Many, many thanks are due to Melissa Frain, my editor at Tor/Forge. This novel marks my first time working with Melissa, and she’s been absolutely wonderful throughout the rather interesting development and writing of this novel. Her enthusiasm for 24 and these novels was infectious from the start, and I’m thrilled that she decided to bring me on for what I consider an actual, honest-to-goodness Dream Job.

Thanks also to my good friend Marco Palmieri. Formerly my editor at Pocket Books before finding a new home at Tor, Marco’s remained a mentor and confidant for years, and it was he who recommended me to Melissa all those many moons ago.

To my friends and fellow word pushers, James Swallow and David Mack, I raise my glass. They plowed the road ahead of me with their own top-shelf Jack Bauer tales and were there every step of the way if I had a question to be answered or just needed to share a bit in the fun we all had writing our respective books. More than anyone, they know just how excited I was to be offered this project.

To you, the reader: Thank you for taking a chance on me. If you’ve made it this far, then you’re probably as much a fan of Jack Bauer as I am. I can only hope I did him justice in your eyes.