Many other women writers throughout the Appalachian region are worthy of being included in this book, which could easily have been twice as large. Some of the writers have not yet published a book and others are widely recognized. This list of selected titles is in no way comprehensive; it is merely a starting point for further study. New writers are constantly emerging. The voices listed here also deserve to be heard.
P | poetry |
F | fiction |
YA | young adult fiction |
NF | nonfiction |
D | drama |
SR | sound recording |
VR | video recording |
F The Purchase of Order (Athens: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1988), won Flannery O'Connor Award
P We're Alright But We Ain't Special: Poems by three women from Appalachia [Gail V. Amburgey, Mary Jane Coleman, Pauletta Hansel] (Beckley, W.Va.: Mountain Union Books, 1976)
P Some Poems by Some Women [Gail V. Amburgey, Alice May Holdren Oglesby, Bonni V. McKeown, Leslie Thornhill Graham, F. Evelyn Ryan, Pauletta Hansel] (Beckley, W.Va.: Quickprint Center, 1975)
F & P Stories and poems published in New Voices, Kestrel, Carolina Quarterly, Redbook, The Sun
F Those That Mattered (New York: Crown Publishers, 1994)
NF Sexual Harassment in the Coal Industry: A Survey Of Women Miners by Connie White, Barbara Angle, & Marat Moore (Oak Ridge, Tenn.: Coal Employment Project, 1981)
F Rinker (Washington, D.C.: Crossroads Press, 1979)
P A Wild Kentucky Garden: Poems & Essays (Ashland, Ky.: Jesse Stuart Foundation, 1998)
YA Up Molasses Mountain (New York: Wendy Lamb Books, 2002)
F Cis Martin, or The Furriners in the Tennessee Mountains (1898)
YA McKendree (New York: Greenwillow Books, 2000)
YA From Miss Ida's Porch (New York: Four Winds Press, 1993)
P No Private Life (Vanderbilt Univ. Press, 1990)
NF Wide Neighborhoods: A Story of the Frontier Nursing Service (New York: Harper, 1952), memoir of its founder
P Blind Horse (Huron, Ohio: Bottom Dog Press, 1999)
P Breathless (Kent, Ohio: Kent State Univ. Press, 1995)
F Louisiana (New York: Scribner's, 1880)
NF The One I Knew Best of All: A Memory of the Mind of a Child (Scribner, 1893)
YA After the Goat Man (New York: Viking, 1974)
YA The Summer of Swans (New York: Viking, 1970)
SR In The Shadow of Clinch Mountain, Bear Family Records, 2000
SR Sara &Maybelle Carter, Bear Family Records
SR An Historic Reunion: Sara & May belle, the Original Carters, Koch, 1966, 1997
F Sapphira and the Slave Girl, 1940
P Sit Down, Says Love (The Argonne Hotel Press, 1999)
P Heart on a Leash (Red Dragon Press, 1998)
P Pinecrest Rest Haven (Word Works, 1998)
P Poems: New & Selected (Pensacola, Fla.: Vision Library Publications, 1994)
NF Echo in My Soul (New York: Dutton, 1962), memoir of African American teacher/activist affiliated with Highlander Center in Monteagle, Tenn.
