Having a healthy immune system is the first line of defense against toxins and microbes you encounter in your home, workplace, and public spaces. From the food you eat to the restrooms you frequent, you are constantly facing objects that your body’s immune system can either attack or ignore. If you have a hyperactive immune system and an autoimmune disorder, your body treats every foreign object as a danger, and even attacks the healthy tissue in your gut, skin, and other body regions in defense. On the flipside, people with sluggish immune systems are constantly coming down with colds and heal slowly as they don’t fight off microbes well. While medications to increase or decrease immunity exist, many have dangerous side effects or are expensive.
CBD oil offers new hope to those who have been frustrated with their health. The endocannabinoid system provides balance to the numerous cellular systems in the body, including the immune system. If someone has a hyperactive immune system that is releasing too many cytokines and attacking its own tissue, taking CBD oil can quiet it. In fact, patients with lupus, psoriasis, and other autoimmune disorders report decreased inflammation after using CBD oil. On the flip side, phytocannabinoids in CBD oil can directly kill some types of viruses and bacteria, as well as stimulate the immune system to attack them in those experiencing a depressed immune system (which can stem from poor diet, drug and alcohol use, and certain medications and medical conditions). Whether or not you need to boost your immune system or slow it down, taking 10–25 milligrams of CBD oil each day can balance your body’s immune response and protect it from cellular damage.