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Nick parked his car and slipped into the back entrance at La Petite Mort Club. He couldn’t risk running into anyone who worked there. He’d been without a woman for almost one hundred and twenty-one days and he wasn’t going to spend even a minute of his first night with Sarah fighting. God, he missed her. He missed sex but more than that, he missed her—her touch, her taste, her scent. His dick hardened. Fuck, he’d probably come just looking at her.
He exited the elevator and walked to Ethan’s office. It was two minutes until midnight. He knocked on the door as he tugged at his pants which had gotten uncomfortably tight.
Terry flung the door open. “I win.” He stepped aside so Nick could enter. “Pay up.” He held out his hand to Ethan, Patrick and Mattie.
“Really? My own brother?” Nick had signed over his club membership a few months ago to his brother and Mattie had been enjoying himself immensely. As soon as Sarah agreed, he’d talk to Ethan about buying a limited membership for them so they could watch but not participate. It seemed to be working out great for Patrick and Annie. He’d never seen a happier man.
“I thought you had enough pride to wait at least until morning.” Mattie slapped a wad of bills in Terry’s hand.
“The man hasn’t had sex in over a hundred days,” said Terry. “Pride means nothing to him. His dick’s ready to explode at the idea of pussy.”
Terry was crass, but accurate.
“Drink?” Ethan stood by the bar.
“Thanks.” He’d considered waiting until morning so he wouldn’t hear the shit from the guys, but when Sarah arrived with her letter he wanted to be here. He wanted...no needed to see her, to touch her. Shit. He had to stop thinking about her or he was going to come in his pants and he’d never, ever hear the end of that.
“She ain’t here yet. So, have a seat.” Terry plopped his large frame down on the couch next to Mattie.
Nick walked to the bar and handed his friend the letter, giving Ethan permission to share Nick’s contact information with Sarah. “To make it official.”
Ethan glanced over the paper. “You’re officially pussy whipped.”
The others roared with laughter and he chuckled as he picked up his drink. Let them gloat and joke. It’d be worth it when he was with Sarah again.
“What no argument?” asked Mattie. “You aren’t even going to defend yourself?”
“He’s gone four months without sex all because of one woman.” Terry tossed back his drink and walked to the bar to refill it. “There’s no defense that’ll stand. He’s a lost cause. There’ll be wedding bells soon.”
“Now, hold on.” He had to draw the line somewhere. He wanted Sarah, a lot, but he wasn’t ready for marriage. That was a lifetime commitment. “We’re just going to date.”
“Pleeease,” said Terry. “You went without any woman for four months on the hope that this Sarah will want to see you again.”
“She will.” He had no doubt. She was as hot for him as he was for her.
“Time will tell.” Terry looked at his watch. “It’s already five minutes after midnight. I guess she’s not as eager as you are to rekindle your fucking.”
“This is Nick we’re talking about. Women love him”—Mattie grinned—“almost as much as they love Ethan.”
“They don’t all love me.” Ethan studied Nick. “I just know which ones to tempt, which ones to chase and which ones to avoid.”
“I’m happy for you, Nick.” Patrick was leaning against the wall. “Finding the right woman isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.”
“Enough with your love-sick drivel,” said Terry. “You’re so whipped you can’t see straight.”
“I know and I love it.” Patrick grinned.
Nick was glad for his friend. Patrick and his girlfriend Annie had gone through a rough couple of weeks, but they’d worked it out.
“It’s quarter after twelve.” He took a sip of his drink. She was late. He was going to wring her hot, little neck. “What time does everyone have for Sarah’s letter?” He dropped onto a chair by the couch. “I want in on the action.”
“You can’t bet—”
“Why Mattie? I’ve had no contact with her. I have no idea when she’ll arrive with her letter.” It’d better be soon because for every minute she made him wait to fuck her, he was going to make her wait double to come. Not the first time. Not even the first night or two. It’d been way too long since he’d kissed a woman, tasted her pussy, or heard her moaning his name as her hot, wet cunt clenched around him. He shifted on his seat to ease the pressure in his pants. As soon as he fucked out some of his frustration, Sarah would pay for making him wait, and he’d make sure she loved every minute of it.
Terry walked across the room and pulled a paper off the table by the bar. “Patrick has when the mail arrives.”
“You think she’ll mail the letter?” That’d take days. He’d kill her. He’d absolutely kill her.
“Yeah. She doesn’t like to come out a lot, right? Wasn’t it a stipulation in her contract that she could only meet on certain days and times?” asked Patrick.
“It was,” said Ethan.
“Shit.” He’d forgotten about that. He turned toward Ethan. “Now that you know I’m serious, what’s the deal with that?”
“I can’t tell you anything and you know it.”
“Come on.” His friend’s bullheadedness over the rules was beyond annoying.
“You know she’ll tell him everything once they start dating,” said Mattie.
“If they start dating.” Ethan glanced away.
“You’re kidding, right?” Now, he was getting nervous. Ethan knew things about Sarah that he didn’t. “She’s not married, is she?”
“No. You know that. It was in the contract.”
“I know what was in the fucking contract. I’m asking you to tell me what wasn’t.” He stood, fear and frustration getting the better of him.
Terry moved between them. “Mattie, on the other hand picked twelve-thirty.” He looked at his watch. “You lost.”
Nick glanced at his wrist. It was already twenty-to-one. Where in the hell was she?