P What a Light Thing, This Stone: Poems (Abingdon, Va.: Sow's Ear Press, 1999)
P Weather of the House (Abingdon, Va.: Sow's Ear Press, 1994)
YA Where the Lilies Bloom (New York: Harper & Row, 1969)
F The Handywoman Stories (Athens, Ohio: Swallow Press/Ohio University Press, 2002)
P Take One Blood Red Rose (Cambridge, Mass.: West End Press, 1978)
P A Cave and a Cracker (Georgetown, Ky., 1996)
P Blackberry Tea (Pikeville, Ky., 1988)
F The Law of the Dead (New York: Ivy Books, Ballantine, 1999)
F The Law of Revenge (New York: Ivy Books, Ballantine, 1997)
P Province of Fire (Oak Ridge, Tenn: Iris Press, 1998)
P Food for the Winter (Purdue Univ. Press, 1990)
F The Power and the Glory (New York: AL. Burt Co, 1910, rpt. 2003)
YA Soft Rain: A Story of the Cherokee Trail Tears (New York: Bantam, 1998)
P Swing Your Mountain Gal: Sketches of Life in the Southern Highlands, with illustrations by the author (Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1934)
YA Good-Bye and Keep Cold (Orchard/Watts, 1987)
NF Creeker: A Woman's Journey (Lexington: Univ. Press of Kentucky, 1999), memoir of Eastern Kentucky native
NF Songs of Life and Grace (Lexington: Univ. Press of Kentucky, 2003)
SR Hard-Hitting Songs for Hard-Hit People (Rounder 0126)
SR By the Sweat of My Brow (Rounder 0200)
SR It's Hard to Tell the Singer from the Song (Rounder 0226)
SR A Few Old Memories, Rounder Records, 1987
SR Hazel Dickens and Alice Gerrard, Rounder, 1976, 1998
SR Coal Mining Women, Rounder, 1997
SR Hazel Dickens & Alice Gerrard Pioneering Women of Bluegrass, Smithsonian/Folkways, 1965, 1996
SR Won't You Come & Sing For Me, 1973
SR Who's That Knocking? [with Alice Gerrard, Chubby Wise, and others, Verve Folkways, 1966
NF “Songs: Mannington Mine Disaster and Black Lung,” Mountain Life & Work 47 (April 1971): 10–13.
NF “As Country as I Could Sing.” Growin’ Up Country, ed. Jim Axelrod. Clintwood, Va.: Council of the Southern Mountains, 1973.
F Plant Life (New York: Delacourt, 2003)
F Moon Women (New York: Delacourt, 2001)
F Carolina Mountain Breezes (Asheville, N.C.: Miller Press, 1929)
NF Womanist Conjure: Voodoo Narratives in the Fiction of Black Women Writers (Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Kentucky, 2001)
YA My Stars, It's Mrs. Gaddy (Greenwillow Books, 1991)
YA Journey Outside (Viking, 1969)
YA The Tailypo: A Ghost Story (Clarion Books, 1977)
F Vein of Iron (New York: Harcourt, 1935)
F Barren Ground (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1925)
F The Battle-ground (New York: Doubleday, 1902)
NF A Water Snake's Year (New York: Atheneum, 1991)
SR Tell It on the Mountain: Appalachian Women Writers (Whitesburg, Ky.: WMMT-FM, Appalshop, 1995)
YA Willie Pearl (Temple Hills, Md.: William Ruth & Co., 1990)
NF “My Name is Sarah Ogan Gunning,” Sing Out! 25:2 (1976): 15–16.
YA Mountain Jack Tales (New York: Dutton, 1992)
YA Jack and the Bean Tree (New York: Crown, 1986)
NF Look Back with Love: A Recollection of the Blue Ridge, (New York: Vanguard, 1969), essays
F Roseanna McCoy (New York: H. Holt, 1947)
F The Gods and One (New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1941)
F The Hills Step Lightly (New York: Morrow, 1934)
F Thursday April (New York: Harper, 1931)
P Night Winds (1976)
P Published in Now and Then, Wind, Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel, Iron Mountain Review, Red Crow Review, Sow's Ear, Appalachian Journal, A! Magazine for Arts and Antiques, and Appalachian Heritage
NF Appalachian Passage (Athens: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1991), memoir
YA Jamie Lemme See (Radford, Va.: Commonwealth Press, 1975)
P Anemones (Memphis: Grandmother Earth Creations, 1998)
F Marthy Lou's Kiverlid (Morristown, Tenn.: Triangle Press, 1937; rpt. 1963), preserves Tenn. and N.C. mountain folklore and speech from around 1900 to 1910
NF Keowee: The Story of the Keowee River Valley in Upstate South Carolina (Greenville, S.C.: Michael Hembree & Dot Jackson, 1995)
