Chapter 6

Understanding Belief Change Energetically

The Healing InSight method helps us to navigate release and realignment gracefully; cutting through the energetic imprints of the unconscious mind by releasing the negative programmes of the subconscious mind that would otherwise prevent full resonance with the newly aligned belief.

As explained in previous chapters, as a result of our attention and intention, our words, thoughts, and visions carry vibrational information, which is expressed through the ether, or universal field. When using the Healing InSight method to bring ourselves into alignment with a positive belief that opposes our subconscious patterns (that is, our current understanding of reality), we can become challenged.

Resistance to aligning with the new belief may be subtle or dramatic. Our physical bodies may “erupt” with an almost volcano-like response. Most of the time, resistance is present in sensation but is subtle. Although you have made a choice to align with the new belief, there may be reasons to hold onto the old, unhelpful beliefs, and you might struggle to let them go. This is usually felt, to some degree, through bodily sensation of fear, emotion, or heaviness. The following case study is an example of the transformation I see regularly in my work.

Mary was belittled throughout her childhood, verbally put down, ridiculed, and even hit for being visible, weak, or just in the wrong place at the wrong time. She had learnt that “the world is a dangerous place”, “it is unsafe for me to be seen or heard”, and “I am inadequate, unimportant and weak”. She lived her life in fear of ridicule, sensitive to criticism and rejection, and still attracting these responses in her family as an adult.

When aligning with the beliefs “It is safe for me to be visible, seen, and heard; I am adequate and just as important and powerful as anyone else in my family,” Mary began to have a fear reaction. Stepping into her power in her home had always resulted in her power being taken away, rendering her hurt and helpless. Energetically, whilst aligning with the new belief, I was able to give support to her in the form of reassurance, allowing, and acknowledgement, and I offer it to you now if you are using the system for your own self-healing. It takes courage to work through our limiting patterns, but be reassured that the system will help you, feelings are okay, and you can expect a positive outcome.

Resistance may surface in the form of fear, upset, anger, or hurt, which are the old emotions or issues that are surfacing to be cleared in order to resonate with the new belief. The process can be like sifting through subconscious programmes and unconscious memories, allowing an awareness and acknowledgement of them, in order to release them and make way for the new. I refer to this as realignment.

For Mary, as with many other clients working through their painful inner beliefs, a lot of emotion rose up. However, when encouraged to settle into and work through the resistance, to allow and simply observe it, the feelings passed and she felt a release. Mary then had the experience of elation as she began to “try on” the new belief as a possible reality; a new and higher truth. Of course, she was adequate and just as important and powerful as anyone else in her family!

When clients align with a new truth, they usually feel great relief. The Healing InSight method expands on this feeling by moving you into a visualization of what it is to live out the new, now more accessible story around a new belief. Mary was able to imagine standing with her father—the trigger for many an upsetting and disempowered feeling—and be in her power, feeling strong, equal to him, important, and visible. Mary was able to fully resonate with this new vibration, and that is what we are looking for. This resonance informs us with a sense of knowing that we have shifted and realigned to a new belief.

I worked through this belief with Mary just before Christmas and was so delighted to hear that she was successfully able to show up as herself, feeling comfortable, with none of her usual feelings or experiences of fear or disempowerment. Although not easy to process, her genuine willingness to be present with her vibration of fear and powerlessness, coupled with her intention to feel better and stronger, enabled this issue to clear, giving her a truly transformational healing.

The resonance you achieve through this process becomes your energetic broadcast, attracting new experiences to you in accordance with the new belief. Even though every experience is unique and personal, I have high-lighted here in more detail what you can generally expect to experience with the Healing InSight belief change process. These are the “Four Rs of an Energetic Belief Realignment”.


