
Chapter Five


The rest of the week I spend lots of time writing and practicing my Dolores Huerta monologue. At night, I practice in front of my parents.

“It’s awesome!” says Dad as I take a bow.

“Wow!” says Mom. “I just love your rhymes, my sweet Lola. You have a way with words.”

“Just like her mom,” says Dad, giving Mom a kiss on the cheek. I sure hope he’s right.

Dear Diario,

Tomorrow is the audition for Forest Gifts, and I’m really excited about it! I just know it’s going to go great. The monkeys in my mind aren’t swinging from trees, they are up onstage, taking a bow!


Lola Levine

On the day of the audition, I wear my lucky shirt, which says I’M THE REASON YOUR COACH MAKES YOU PRACTICE SO MUCH. It has my soccer number on the back—1. I watch as the other students stand at the front of the gym and take their turn. Makayla is dressed head to toe in pink, and she dances and sings and twirls and swirls until I’m dizzy just looking at her.

Alyssa wears fairy wings while she gives her monologue. She says she’s Ariel, but not the mermaid. She’s Ariel, a fairy from Shakespeare. Ms. Tinkle claps very loudly after Alyssa’s audition and tells us we should all know who Shakespeare is.

“He’s the greatest dramatist of all time,” she says with a tinkle of her bracelets.

“I thought he wrote plays,” I say.

“That’s the same thing, Lola!” Makayla says with a smirk.

Next it’s Josh’s turn. He doesn’t have anything prepared, so Ms. Tinkle hands him a monologue. I cross my fingers that he does okay. He doesn’t look too nervous, though.

“Go, Josh!” I say, but Ms. Tinkle shushes me. Then he starts to read:

“I am the King of the Forest, mighty and brave.

With my queen I protect and save.

Join us for this magical forest tale,

And through fairy dreams we will sail.

Learn about all of nature’s gifts

As four seasons pass and shift.”

Josh’s voice starts out a little quiet, but then he gets louder and better, and when he finishes, at first no one says anything. Then he takes a big, dramatic bow, and everyone claps. Loudly.

“You did great, Josh!” I say when he walks back to the group.

“Thanks, Lola,” Josh says, giving me a high five.

We watch the other tryouts, and then Ms. Tinkle calls my name. As I walk up to the stage, I start feeling kind of weird and hot. My heart feels like it’s trying to thump out of my chest, and when I turn to face everyone, I freeze.

“Go ahead, Lola,” Ms. Tinkle says.

“My name is…,” I say, but all of a sudden I can’t remember who I’m supposed to be! I feel a drip down my back—I’m sweating like I’ve just played a whole game of soccer.

“My name is…,” I say again, and I just can’t think.

Ms. Tinkle smiles at me and says, “It’s okay, Lola, we all forget our lines sometimes. Would you like more time?”

All I really want to do is get down off the stage, so I say, “No, thank you.” And I walk back down to where the rest of the class is standing. I think that even Alyssa and Makayla feel sorry for me, because they don’t whisper one word.

“Olivia Lopez!” Ms. Tinkle says, and luckily, the class turns to look at her.

“Forget about it, Lola,” Josh says when the bell rings for recess. “Let’s go play soccer.”