The forces involved in the fighting kept good records, for the most part, with postwar dislocations having some impact. An Allied bomb raid in 1944 destroyed most World War I files belonging to the Prussian Army. What survived was later moved to the current location of the German military archive, in Freiburg i.B. A few additional records have turned up in odd places, such as a typescript of the Cavalry Corps Schmettow’s combat journal. This was found in the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center Library, having been brought back to the United States after being copied and translated in 1923 by a U.S. military attaché in Berlin.
Austria: Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, Kriegsarchiv (Abbreviated ÖStA)
Armee Oberkommando (AOK)
Heeresgruppe-Heeresfront Erzherzog Karl (HFEK)
1 Armee (1AOK)
12 Armee (12AOK)
VI Armee Korps (VIAK)
XI Armee Korps (XIAK)
XXI Armee Korps (XXIAK)
71 Infanterie Truppen Division
72 Infanterie Truppen Division
73 Infanterie Truppen Division
Evidenz Bureau
Donau Flotille (DF)
Conrad von Hötzendorf, Franz
Cramon, August von.
Goiginger, Ludwig FML
Unpublished Manuscripts
MS1/Wk Ru 1916/1–9
Kiszling, Rudolf. “Darstellung der Teilnahme der dem Oberkommando Mackensen unterstellten k.u.k. Truppen und der Donauaflotilla am Feldzüge in der Dobrudscha, Donauübergang bei Sistov und Vormarsche nach Bukarest.” n.d.
———. “Die Operationen der k.u.k. 1. Armee 1916 von Ausbruch des rumänischen Krieges bis zur Befreiung Siebenbürgens.” n.d.
———. “Vorbereitung Osterreich-Ungarns für einen Krieg mit Rumänien – Die rumänische Aufmarsch und Kriegsplan.” 1925.
MS1/Wk Ru 1916/14
Lütgendorff, Kasimir Freiherr von. “Die Erretung der GYERGO vor der russischer Invasion durch das k.u.k. XXI. Korpsm Herbste 1916 oder die Kämpfe des k.u.k. Korps in Siebenbürgen im Herbste 1916 einschliesslich des siegreichen Durchbruchs bei TÖLGYES.”
Rath, Paul. “Öffnung des Törzburger
Passes.” n.d.
Schäfer, Hugo. “Tagebuchaufzeichnungen des Chefs der Qu Abteilung 1 über den Feldzug in Siebenbürgen 1916.” n.d.
England: the National Archive (Abbreviated TNA)
Royal Naval Armored Car Squadron
Air Office
AO 2/36 56/3
Foreign Office
FO 371/2606.
FO 371/2607.
FO 371/2869.
FO 371/2631.
Germany: Bundesarchiv-militärarchiv (Abbreviated BAMA)
Nachlass Falkenhayn, Erich von.
Nachlass Hammerstein-Gesmold, Frithjof Fhr v.
Nachlass Mackensen, August von.
Nachlass Morgen, Kurt von.
Nachlass Schmettow, Eberhard von.
Nachlass Tappen, Gerhard.
PH 5/II 284 KTB 9AOK 26 September-20 December 1916.
PH 5/II 285 KTB 9AOK 19–25 September 1916.
PH 5/II 286 KTB 9AOK 20 December – 31 December 1916.
PH 5/II 288 9AOK, Befehle u. Meldungen, 13 September-26 October 1916.
PH 5/II 289 9AOK 1916 – January 1918.
PH 5/II 542 9AOK, miscellaneous organizational records.
PH 5/II 543 9AOK, Radio Messages September-November 1916.
PH 6/II 139 XXXIX Reserve Korps 22 September – 1 Oktober 1916.
PH 6/II 140 XXXIX Reserve Korps 1 October-15 November 1916.
PH 6/II 141 XXXIX Reserve Korps 16 November–31 November 1916.
PH 6/IV Kavallerie Korps Schmettow 11 September 1916–18 October 1916.
Germany: Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, IV Kriegsarchiv (Abbreviated BKA)
8th Bayer. Reserve Infanterie Division, KTB.
11th Bayer. Infanterie Division, KTB.
12th Bayer. Infanterie Division, KTB.
Alpenkorps, KTB.
Germany: Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg (Abbreviated LB-W)
M130 Württemberg Mountain Battalion Records, 1914–1919
Russia: Rossiskii Gosudarstvennyi Voenno-Istoricheskii Arkhiv (Abbreviated as RGVIA)
Fond 55, Inventory 4, Archival Number 1. Zaionchkovsky Correspondence.
Fond 69, Inventory 1, Case 85. Telegrams on Drill, Economic, and Operational Matters and Correspondence.
Fond 2003, Inventory 1, Archival Number 81. Operational Directives and Instructions to the Troops of the Romanian Front.
Fond 2003, Inventory 1, Archival Number 108. Operational Orders and Directives to the Troops of the Army of Dobrogea.
Fond 2003, Inventory 1, Archival Number 516. Zaionchkovsky report, “The Dobrogea: August-October, 2 November 1916.”
Fond 2270, Inventory 1, Case 3. Summary of Operations of the Headquarters of the 47th Independent Corps, July 1-October 6, 1916.
United States: Army Heritage and Education Center, Carlisle Barracks (Abbreviated USAHEC)
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Online Items
Ciobanu, Nicolae. “Pierderile umane ale României in timpul Räzboiului de intregire.”
Dose, Gerhard Friedrich. “Infantry Regiment 187 in Romania, 1916–1917.” Translated by Glen Grady and Gerben Van Vlimmeren.
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Razu, Alexandru. “The Romanian Campaign of 1916.” Translation of Constantin Kiritescu, Istoria razboului pentru integirea Romanei 1916–1919, 3rd ed., vol. 1. The Great War Forum, http://1914–