It is normal to experience a level of resistance, especially if you are undoing problematic patterns. Most of the participants in my workshops or clients in my practice experience low-level resistance. It may show up in the form of a stress response, such as fight, flight, or freeze, or as emotion, muscle tension, or avoidance. Very often when we start resisting energy flow, the body tightens up and we control or constrict our breath. Patterns of resistance may occur as soon as we identify a deeply rooted belief, manifesting as avoiding doing the work in the first place or becoming distracted, angry, or apathetic during an actual change process. Sometimes, physical sensations show up, such as a heaviness or numbness in the legs or a headache in a specific part of the head. People may feel anxious or even feel as if they have a wound in their heart or solar plexus.

Feelings are just a series of energetic expressions that will clear if the resistance to feeling or “realizing” them is released. Energy wants to move and wants to express itself. We need not know where it has risen from, or what we may be tuning into; the more we allow and do not jump into our analytical mind, the more we become aware of. Many of us have learnt to minimize our emotions, but it is helpful to allow our feelings and sensations to naturally surface during the process. They are usually short-lived. The system itself will safeguard you to a large extent. The process, just like that of giving birth (for those of you that have), will take longer if you tighten up and resist it. Uncomfortable sensations can lead people to feel tense or out of control, which in turn creates resistance to experiencing the sensations that they ultimately intend to release. If too much uncomfortable energy builds, you can ground it by placing your hands, palms facing down, at the side of the hips to the earth, until you feel able to relax back into the sensation. If pictures, memories, or painful emotions surface, do not try to change or manipulate them or will them to pass by imagining them cleared. This would have the effect of resisting the core energetic vibration that is surfacing to be cleared. Just stay with the feelings until they clear, and you feel or see a more harmonious picture.

When you relax into fully experiencing and observing these sensations, the resistance clears and allows for a new state of being. Using Geneline Therapy, I once experienced feeling like I had fallen into a black hole; that I was nothing, alone, almost as if I ceased to exist and was floating in the universe. It felt frightening and took courage to stay with the process but, supported by a practitioner, I did. I was spinning around, out of body, fearful, helpless, and lost. This was probably one of the scariest energetic experiences of processing a soul trauma I have had.

The practitioner suggested that I allowed myself to spin, to feel it, and accept the feelings. As I did, they began to clear, and the vision and sensation changed until I emerged, grounded and fully in my body, which I had previously disowned due to its dysfunction and pain. If I had resisted this process, as I see with clients sometimes, the issue would have remained unresolved and the difficult sensations would have remained for a while. For the best results, I recommend that you stay with the difficult feelings until they are gone.

The Healing InSight method is usually straightforward and simple, but if you are searching for deep transformation—if the space is set, and this is what you are intending—please remember that you are working energetically with the mind, body, and spirit and anything from your past that is blocking your desired goal may be thrown up. You must take responsibility for your own process.

The important point to remember here is that if something is coming up to be cleared, you are ready, and it is probably time to release it. So, be courageous, stay grounded and soft, and allow the process. Your body’s energy system knows how to heal and will take any opportunity to clear if it feels safe enough and is allowed to do so. When feelings from the past or difficult memories come up, see them as rising into your consciousness to be released. Your job is to soften any resistance that is operating from a state of fear and preventing you from connecting with the vibrations that are surfacing. This will enable the process of healing and transformation. Be curious, observe, and allow.

Another form of resistance to clearing old vibrations is intellectualizing the process. When we get into our head, we move away from experiencing the feeling and begin interpreting and analyzing what we may be feeling or seeing in our minds, or we may talk about it with others who are present. This is less likely to happen if you are using the system on your own, but if you are working with a Healing InSight practitioner or helping a friend or family member, please resist analyzing what is happening, as it will detract from your connection to the energy you are intending to release. Talking or naming a sensation is fine and will not interfere, but overanalyzing the process will steer you away from being with what-is.

I believe that it helps to see resistance as your friend. Don’t fight it. Resistance begins as an attempt to protect you and keep you safe. Remember that it is only there because you are not yet aligned with the new positive belief, and what you are asking of your subconscious mind goes against what it currently believes to be true. On one level we are invested in our old beliefs, and in some ways they do serve an aspect of us, but they rarely serve the whole self. This phenomenon is called a “hidden gain”. It may not be obvious to us why we would want to hold onto particular beliefs when they seem to be hindering us, but on some level they often serve an unconscious need or desire.

