Chapter 9
The Advanced Belief Realignment Method
The Advanced Method was created to help us delve deeper into our unconscious minds and subconscious programming. Beliefs can reinforce or support one another, layering on top of each other. Our minds and conditioning processes are indeed complex.
In the Advanced Method we will work with the belief pages and, through a process of discovery, muscle-test to discover which chakras are impeded by which beliefs (and their associated feelings). These chakra beliefs are framed in the positive, and you may find through muscle testing that you may well have an opposite (negative) belief that is getting in the way of your desired alignment. These are what I call Priority Beliefs. We will identify and change these priority beliefs, one at a time until we are completely aligned with our initial desired belief, identifying and peeling away the layers as we go.
The process itself is a little more complex, but you will get the hang of it quickly as you follow the protocol. There are plenty of video clips you can watch to help you see it in action (see the Resources section).
The key to using the Advanced Method is curiosity. Simply be curious and open to what you may discover. Our brain likes to pattern-match to make sense of what we are experiencing, so we might have our own ideas about what is at the bottom of an issue. Suspend your judgements, and engage your observer curiosity to help you move through the muscle-testing process smoothly.
During the process, it is common for people to get insights into where a particular belief came from (or how it has been played out), with visions of people, circumstances, or past experiences. You don’t have to do anything with these. They are coming into your conscious awareness to be resolved and healed with the method. Once brought into awareness, notice and acknowledge the memory or insight, breathe, and stay focused on the process. You may find that the picture in your mind changes, or you may perceive the event differently or from a higher perspective, once aligned with your belief. Suspending judgement and allowing are important here, as with any energy work.
REMEMBER: resistance arises so that it can be released. Permit the breath to flow, and allow the body and muscles to soften. Release may come in the form of tears or yawning. These are usually short lived: once the resistance holding the conditioning in place is cleared, the belief and the emotion will clear. Stay focused on the movement, the hand (hemisphere activation), and—importantly—on repeating the belief.
So, are you ready to play?
Once you have established that it is for your highest and best good to use the Advanced Method (using the Simple Method Enquiry in Step 1 of the previous chapter), turn to the Advanced Method’s process of discovery. You will also need the Chakra Aspect Chart and Chakra Belief Chart (see Chapter 12) or the app or card deck on hand to help with the process of discovery.
STEP 1: The Process of Discovery
We will now discover which priority belief(s) you need to align with by first discovering which chakra the beliefs are in. Muscle-test this as follows:
Find Which Chakra the Priority Beliefs Are In
STATE: “The priority beliefs for me to align with are in the root chakra”, and muscle-test.
If “yes”, go forward to the step below entitled “Find Which Aspect of This Chakra the Priority Beliefs Are In”.
If “no”, state: “The priority beliefs for me to align with are in the sacral chakra”, and muscle-test. Keep making the statement with each chakra and until you find your “yes”:
Once you have found your “yes”, do not muscle-test the other chakras, but as above, simply move on to the section below entitled “Find Which Aspect of This Chakra the Priority Beliefs Are In”.
We will now discover which priority belief(s) you need to align with by discovering which aspect the beliefs are contained in.
There are seven aspects per chakra. These aspects are listed for ease in the “Chakra Aspects Chart” at the beginning of Chapter 12 (bookmark this, so that it is readily available as you work through the advanced process). The aspects are also the title headings on the Chakra Beliefs Chart(s) and on each Chakra Aspect Card, which can also be used in the discovery process (see Chapter 12, or use the Healing InSight app or card deck).
If there is more than one aspect that needs to be worked with, it will show up again later in the process. For now, we are looking for one priority aspect. You do not have to keep muscle-testing through the other aspects of the chosen chakra.
Find Which Aspect of This Chakra the Priority Beliefs Are In
STATE: “The priority aspect for me to align with is [name aspect one]”, and muscle-test. If, for example, your muscle test selected the root chakra, aspect one would be Grounding.
If “yes”, this is the priority aspect you will work with now. If “no”, keep muscle-testing through the seven aspects in the Chakra Aspect Chart, until you have found your “yes”.
Once the aspect within the chakra has been discovered, we go on to discover which belief(s) within this aspect are the priority beliefs to align with. It may not be necessary to align with all four beliefs here, so we muscle-test to discover which beliefs to align with. The beliefs are numbered in order of their appearance in the chart or cards. (The fourth belief is the short “I” statement to the top right of the beliefs in the chart, or at the bottom of the card in the card deck.)
Find Which of the Four Beliefs Are Priority
You may need to align with beliefs one, two, three, and/or four on that aspect, which means keep muscle-testing through numbers one to four, to ascertain which ones to include in your statement.
Once you have identified the belief(s) to bring yourself into alignment with, follow the simple alignment method and read all of the identified statements you muscle-tested “yes” for in one long string, following the same change process as before.
Continue as with the Simple Alignment Method
Continue the process with steps 2–6 of the Simple Alignment Method (these have been laid out again here for ease). Then continue to step 7 of the Advanced Method.
STEP 2: Which Hemisphere to Activate First Muscle-Test
STATE: “I need to activate the left hemisphere first”, and muscle-test. If “yes”, remember that you will need to perform the movements in step 4, with your left side first, then your right side. If “no”, remember that you will need to perform the movements in step 4 with your right side first, then your left side.
