Materials list
acrylic paint
bubble wrap, packing materials
found paper such as sheet music, Chinese newspapers, children’s book pages, phone book pages (toned with acrylic paint if desired)
Bubble wrap, both large and small bubbles, offers a nice circular pattern impression when painted and pressed into paper. As you continue to use the same piece of bubble wrap over and over again, you’ll notice that some air escapes the bubbles. As you continue to stamp with this deflating bubble wrap, you will see a more organic and less uniform pattern develop.
In this demonstration I am stamping on a variety of painted found papers like book pages and old sheet music.
STEP ONE: Brayer or brush the bubble wrap with undiluted acrylic paint.
STEP TWO: Press the bubble wrap into a white or printed piece of paper.
STEP THREE: Lift the bubble wrap from the paper.
STEP FOUR: Change paint colors and repeat. (I think this technique works really nicely with analogous paint colors.)
STEP FIVE: Continue to overlay the pattern, switching bubble sizes and paint colors for really interesting results.
Again the possibilities are virtually endless. Here are just a few ideas to try, from unique bubble wrap patterns to creative layering.