For example, someone with chronic illness may be invested in being sick because they have an underlying belief that “being sick is the only way of being cared for”. They may intellectually understand the importance of shifting this belief and choosing to align with a more supportive one, such as “I am cared for and loved when I am healthy and well, just as much as I am cared for when I am sick and tired”, but they may experience rising panic and resistance when they try to change this belief. Perhaps, as a child, when they were sick, their mother would take time off work to care for them, but the rest of the time, they were looked after in nursery school or by a grumpy nanny, so they became programmed to believe that sickness was a pathway to their mother’s love. When denied the hidden gain of love, time, and attention associated with illness, they now become fearful, because in the past, “being okay” meant that their mother would be absent, bringing with it a feeling of being alone. The adult child may need to learn (or programme) the new belief that they are worthy and deserving of love, perhaps, specifically, their mother’s love.

Sadly, most of our beliefs are programmed in our first six years of life, when we are largely egocentric, not yet having developed much empathy or understanding of another’s perspective. The child may have perceived or interpreted the mother’s absence as “work was more important to Mother than me”. They may have noticed their mother’s absence from the home and decided that they are unlovable or unimportant and have an emotional reaction to that.

In this example, even though the mother may love the child endlessly and take any opportunity to be with them when they are sick, she may also have been torn by her need to bring in money or honour prior commitments. The child’s beliefs are based upon their perception of events, and will subsequently inform their feelings, perceptions, thought patterns, and behaviours in adult life, including manifesting as sickness in order to gain love and attention from loved ones.

Most behavioural patterns after the age of seven years old is directed by subconscious patterning, and knowing this helps us to unpick beliefs that do not serve our children. Communicating with them about how you may be feeling, using a reassuring manner, helps the child to see things from a different perspective so that they do not feel responsible for family difficulties.

In yourself, when you notice resistance to changing a belief, perhaps in the form of a growing sensation or emotion—or a distraction of the mind—simply notice it, thank it for trying to protect you, breathe, and relax into the sensation and release it. Remind yourself that you are okay, and that this shift is to enable you to live and feel well. It is important that you suspend judgements about yourself and your previous experiences or reactions; they will interfere with the process. Love yourself compassionately throughout, and feel loving support from others as you face your fears and limitations, replacing them with top-grade, unconditionally loving, supportive, and uniting beliefs. Our reality may have been a long-running programme, but this does not mean that we cannot change it, upgrade it, and download ourselves an improved version of life on Earth.


Release occurs in many ways but usually involves working with the breath. Resistance can show up as a tightness or restriction in the breath, but the breath can also be the vehicle that allows us to settle into the “now” and our being. We can use it to connect into and release energy. When we feel stuck and enter a “holding” place, breathing enables energy to flow and for us to move through difficulties. Allow yawns or big breaths to come forth and release—it is the easiest and most effective way to allow an old energy to clear. I am constantly yawning whilst I am doing energy work with clients and can sometimes literally feel energy drawing up through my crown to be released as I do so.

Allow the body to move as it wishes. Some people, including myself and my reiki teacher Richard (“King of the Spasms”), will jolt or spasm occasionally; this is perfectly normal and a healthy way of releasing. Moving or shaking may provide enough movement to enable energy to be released, if needed, as does brushing or sweeping the body with the hands, or even tapping on the points of tension or wherever you are drawn to. The Healing InSight method uses a powerful movement form in the shape of the lemniscate, a figure-of-eight drawn with the hands that follow the shape of the infinity symbol. This is a balancing and harmonizing movement in itself, designed to help energy to move through the body, ready for its release. I refer to this in the system as the Infinity Harmonizing Movement.

If you find yourself crying, allow it. Your tears will likely be brief, as the flowing movement allows releases to occur quickly. If your aim is to clear resistance and encourage a release, simply allow yourself to soften. Soften the muscles, keep breathing, and bring compassion, self-love, and the sense of a higher consciousness, or even God’s love, into your being. This will help you to trust in the process and know that you are exactly where you are meant to be and that all is perfect, just as it is.