STEP 3: The Movement Stand in Wuji Posture
Ground, feet apart, knees soft and open, hips neutral, shoulders relaxed, breath relaxed. Extend up as an empty vessel, between the energies of heaven and earth.
Standing in Wuji
The Infinity Harmonizing Movement
Perform the infinity harmonizing movement over the lower dan tian (the area just below the navel).
The Steps of the Infinity Harmonizing Movement
STEP 4: Left and Right Brain Activation and Congruence
Activate the First Hemisphere
Bring your awareness and attention to the energy in your left (or right) hand, repeating your string of priority beliefs, until the left (or right) hemisphere of the brain feels activated.
Activate the Second Hemisphere
Bring your awareness and attention to the energy in your right (or left) hand, repeating your beliefs, until the right (or left) hemisphere of the brain feels activated.
Whole-Brain and Whole-Body Awareness
Hold both hemispheres of the brain in whole-body awareness, simply as an observer, continuing to repeat the belief, and witnessing the release and belief alignment.
Whole-Brain and Whole-Body Awareness
STEP 5: Belief Embodiment Visualization
Bring Your Hands Towards Your Body
When the hemispheres are activated and the belief alignment feels congruent, bring the hands towards the body, and close your eyes.
Visualize and Feel the Vibration of the New Belief
Take at least 68 seconds (what you sense to be just over a minute) to connect with what this now feels like. Allow a vision to come to mind that represents you with this new belief and its associated possibilities in your life.
Belief Embodiment Visualization
STEP 6: Grounding and Planting the New Belief
Send the Belief to the Earth
Place your hands at the sides of your hips, palms facing the earth, and imagine planting the belief (plus any excess energy) into the Earth Star Portal chakra beneath your feet.
Remain Until the Belief and Energy are Grounded
Remain until you sense the belief has landed and you feel grounded, ready to get on with your day.
Grounding and Planting
STEP 7: Advanced Alignment Test
You will now muscle-test your chosen belief statements in one long thread to confirm the new alignment.
Confirm the Presence of the Desired Belief
Make your desired belief statement and muscle-test to confirm its presence. “Yes” to the affirming statement? It is so. Well done! If “no”, do you need to do the process again? STATE: “I need to realign with this belief now”, and muscle-test. If “yes”, repeat the process.
Once you have aligned using the Simple Method, there may be several more beliefs to discover and align with. This is the layering process I talked about earlier. Discover and realign the layers in order to get to your desired outcome.
Check to See If Another Alignment Is Needed
STATE: “There is another priority belief to align with in order to complete this process”, and muscle-test. If “yes”, continue the process of discovery outlined above in the steps of the Advanced Method to discover which chakra, which aspect, and which belief(s). Then align using steps 2-7 of the Simple Method until there are no more beliefs to align with in order to complete the process. When there are no more beliefs to align with, move to your final muscle test and belief embodiment visualization.
STEP 8: Final Test and Realignment
Confirm the Presence of the Initial Desired Belief
Speak aloud the initial desired belief, and muscle-test to confirm its presence (your “yes”).
Confirm the Absence of the Initial Unhelpful Belief
Muscle-test your unhelpful belief to confirm its absence (your “no”).
Final Belief Embodiment Visualization
It’s lovely after that sometimes long process to bask in and build upon your new resonance. The belief embodiment visualization is designed to help you harness the power of the law of attraction, so take your time to create this resonance, noticing the specific things that come up, and allow the vibration to grow and become as bright and beautiful as possible.
Bring your hands towards your body to conduct the Belief Embodiment Visualization for your initial belief. Hopefully you will have enjoyed a lovely new resonance.
Plant and Ground the Belief in the Earth
Bring your hands to your sides, turn your palms towards the earth. Imagine planting the new belief beneath your feet in the Earth Star Portal Chakra.
The Manifestation Process for Whole-Body Coherence
Muscle-test the statement “I need to do the manifestation process in relation to this belief”. If “yes”, continue to Chapter 10. If “no”, your process is complete. Enjoy your new resonance and new possibilities! If you are guided during the visualization towards something you might describe as incongruent with a positive vibration (for example, whilst there may be a change in perception, something has not shifted and still feels uncomfortable—a “yes, but...”), simply notice it, without judgement. Stay with the process, and your vision may change. In my experience, Spirit is working with you while you are switched on and in full awareness, leading you to an associated issue or the next place you need to go to. In essence, you may still be aligning, and energy may still be moving through you into full resonance.
This work can be a little like a Jenga game. We can pull belief after belief and sometimes need to do more than we realize for a whole life issue to collapse. Awareness is key to success, so stay with the vision until it feels complete. If the final visualization does not feel fully congruent, it is likely that there is more work to do with the body’s integration of the new belief through the Manifestation Process (see Chapter 10), which enables a fully coherent gut, heart, and head resonance with the new belief.
NOTE: These processes can be stopped and picked up again at a different time. If you have become tired, write down where you are (including your next step), take a break, and come back to it another day.
Although I describe worst-case scenarios here, the process is often simple and easy. The important point to remember is that you are transforming your deepest conditioning every time you work on yourself, so honour your process. Some of us have had it harder than others, and often these belief programmes have been running for decades! If the alignments do not come easily, there may just be a little more unwinding to do. Be patient, and honour and celebrate your successes.