

flaxseed oil, 145

flour, 163, 205206

fluids, 7879

folate (folic acid), 275

folic acid, 275

food allergies, 65

food elimination, 65, 66

food production, 2627, 9295

food sensitivities

active yeast, 69

common food sensitivities, 6465

corn, 6667

dairy, 6768

defined, 65

food elimination, 65, 66

gluten, 67

peanuts, 6970

soy, 68

symptoms, 64

wheat, 67

free radicals, 284

frequent eating, 89

fructose, 16, 285

fruit, 43, 142143, 162, 290

gas production, 133, 134

getting started

exercise, 102105

Thrive Diet, 8990

ginger, 159

glossary, 283287

glucose, 16, 285

gluten, 67

grains, 147149, 163, 290

grazing, 165166

green tea, 152153, 293

green tea seed oil, 153

greens, 59

grocery shopping, 165

ground water seepage, 27

growth hormone, 101102

hazelnuts, 147

health as goal, 33

healthy food, importance of, 8485

hemp, 136137, 291

hemp oil, 145, 206

hemp protein, 54, 9596, 136137

Herbal Select, 290

herbs, 163, 201202

high achiever’s syndrome, 29

high-fructose corn syrup, 67

high net-gain nutrition, 3437, 3940

high-quality fats, 43

high-temperature cooking, 4647

hormonal imbalance, 1112

hydration, 7879

immune system, 1516, 151

Inari, 290

inflammation reduction, 4647, 134, 136

insoluble fiber, 135

insoluble fibrous plant matter, 45

iodine, 277

iron, 152, 277

journal, 104105

juice, 207, 290

junk food, 85

Just Juice, 290

kale, dinosaur, 31

kelp, 132

kid-friendly recipes, 7576

lactic acid, 121

leafy greens, 130131

legumes, 42, 133134, 162, 290

level-one activity, 109, 111112

level-three activity, 110111, 113114

level-two activity, 109110, 112113

lifestyle tips

avoid too many changes, 8283

darkness, 8182

enjoyment of health pursuit, 80

healthy food, importance of, 8485

mind-body connection, 8384

natural light exposure, 8081

lignans, 285

liquid meals, 120

low-grade metabolic acidosis, 4748

low-temperature cooked foods, 4447

maca, 153155, 293

macadamia nuts, 146

magnesium, 277

Maine Coast, 291

malnutrition, 12

manganese, 277278

Manitoba Harvest, 291

matcha green tea, 152153

MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides), 144

meal plans

generally, 167168

using, 89

week 1, 169171

week 2, 172174

week 3, 174176

week 4, 176179

week 5, 179181

week 6, 181184

week 7, 184186

week 8, 186189

week 9, 189191

week 10, 191194

week 11, 194196

week 12, 197199

meditation, 82

melatonin, 82

milk, 6768

millet, 148

mind-body connection, 8384

minerals, 6364, 9697, 276279

molybdenum, 278

money, 98

motivation, 2526

muscle cramping, 108109

music, 74

natural light exposure, 8081

Naturalife, 291

naturopathic medicine, 65

net gain, 285

net-gain nutrition, 3437, 38, 3940

next-level foods, 149157

nori, 132

NOW, 291292

nutrient-deficient foods, 37

nutrient-dense foods, 38, 6062, 285

nutrient density, 38


adapting to new way of eating, 86

and blood cells, 17

and cellular regeneration, 2324

and cognitive ability, 1617

and exercise, 106107

before exercise, 108114

during exercise, 114118

immediately after exercise, 118121

net-gain nutrition, 3437, 38, 3940

one-step nutrition, 5760

pre-exercise snack, 109114

primary-source nutrition, 9798

training and nutrition journal, 104105

nutritional stress

defined, 23

food production, 2627

meaning of, 6

overconsumption of refined food, 2425

nutritional yeast, 69, 159

nuts, 145147, 163, 202203, 291

obesity rates, 61

oil dependence, 94

oils, 143145, 163, 206207, 290, 291

see also fats

olive oil, extra-virgin, 144

omega-3, 134135, 156, 281

omega-6, 134, 281

O.N.E., 292

one-step nutrition, 5760, 285

organic farmers, 97

Organics Unlimited, 292

overreaction, of stress-response

mechanism, 10

peanut butter, 3738

peanuts, 6970

pesticides, 2627

pH, 47

pH balance, 4757

phosphorus, 278

photosynthesis, 48

phytonutrient, 285

pituitary gland, 101

placebo effect, 8384

planning ahead, 165

plant foods

advantages of, 45

bioavailability, 45

enzyme enhancement, 45

plantains, 292

pollutants, 45

positive attitude, 56

positive change, 2829

post-workout drinks, 107

potassium, 135, 278279

pre-exercise snack, 109114

primary-source foods, 9798, 286

probiotic, 286

processed food, 2425

production stress, 2930, 31, 117

protein, 5354, 59, 108, 281282

protein isolates, 53

protein production, 9596

pseudograins, 39, 42, 139141, 162

the psyche, 25

pumpkin seed oil, 145

pumpkin seeds, 137138

purple sticky rice, 147

quinoa, 39, 141

raw foods, 4447

