Appendix C

Healing InSight Worksheets

Forgiveness Protocol Worksheet

First, look at the way the person you would like to forgive makes you feel. Hold them in your imagination, and list (place on “the washing line”) all of the feelings or things you recognize in yourself as difficulty, pain, contraction (being less than you are), as a consequence of this relationship.



Once you have your statement, muscle-test using the Healing InSight system to see if it is for your highest and best good to align with this belief statement. Change it, if necessary, and continue to use a Healing InSight Simple or Advanced Method process. You will likely need to use the Advanced process and may also need to follow up with the Manifestation process, so check at the end to see if this is so. Once you have forgiven, you should be able to let go and may wish to finish with a letting-go belief.

Healing InSight Life Review Worksheet

The Healing Insight Life Review is to enable you to evaluate your own life within the scope of the holistic chakra system, as reflected by the chakra aspects. You can work through the review and reflect upon the aspects and the polarities I have selected (the expansive statements and the limiting statements), scoring where you sit on each polarity’s continuum, and then highlighting—perhaps circling—the ones you would like to address in terms of belief change. You may also muscle-test through the expansive and limiting statements, and record a “yes” or “no” for each. We would be hoping to find a “yes” for the expansive and a “no” for the limiting statemens.

Our collective and familial conditioning, however, means that this is rarely the case. Circle the statements you would like to change, and use the system to align with the expansive beliefs. As always, there should be no judgement placed on your discoveries. The purpose is to enable you to dive into the development of self-awareness and self-love as you journey to become more joyous more of the time. Wishing you all the compassion, patience, and kindness you need to transform your life into one of joy, health, wealth, and bliss.