Both hemispheres of the brain are activated using this technique, and with it often comes a sense of release, which may register as clarity, relief, or heaviness lifting from the body or mind. Sensations can be either subtle or intense, and are often unique to the person and issue being processed. Sensations are your signposts, and you will come to read them more accurately the more you practise the system. I have used it with energy healers and laypersons alike, and have found that every person I have introduced to the system has witnessed shifts. The best way to know if you have released is to bring your awareness inward to see if you feel better. Chances are that you will feel clearer, happier, more positive, and engaged.


Realignment means changing our identification with an old, unhelpful belief to identifying with a new, positive one. When we are aligned with something, we are “on board” with it, working with it, broadcasting its vibration out into the world, and receiving a reality of like experience.

When realigning a belief, you may initially experience a lack of congruence with the new belief, as though you are trying to convince yourself of the new alignment, and this may feel awkward. You may think, “But this is not true” or “I don’t believe this”. If this occurs, try not to add too much weight to that thought. If we dive into thinking “This is not true”, we may infer that the system is not working for us and encounter a wall of resistance. When you first start working with the system and activating the hemispheres of the brain, the new belief will not feel like your truth; however, even though you are currently not aligned, this does not mean that things will not change shortly.

You must enter a process of allowing and suspending your judgements. You are going through this process of change because you are currently not aligned with the positive reality you want to experience, so try to become curious and hold a space for the new idea and for your full self to step into this new truth. It may be that, just before you are about to align, you are stopped by noticing the feeling of discord you currently hold about the desired belief. The answer is to be patient and observe.

When you begin to align with the new belief, noticeable momentum starts to build—the arms performing the infinity harmonizing movement often begin to move more freely, a feeling of lightness may come over the entire body, and the new belief may start to feel like a possible truth, which continues to build into a sense of coherence—“Yes, this feels true”.


When a belief has realigned, we may be aware that there has been a shift, and we might feel different: lighter, happier, relieved, or stronger. However, we have not engaged fully with the new belief until we allow our whole selves to resonate with the new belief’s vibration. In order to acquire the “felt sense” and meaning of the new belief, one must immerse fully in its vibratory field. If the subconscious mind is on board, we are mostly there, but we may not yet resonate with the new belief and get hold of what this realignment means for us in terms of our potential new reality.

Using the visualization process contained in the healing system allows us to fully engage with the new belief and envision how it might shape our reality. We can begin to see ourselves with this new belief and notice what is new and different. We may hear a different stream of self-talk to what has been usual for us, but most frequently, we feel what it is like to fully align with (or resonate with) the whole-body awareness that accompanies this new belief.

Resonance is what allows you to feel complete and able to imagine the new energetic alignment and its good vibe. When we allow ourselves the space to visualize, all sorts of pictures and visions can be gifted to us to allow us to “see”, beyond ordinary sight, what this healing actually means for us. Sometimes, symbols or pictures will “speak”, either metaphorically or symbolically; sometimes, old connections are made and new understandings formed. Changing beliefs allows us to hold a different, usually higher, perspective from which to interpret our experience. When we resonate with a new belief, we can access different behavioural and thought fields. For example, if we have previously felt inadequate or unintelligent, and have shifted that to “adequate and intelligent”, we may now comfortably see ourselves in situations where we are sharing our opinion, whereas, previously, we wouldn’t have behaved in such a manner.

What we see and feel in the visualization are often experiences we will draw to us in the new reality we have tuned in to. Once aligned with the belief that we are adequate and intelligent, we will be much more likely now to take up a class or new interest. If we add in “capable, interesting, unique, safe, worthy, and deserving”, the world becomes our oyster and this can be seen in the visualization.

Mary, from the example earlier, saw herself standing in front of her father, feeling strong and confident in herself—a totally new imagining, yet she was subsequently able to do this in reality over her Christmas break. When we resonate with healthy, expansive beliefs, using the Healing InSight method, our lives are enriched, our horizon expands, and truly, all becomes possible!