SR Aunt Molly Jackson (Library of Congress, 1972)
SR The Songs and Stories of Aunt Molly Jackson (1961)
P Virginia Dreams: Lyrics for the Idle Hour, Tales of the Time Told in Rhyme (John M. Leonard, 1910), published online as part of the Digital Schomburg African American Women Writers of the 19th Century project providing electronic access to collections on the African Diaspora and Africa from The New York Public Library, http://digilib.nypl.org:80/dynaweb/digs/wwm9712/@GenericBookTextView/130;pt=127
P Stain My Days Blue (Philadelphia: Ausdoh Press, 1999)
P Spirit Rising (1999)
F At Home in Mitford (Elgin, Ill.: Lion Pub, 1994), the first of the Mitford series of novels
YA Listen for Rachel (New York: Margaret K. McElderry Books, 1986)
NF Still Woman Enough: A Memoir (New York: Hyperion, 2002), written with Patsi Bale Cox
NF Loretta Lynn: Coal Miner's Daughter (New York: Warner, 1976), memoir written with George Vecsey
F Judith of the Cumberlands (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1908)
P Controlled Flight (Alms House Press)
P Undertow (March Street Press)
P Dandelions Under the Snow
P Our Song, Too (1974)
P View from College Avenue (1973)
NF Peaceful Patriot: The Story of Tom Bennett (Charleston, W.Va.: Mountain State Press, 1980)
P Pieces: A West Virginia Woman Looks at Love, People, and Politics (Beckley, W.Va.: McKeown, 1978; rpt. Capon Springs, W.Va.: Partnership Foundation, 1982)
NF Women in the Mines: Stories of Life and Work (New York: Twayne, 1996)
F Rain on the Just (New York: Lee Furman, 1936; rpt. Southern Illinois Press, 1980)
YA Chilhowee Boys (New York: Crowell, 1893), wagon trip across the Blue Ridge from N.C. to Tenn. in 1811, based on family records
F Almena of Gabriel's Run (New York: Meridian, 1917)
YA Shiloh (New York: Atheneum, 1991), winner of the 1992 Newbury Award
F Survivors: A Novel (Midlothian, Va.: Van Neste Books, 2000)
P Blossom & Vine (Oak Ridge, Tenn.: Iris Press, 1990)
F “The Killing Jar,” in A Southern Appalachian Reader, ed. Nellie McNeil and Joyce Squibb (Boone, N.C.: Appalachian Consortium Press, 1988)
P Published in Parnassus: Poetry in Review, Appalachian Journal, PoetLore, Now & Then, recipient of the 1996 Randall Jarrell Prize in Poetry, 1997 Academy of Poets Prize, 1999 Allen Tate Memorial Prize in Poetry
NF Dolly: My Life and Other Unfinished Business (New York: HarperCollins, 1994)
YA Coat of Many Colors (New York: HarperCollins, 1994)
P Like the Mountains of China (Blair Mountain Press, 2003)
P Joyride in Human Landscapes: Three Books of Poems (Huron, Ohio: Bottom Dog Press, 1997)
P Coruscations, winner of the 1995 West Virginia Writers’ Competition
F Against Human Nature (New York: Harper, 1895), set partly in Asheville, N.C.
F “Watching Baseball, Thinking About Men,” best short story of 1995 in The Best of West Virginia Writers
F “Goshen Road,” M.A. Thesis, West Virginia Univ., 1994
YA Grandpa's Mountain (New York: Macmillan, 1991)
YA Shades of Gray (New York: Macmillan, 1989)
P Aluminum Balloons (Blacksburg, Va.: Pocahontas Press, 1996)
F Pieces for Emma (Radford, Va.: Radford University College of Arts and Sciences, 1994)
P Soot and Sunshine (Radford, Va.: Radford University College of Arts and Sciences, 1993)
VR/D From My Grandmother's Mother Onto Me (video, Cinema Guild, 1990), with Clarinda Ross-Clark
NF Bibliography of Southern Appalachia (Boone, N.C.: Appalachian Consortium Press, 1976)
F Icy Sparks (New York: Penguin, 1998)
VR Mountain Shadow: Four Appalachian Artists (Cincinnati: TV Image, 1997), videotape by Dorothy Weil and Jane Goetzman
P Poems of My People (Cincinnati : Riverside Books, 1993)
YA Zuska of the Burning Hills (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1952), daughter of immigrant Czech coal miners
F short fiction in Chicago Review
F “Bons,” in The Pushcart Prize, III: Best of the Small Presses, ed. Bill Henderson (Yonkers, N.Y.: Pushcart Press, 1978)