recalibration, 77, 88, 117118, 286


see also Recipe Index

herbs, 201202

philosophy, 200201

soaking nuts and seeds, 202203

sprouting seeds, 203205

variations, 205208

recovery, 2, 8182, 106107

recovery test, 35

reducing stimuli, 88

refined food, 2425, 71

resistance training, 103

resources, 289293

restaurant eating, 166

rice, brown, 147148

rooibos, 155156, 291

salads, 90

Salba, 292

salt, 6263, 207208

sea salt, 207208

sea vegetables, 132, 162, 291

seaweed, 132

seeds, 42, 134139, 162, 202205, 205206, 290, 291

selenium, 279

sensory system, calibration, 7677

Sequel Naturals, 293

serotonin, 1819, 154

sesame seeds, 138139

shopping list, 161164

simple carbohydrate, 43, 58, 286

sleep, 12, 8182

smoothies, 90, 120


afternoon, on Thrive Diet,90

best time to consume, 120, 121

pre-exercise snack, 109114

soaking nuts and seeds, 202203

soil quality, 9697

soluble fiber, 135

soy, 68

spelt, 148

spices, 164

sport drinks, 114116

sport gels, 116117

sprouted foods, 60, 134

sprouting seeds, 203205

staple foods (Thrive Diet)

additives, 158160

fruit, 142143

grains, 147149

legumes, 133134

next-level foods, 149157

nuts, 145147

oils, 143145

pseudograins, 139141

seeds, 134139

vegetables, 130132

starches, 4344

starchy vegetables, 132, 161

sterols, 154, 286

stevia, 159160, 290, 291

stimulation, 3032, 73, 74, 76


adrenal glands, 910, 14

change as stress, 8587

complementary stress, 2729, 100

control and use of, 9

cortisol, 10, 11

and depressed moods, 18

and diet, 73

environmental stress, 45

and enzyme destruction, 45

and fat accumulation, 1314

fatigue, 73

and health problems, 1112

and hormonal imbalance, 1112

and maca, 154

nutritional stress. See nutritional stress

personal account of, 1215

and positive change, 2829

production stress, 2930, 31, 117

psychological stress, 2223

and sleep, 12

spiral, 72f, 7374

stimulation, 3032, 73, 74, 76

symptoms, 16

and Thrive Diet, 5

toll of stress, 1516

types of stress. See stressors

uncomplementary stress, 2027, 100

and weakened immune systems, 1516

stress-response mechanism, 10


breakdown of stressors, 21f

complementary stress, 2729, 100

production stress, 2930, 31

uncomplementary stress, 2027, 100

sunflower seeds, 139

sunlight, 8081

supplements, 6364

sweet tooth, 1819

sweeteners, 163

symptom-treating programs, 3334

teff, 149

television watching, 75

Thai black rice, 147

Thrive Diet

adapting to, 8788

alkaline-forming foods, 4757

appliances needed, 164

applying the Thrive Diet, 8588

biological debt, elimination of, 7074

biological resources, fewer

required, 26

and children, 7576

and cortisol levels, 74

and the environment, 9798

enzyme enhancement, 4446

expected results, 34

food sensitivities, 6470

general guidelines, 89

getting started, 8990

high net-gain nutrition, 3437, 3940

hydration, 7879

inflammation reduction, 4647

lifestyle tips, 8085

and long-term success, 34

low-temperature cooked foods, 4447

meal plans. See meal plans

nutrient-dense whole foods, 6062

and nutritional stress, 6

objectives of, 6

one-step nutrition, 5760

pH balance, 4757

pH effect, selected foods, 4951

primary-source nutrition, 9798

pyramid, 4044, 58

raw foods, 4447

recalibration diet, 77, 88

resources, 289293

shopping list, 161164

specific guidelines, 8990

staple foods. See staple foods (Thrive Diet)

starting slowly, 8788

and stress, 5

traveling and, 164166

whole foods, 6264

Thrive Diet pyramid, 40f, 4044, 58

Touch Organic, 293

toxins, 4647, 54, 8687

trace minerals, 286287

see also minerals

training and nutrition journal, 104105

trans fats, 287

traveling, 164166

typical North American diet, 5152

uncomplementary stress

common sources of, 21

described, 2022

and exercise, 100

motivation, 2526

nutritional stress, 2326

and the psyche, 25

psychological stress, 2223

variations, 205208

Vega products, 289

vegetables, 4142, 130132, 290

vinegars, 163

vitamin A, 271272

vitamin B1, 272

vitamin B2, 272

vitamin B3, 272273

vitamin B5, 273

vitamin B6, 273

vitamin B12, 273274

vitamin C, 274

vitamin D, 80, 274

vitamin E, 275

vitamin K, 275

vitamins, 6364, 271275

walnuts, 146

water, 79

wheat, 67

white bread, 3637

white chia, 156157, 292

white tea, 293

whole foods

benefits of, 6263

defined, 287

and energy needs, 39

nutrient-dense foods, 6062

nutritional stress-reduction properties, 14

whole grains, 58

wild rice, 141

yeast, 69, 159

yerba maté, 117118, 157, 289290

zinc, 279