Whether you’re just starting to work out or you’re pushing the limits of your endurance, exercise can be painful. Small muscle tears from lifting weights or sore muscles from running can tempt you to skip the gym for a day, week, or even longer. While the expression no pain, no gain rings true at the gym, you don’t have to recover in pain at home. There are numerous natural remedies to speed up workout recovery, but CBD oil has emerged as the ingredient both amateur and professional athletes prefer. Unlike THC-containing cannabis, CBD oil has been cleared by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for athletes to use. Some organizations, such as the NBA and NFL, continue to prohibit oral CBD oil use, so it’s best to check with your local sports organizations.

CBD oil contains numerous phytocannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids that promote muscle recovery and pain relief after a workout. Vigorous exercise increases breathing and causes oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants in CBD oil fight oxidative stress, which reduces inflammation and helps muscles heal faster. By fighting pain, the phytocannabinoids in CBD oil can help you beat postworkout fatigue. Getting into deep sleep can also promote faster muscle recovery, and multiple cannabinoids and terpenes in CBD oil like linalool and myrcene promote sleep. Incorporating CBD oil into your daily regimen on both workout and nonworkout days is key to getting the best results from exercising and feeling your best.


CBD oil at a dose of 15–25 milligrams should be taken as a tincture or drink after a workout, not before, so that muscle tissue can properly break down during exercise to be rebuilt again. CBD oil can also be used as a topical and applied to any sore muscles every 4 hours. CBD lotions with menthol or peppermint essential oil work the best for postworkout pain.