




“Sarah, get the fuck back here.” Nick raced toward the door flinging it open. Oh, she was going to pay for this.

He stepped into his living room but she wasn’t there. He glanced at the door. She wouldn’t actually leave, would she? No, she wanted this as much as he did. Still he went to the front door and opened it, stepping outside and glancing down the street. He was pretty sure she wouldn’t ditch out on her own, but just in case, he closed the door and locked it, entering his security code. “The door is locked Sarah. There’s no escape.” Now that he’d found her, she wasn’t going anywhere until he was done with her.

He moved into the living room. “The alarm is on.” He glanced behind the couch—empty. “If you come out now, I won’t punish you...much.” He strolled through the room, looking behind and under everything that was big enough to hide a petite, one-hundred and twenty pound woman. “You’re making my hand itch to swat that bottom of yours.” She was also making his dick rock hard. He wouldn’t be able to hold out long, not this time, but the next time he would.

He snorted on a laugh. Or not. He was crazy hot for her. Just seeing her wet and glistening, her pink nub already hard and begging for his mouth had made him want to jump her right then. He should’ve. He wandered into the kitchen and glanced around. Not really anywhere to hide in there.

“I’m not kidding, Sarah. You need to come out now.” Okay, he was getting a little desperate. He liked games but he was on edge and ready to come. He moved to a guest bedroom and went inside. He searched under the bed and in the closet. Nothing.

He went back into the hallway. “This was fun, but I’m done.” If she’d actually left, he’d hunt her down and strangle her. Not really, but he would tie her up. Hell, he was going to do that anyway. “I only have a few more rooms to search. I’m going to find you. Be a good girl and come out now. Save yourself some pain.”

He searched the bathroom. Empty. Damn her. Where the fuck was she? “If you don’t come out now, I’m not going to let you come at all tonight.”

Still no movement. She was damn good at this hide-and-seek shit. His hand hesitated at the garage door. He stepped inside and almost exhaled in relief. She was here. He could smell her perfume—faint under the odors of oil and engine. He closed the door, leaning against it. He lowered his voice to just above a whisper, “Come out, come out wherever you are?”

He stalked forward, bending to look under his car. Nope. He moved farther into the garage and she darted from around a cabinet on the other side, racing for the door. He launched himself at her, grabbing her around the waist before she could open the door.

“Nick, let me go.” She was laughing and half-heartedly struggling in his arms.

“Never.” He shoved her against the door, all playfulness gone. She was warm and soft against him. “No more games, Sarah.” His mouth came down on hers hard and demanding.

She opened for him as one of her hands tangled in his hair while the other one skimmed down his spine. Her legs wrapped around his waist. He needed to be inside her now. He shoved up her dress, his finger dipping into her.

“You’re so fucking wet for me.” He tugged on her hair. “Open your eyes.”

She did.

“For me.” He almost beat his chest. “I did this to you.” He reached between them and unzipped his pants.


“Fuck.” He rested his head against her neck, drawing in deep breaths. “Please.”

Her legs dropped.

“Fine.” He carried her to the car and put her on the hood. “Stay.”

“I’m not your dog.”

He shoved her dress up so he could see her pussy, glistening for him. He trailed his fingers along the sides and over her clit, back and forth. “Stay or I’m going to fuck you right now, no condom.” He grabbed her hair, pulling back her head so her eyes which were half closed with pleasure met his. “Do you understand? If you don’t stay right like this,”—he tugged her legs farther apart—“I will find you again and then we won’t use condoms. Ever. Understand?”

She nodded.

“Good.” He bent, kissing a trail up her inner thigh. He flicked his tongue over her little nub and then sucked it into his mouth. Her hands grasped his hair, pulling him closer. “Stay. Exactly. Like. This.” He punctuated each word with a lick or suck until she was trembling beneath him. “You’re so fucking close, aren’t you?”

“Yes...please.” Her fingers tugged on his hair.

“I’ll be right back.” He pulled away from her and she moaned. At the door he turned around, “Stay.”

“I’m still not your dog.” But she didn’t move.

He grinned and hurried to the bedroom where he grabbed a condom and then another one and stuffed them into his pocket. He should only need one—one quick fuck to relieve this pressure—but Sarah was addictive and his dick was unpredictable around her. His plan was to fuck her and then take her to the bedroom where he could punish her—for her disobedience tonight, for not writing a letter to Ethan and for finding someone else while he’d jerked off dreaming of her. He almost snarled as he hurried back to the garage. If she’d moved...

He opened the door and she was exactly where he’d left her, except she’d loosened her dress so her breasts were almost exposed. With the hem around her waist, her pussy on display and her nipples almost falling from her dress she was his wet dream come true.

He grabbed a condom, and shoved his pants down, kicking them away as he walked toward her. He tore the condom open and rolled it onto his erection. He grabbed her, pulling her closer to the edge of the car.

“Now, Sarah.” It was half-question, half-demand.


She licked her lips and he was inside of her in one hard thrust. She gasped, but her arms and legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer. He needed this and he needed it now. He reached between them and stroked her.

“Please, Sarah.” He rocked into her, a little. “I need to fuck you.” He kissed her neck. “I can’t wait.”

“Yes.” She tightened her legs.

He held her hips, keeping her in place as he thrust into her over and over. She closed her eyes, moaning as her hands scraped at his back and shoulders.

“Open your eyes.” He increased his pace, sliding in and out faster and harder. She was so hot and tight. She was his and he needed her to know that.

Her mouth was open, she was close.

“Open your fucking eyes.” He growled in her ear and nipped her.

Her eyes flew open and he leaned up. “Look at me while I fuck you.”

She tried, but her eyes kept drooping with her approaching orgasm. He should slow down, make her see him but right now he was too close. He dropped his mouth to hers and kissed her. It was hard and dark and filled with all his pain and desire.

She tightened around him, her hips shaking with her release and he followed, his thrusts getting slower and slower as he came, her thighs milking every last ounce from him.

He dropped on top of her and her fingers caressed his spine. Fuck, he’d missed her. She kissed his neck and nibbled his ear. Did she do that to her little-dick boyfriend?

He shoved off her, yanked her dress over her head, dropping it on the floor before pulling on his pants and picking her up. “Time for your punishment.”