Some people confuse CBD oil with cannabis or its slang terms (marijuana, pot, or weed), but they are very different. Besides the fact that CBD oil does not produce the euphoric high that THC-rich cannabis does, CBD oil is nonaddictive, has few side effects, and does not cause withdrawal symptoms. Those who have smoked THC-rich cannabis every day for years will have the hardest time quitting marijuana. While less than half of marijuana smokers will ever exhibit withdrawal symptoms, the symptoms of marijuana withdrawal include the following:

These withdrawal symptoms are often so intense that 78 percent of marijuana smokers who experience them smoke marijuana again to relieve them.

Fortunately, CBD oil can boost levels of the natural endocannabinoid anandamide and rebalance the brain during marijuana withdrawal. CBD oil can also promote sleep, reduce anxiety, and relax the body, making quitting marijuana smoking as comfortable as possible.


Topical CBD oil products such as lotions, creams, or bath bombs will do little to help as the CBD is not absorbed into the bloodstream and won’t travel to the brain. Make sure to ingest CBD oil at a dosage of 25−30 milligrams under the tongue 3−4 times per day to successfully manage symptoms of marijuana withdrawal, as cravings or irritability will come back once the CBD oil wears off.