The image propagated by tradition is that of a city of pure gold, with silver locks and diamond gates, a jewel-city, all inset and inlaid, as a maximum of laborious study might produce when applied to materials of the maximum worth. True to this belief, Beersheba’s inhabitants honor everything that suggests for them the celestial city: they accumulate noble metals and rare stones, they renounce all ephemeral excesses, they develop forms of composite composure.

—Italo Calvino2

To Whom It May Concern,

We regret to inform that the mounted centenary coins displayed at the museum are missing from their place. Whoever is in possession of the same is earnestly requested to return them to us in view of the historical importance of those particular coins which were presented personally to the Superior General of the Missions of Charity by the President of India, on the occasion of the Centenary Celebration of Our Mother Teresa.

We can make a gift of coins of the same value on return of those coins. We assure that the entire matter would be kept private and confidential.

—Letter posted at Mother Teresa’s Motherhouse in Kolkata, India