P From the House of Heaven and Earth: Poems (http://home.wirefire.com/pooka, 1991)
NF The Phoenix Cards (Destiny Books, 1990)
P Book of Shadows, Book of Dreams (Westfield, N.J.: Merging Media, 1979)
P Fair Haven (Negative Capability Press, 2000)
P Crazy Quilt (Hanover Press, 1999)
P How Many Stones? (Univ. of South Carolina Press, 1998)
P Devil's lane (Negative Capability Press, 1996)
P Poems Out of Harlan County (Ithaca House, 1989)
P Jack Tales (Greenfield Review Press, 1982)
P Mary Pearl Kline (Big Timber, Mont.: Seven Buffaloes Press, 1990)
F Dear Flora Mae and Other Stories (Big Timber, Mont.: Seven Buffaloes Press, 1987)
P Pearl (Big Timber, Mont.: Seven Buffaloes Press, 1986)
SR With You Again (Hot Springs, N.C.: Bluff Mountain Music, 2002)
NF Jane Hicks Gentry: A Singer Among Singers (Lexington: Univ. Press of Kentucky, 1998)
SR Both Sides: Then and Now (Bluff Mountain Music, 1994)
SR A Bluff Mountain Christmas (Bluff Mountain Music, 1988)
SR Psaltry Concert (Bluff Mountain Music, 1983)
SR For My Friends of Song (June Appal Records, 1977)
SR Betty Smith: Songs Traditionally Sung in North Carolina (Folk Legacy Records, 1975)
F On Bear Moutain: A Novel (New York: Little, Brown, 2001)
YA Return to Bitter Creek (New York: Viking Kestrel, 1986)
YA The First Hard Times (New York: Viking, 1983), ALA Notable Book
YA Last Was Lloyd (New York: Viking, 1981), School Library Journal Best Book of the Year
YA A Taste of Blackberries (1973), Georgia Children's Book Award
F Strange Fruit (New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1944)
NF History of West Virginia (West Virginia Humanities Council, 1997), written for new adult readers
F No Star Nights, illus. Steve Johnson (New York: Knopf, 1989), winner of the 1990 International Reading Association Children's Book Award
P Between Comets
P Rain Dancers, Earth Blankets (chapbook, 1988)
P Spring Passages, Unguided Tours
P Time's Unfolding Garden: Anne Spencer's Life and Poetry, ed. J. Lee Greene (Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 1977)
YA Witch of the Cumberlands (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974)
YA Moccasin Tracks (New York: Dodd Mead, 1958)
F Fiddler's Fancy (Chicago: Follett, 1955)
NF Blue Ridge Country (New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1942)
NF Ballad Makin’ in the Mountains of Kentucky (New York: H. Holt, 1939; rpt. New York: Oak Publications, 1964)
NF The Traipsin’ Woman (New York: Dutton, 1933)
NF Devil's Ditties: Being Stories of the Kentucky Mountain People (Chicago: W.W. Hatfield, 1931; rpt. Detroit: Gale Research, 1976)
P Thoughts While Swinging a Wild Child in a Green Mesh Hammock: Poems of Rebirth from the Bootheels of Appalachia (London, Ky.: Janze Publications, 1991), with a foreword by Jim Wayne Miller
P & F License My Roving Hands: Poems and Stories (Boone, N.C.: Parkway Publishers, 2000)
P & F Ransom Street Quartet: Poems and Stories (Boone, N.C.: Parkway Publishers, 1995)
P Four Contemporary Poets: Sharon Olds, Eleanor Wilner, Maddie Gomez, Juanita Tobin (Flushing, N.Y.: La Vida Press, 1984)
F Genesis Road (unpublished novel-in-progress)
P Light and Sound (M.F.A. thesis, UNC-Greensboro, 1987)
YA Flea Circus Summer (New York: Orchard, 1997), the first book in the Venola Mae series, all set in West Virginia
F Danger Downriver (New York: Viking, 1972)
YA Belle Prater's Boy (New York: Farrar, 1996) Newberry Honor Book
YA Weeping Willow (New York: Farrar, 1992) ALA Best Book for Young Adults
YA Sweet Creek Holler (New York: Farrar, 1988)
F Water Street (London: Toby Press, 2002)
F Blackberries, Blackberries (London: Toby Press, 2000)
F The Heart of a Thirsty Woman (New York: Scribner, 1999)
F Slow Dancing on Dinosaur Bones (New York: Scribner, 1996)
F For the Major, A Novelette (New York Harper, 1883), set in western N.C. in 1860s
P Take in My Arms the Dark: Poems (Abingdon, Va.: Sow's Ear Press, 1999)
F Salt (New York: Picador, 2002)
P Oriflamb (Asheville: Groves Print, N.C. Writers Network, 1987)