Our brains are wired for pleasure, and with the stresses of daily life, many people use negative behaviors to cope such as abusing alcohol, smoking cigarettes, using recreational and prescription drugs, having promiscuous sex, or gambling. Over 30 percent of Americans struggle with drug and alcohol abuse, with many seeking treatment but failing to maintain sobriety.

While CBD oil is often confused with THC-rich cannabis, they are not the same. CBD oil does not cause a high like THC, and in fact, can even help people who are feeling high or manic relax. THC-rich cannabis can be addictive for 9 percent of people, while CBD oil is not addictive and actually may help people who use cannabis and other drugs (and alcohol) reduce their consumption.

CBD oil balances brain chemistry to relieve anxiety and pain that often triggers relapse. CBD oil can help reduce drug and alcohol use, alleviate symptoms of withdrawal, minimize cravings, and keep you abstinent. It also can repair damage to the brain, liver, and even the skin caused by overconsumption of alcohol or drugs. This is due to the antioxidants and anti-inflammatories it contains that fight free radical damage throughout the body.